Who Are You?

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A/N: Have an older (but still pretty relevant) design of the silly guy!

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Chen yawns, stretching as he walks down the darkening streets. He'd just finished training with MK and Monkey King, the Sage being full on in his training.
As he passes by a particularly dark alley, he hears a voice from the darkness.

"Find the Chief of War."

Chen pauses, looking into the darkness. There was a figure hunched over on top of one of the garbage bins, the glow of a device screen lighting their features. They had green, scaly skin and messy grey hair, and bright red eyes that glared down at the device they were holding.

"Find the Chief of War!" They hiss angrily, holding the screen closer to his face. The device, which Chen could now make out to be a GPS, beeps. At this, the snake demon groans, exasperated.
Chen slowly makes his way closer to the demon, hiding behind the dumpster. But he must've made a noise, for the snake demon quickly snapped his head in the young man's direction.

"Come out. I can smell you."

Chen steps out, looking at the demon warily. Taking a better look at him, the demon's eyes widen. "Oh boy, it's you again." he mutters nervously, getting up from the dumpster. "Ta ta! Take care! And goodbye forever."
He jumps onto a high, overhanging balcony in the alley way, and Chen looks up at him, rushing to the ladder. "Hey- wait! Who are you?" he yells, as he climbs.

The demon, now walking up the side of the wall, quickens his pace. "Just ignore it, just ignore it...." he whispers under his breath. Chen scowls as he continues climbing up the ladders, reaching the rooftop as the demon prepares to jump to the next building. "Get back here! What's your deal?!" he yells.

The demon glances over his shoulder briefly, and realising he was about to jump, Chen blurts out. "I can help you! I just want to know who you are!"

The demon pauses, taking in a deep breath before turning to face him with an annoyed smile. "Thank you, young man, for your concern. But! I don't need help. Now if you don't mind, I'll be looking for my...colleague, that lives...that way!" he points in a random direction. Chen follows his finger, seeing that he was just pointing straight into a billboard sign. He raises a brow. "Uh huh, sure. But I still want my answers. I helped get you out of that box, right? Who are you, and why were you there in the first place?"

The demon looks down at the street below him, weighing his options. Chen glares at him. "If you tell me, I'll leave you alone.".
The snake looks back at the young man, then down at the street below him, thinking. Letting out a sigh, he perches on the rooftop ledge. "Okay...you promise that you'll leave me alone?" he asks quietly. Chen rolls his eyes. "Yeah, sure. What's your name?"

"My name? Uh....Jade. My name is Jade." the demon replies, scratching his neck. Chen hums. "Alright...why were you in that box?" he interrogates.
Jade looks at the ground. "Well I, uh....wasn't exactly working well for the Jade Emperor. Thought I wasn't good enough, so he locked me in that box as punishment." he said. At that, Chen looks at him in concern. "What?"

"I don't like talking about it." the snake interrupts, and Chen shuts his mouth. "I don't know how you opened my box, either. So I don't know what happened there." he stands back up. "Are you done with your questions? I need to find my colleague." he points out, turning away from the young man as they pull out the GPS once more.

Chen is silent, staring at the demon before him. He felt...both suspicious with how compliant they were, and yet he also felt bad for him. It truly felt like this demon just wanted to be left in peace. He looks away. "Uh, alright. Thank you. It's just...the knowledge that I let you out without knowing who or what you were has been bothering me." he explained. "I thought you were this dangerous demon that had been in there because you tried taking over the world or something." he laughs at his own worries.
The demon hums, not turning to face him as they give the GPS a hard and furious tap. "That's understandable. There are plenty of those around."

"You know, if you're looking for someone, you can go to the police station. It's not far from here, and I think they'll be more successful in finding a person than a device that has no idea what you're saying." he explains. Jade glances over his shoulder at the young man, who'd started descending the ladder.

Once the young man was out of sight, he glares back down at the device in his hands, hissing under his breath. "That merchant lied!"

Just like he did.

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A/N: Do ya'll think that John Leguizman (guy who voices Bruno Encanto) would be a good voice for Jade?

Chen gave up surprisingly quick

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