chapter twelve

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Sasha observed the loving scenery of her daughter and grandmother in front of her in Alisha and Nicole's living room. Monet was occupied by the educational animal book where she had to navigate the animal stickers onto the pages. Janelle sat on the floor at the coffee table, giving encouragement to the toddler. It was after a wonderful dinner with Sasha's grandparents popping in for a visit. Alisha and Nicole hosted the dinner and were now cleaning up in the kitchen while everyone moved into the living room for the remainder of the evening. Like Sasha, her grandfather watched the duo on the floor though chimed in every now and then with his great-granddaughter. Or, whenever Monet steered her attention towards him. 

An applause erupted in the room for Monet plastering the cow sticker in its rightful spot on the page. She happily mimicked the adults by clapping her tiny hands as well. Janelle asked her great-granddaughter what sound the cow makes and Monet, full of pride went "Moooo!" Then she threw herself into her great-grandmother once receiving more praise. 

"You are the smartest cookie, my sweet angel." Sasha's grandmother cooed.

Monet waddled to her mother handing her stuffed bunny.

"Oh, you want me to watch your bunny, baby?" Sasha asked, accepting the stuffed toy.

She earned a nod before her daughter darted towards her great-grandfather on the couch. Monet gave him one of the stuffed Bluey characters that were gifted by the older couple. 

"Thank you, Miss Monet. I'll guard him with my life." Her great-grandfather promised.

The trio continued watching the one-year-old engrossed with her toys. Sasha's grandmother caressed Monet's head endearingly.

"It's unfortunate Evan missed dinner tonight."

Sasha brought the mug to her lips, "You're going to catch him at the exhibition anyways."

Victor maneuvered his gaze onto his granddaughter. "Speaking of the exhibition, how are you feeling?" The reason behind their visit was to support their granddaughter's exhibition. They couldn't be more excited for her. 

"Nervous. I'd feel better when it's all over." Sasha admitted in light humor.

"Your mother was always nervous before showcasing her work."

"Regardless of the success, she'd get nervous."

Enlightened by the information, Sasha spoke up. "Was there ever a time she wasn't or stopped?"

"When she was pregnant with you."

"She never felt so in tune with her art until you became a part of her life." Sasha's grandmother gushed. "The movement of you growing inside her stomach while painting."

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