Bad Weather

832 29 16

The TV drones on in the background, talking about the incident that happened a week prior. The rescue that has the city buzzing with excitement and gossip, to the point that they haven't STOPPED talking about it.

Chen eats a bowl of noodles he'd brought with him to Sandy's boat, sitting on a crate as MK tells the story of how he beat the Demon Bull King Family.
The young man swings his staff, this time being careful what he was doing. "And I was like, "Stop there, Demon Bull King." And DBK's all like, "You can't stop me! I'm cwazy!"" MK says, impersonating the demon bull. Mei giggles.
Feeling a buzz vibrate in his pocket, Chen sets his unfinished bowl of noodles down momentarily, bringing out his phone to see who the text message is from.

It was from PIgsy, demanding to know where he is. Chen huffs, knowing that Pigsy had visited his apartment, only to realise the young man wasn't home. Sending him a quick text explaining that he was with MK, Mei, Sandy and Tang, he puts his phone back in his pocket, reaching down to his bowl of noodles to resume eating.
When his hand feels nothing but air, Chen quickly looks down to see his food gone. Looking around, he spots the culprit; Tang sitting in front of the TV eating a bowl of noodles.

He was about to get up to confront him, when he spots Pigsy marching up the dock already. Uh oh.

The shop owner reaches Tang first, and the man looks up at him in surprise, spitting out his noodles.
"I've just pulled a quadruple shift at the shop. And I show up to see you've all been slacking off all day!" he yells. Tang laughs, leaning back into his seat. "Oh, Piggy, relax! A little time off never hurt anyone!" he explains. MK, who'd previously been panicking about a leak in Sandy's boat, joins Tang. "Yeah! A time off never hurt nobody!"

Before Pigsy could argue back, he spots Chen in the background, trying to sneak away. He points an accusing finger at him, making him stop in his tracks. "And YOU! You're meant to be resting at home!" he says sternly.

Chen rubs the back of his neck, as he begins to dig through his pocket. "Well, uh, you know....I don't need to anymore." he explains, pulling out his doctor's note. "The doctor said I was all healed and didn't need to do that anymore." he chuckles nervously.
Now Pigsy was furious. Steam practically escapes from his ears as he glares down at Chen. "WHAT?!"

Chen raises his hands. "I was gonna tell you eventually! I just wanted to have a few more days off." he tries reasoning, looking away sheepishly.
Pigsy was about to argue more, when Sandy yells out in a panic. "LOOK OUT!"

The group look up, spotting a shipping container dangling above them by a crane. The chains keeping it suspended snap, and it hurdles towards them. Everyone ducks for cover, except for MK, who is immediately crushed by the heavy object.
Everyone stares, shocked. "KID!"

The container shifts and wobbles, before MK bursts through the top. "I AM INVINCIBLE!" he yells excitedly, unscathed by the impact. Seeing this, Mei giggles with glee, running off screen as everyone sighs in relief at the news. Straightening his posture, Pigsy turns to MK, concerned. "Look, MK. Just because you have the Monkey King's powers and all, it don't mean-"
Everyone gasps, as Mei pulls out a bazooka missile, aiming it at MK. "MK! How about this?"

She fires, and MK laughs as the missiles strike him. Yet he emerges unharmed once again. "I AM INVINCIBLE!"

Pigsy is about to scold him again, but gives up, growling as he rubs the bridge of his nose. "Look, kiddo. You're a superhero now. You're going to need-"
"A cape!" Mei interrupts once more, as she begins to measure him. "Maybe a logo, or a headquarters! Some vehicles...."

As Mei continues listing items, Chen walks up to the unsuspecting Tang eating HIS noodles, arms crossed as he scowls down at him. Tang finally notices his presence. Slurping up the noodles he was eating, he laughs nervously. "Y-you were done with these, right?" he asks.
Chen's brow deepens, tapping his foot. "You better pay me back, Tang." he growls. Tang nods quickly, sweating. "Of course! Maybe uh, next week?"
Chen scowl darkens. "I'll be counting the days, Tang."

Monkie Kid x Oc: The Bull and the Jade WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now