Jade Box

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A/N: I haven't drawn them yet and this isn't their outfit, but here is a ref for what Rey looks like!

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Chen looks around at the unfamiliar surroundings. He was in a forest, the trees so tightly packed together that he could barely move himself through them. "Hello? Is anyone here?" he calls out, hoping for a reply.

"Help...me...." a hoarse voice whispers out to him. Chen turns, seeing an eerie path had appeared. There was a blue glow coming from up ahead, a calming colour. The voice was coming from that direction.
Chen steps forward, looking around cautiously. "Hello? Who's there?"

"Help me...."

The voice was stronger now, louder. Chen moves aside some branches, peering into the clearing. There before him, stood the same jade box he'd seen the week previously. It was closed, with chains wrapped around it. As Chen draws nearer, he could hear the voice clearly.

"Help me!"

It was coming from inside the box.
Stepping forward, he reaches a cautious hand toward it.

That's when the box and chains begin to rattle, and Chen jumps back in fright. The lid of the box tried to open, as a loud, pained groan emanated from the box. The jade snakes, once frozen in place, fall off, slithering over to him. Chen tries to kick them away, but the snakes wrap around his ankles, trapping him in place.
Soon enough, they began to climb, slithering up his torso and trapping his limbs. One wraps around his head, blocking his mouth and nose and preventing him from breathing.

The young man looks up to see a faint, ghostly figure hovering in front of him. Its wide eyes stare right at him, while its mouth hangs open unnaturally.


– – –

Chen sits up, gasping for air. Patting down his body and finding nothing holding him in place, he lets out a deep sigh, leaning his head against his bed rest.

It was just a dream. The same stupid dream he'd been having for the past week.

Hearing a meow, Chen looks down to see Shu was sitting on the floor, looking up at him with a quizzical gaze. Chen leans down to give her a pat. "Hey, morning Shu. How'd you sleep?"
In response, the cat leans into his touch, purring loudly. Chen smiles. "Glad you slept well." Bringing out his phone, he notices the time. It was 7:00am.
Realising he wasn't gonna be able to sleep after that, he decides to get up and take a walk before his shift.

Getting up and getting ready, he grabs his bag and his apartment keys. After he feeds Shu, he leaves.

Walking down the street, he looks around. Everything was peaceful today. So maybe they wouldn't have to worry about any demons attacking the city.
As he walks, he notices the same museum he'd come across last week. He pauses outside the entrance, looking up at the locked doors.

Those dreams he was having. He was having dreams of that jade box. What was that all about?

Shaking his head, he continues walking. It was nothing, it was probably nothing! Just a weird dream that kept coming back, over and over and over....

Chen rubs the bridge of his nose. Maybe someone knew what it was. He knew two bookworms. Tang, and his childhood friend, Rey.

It wouldn't hurt to check the library before work.

Making his way quickly down the street once more, he reaches the library in no time. He enters, looking around for either Tang or Rey. he soon spots them sitting together at a table, chatting about something. He approaches them, and Rey is the first to notice.
They smile brightly at him, waving him over. "Chen! Oh my gosh, it's great to see you! What are you doing here? I never took you as a nerd." they giggle, and Chen rolls his eyes. "Uh huh, great to see you too, Rey. Hey Tang." he says, gesturing at their table. "Mind if I sit here and ask you guys something?"

"Not at all! What's troubling you?" the man asks as Chen takes a seat. "Well, I was wondering if either of you know about a jade box with snake designs all over it. I saw it being loaded into the museum last week and was curious about what it was." he explained.

Tang gasps. "Wait! You're asking us about history?! I've waited your whole life for this day." Tang sheds a tear, as Rey giggles at his reaction. Chen glares at the older man. "Alright, alright, we get it. You're a nerd that loves knowledge. Do you know anything about the box?" he asks again, getting impatient this time.
Tang clears his throat, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Hm...nope." he shrugs.


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