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"C'mon, Chen! Take him down! Go for the finishing blow!" Kai yells, his voice ringing out above the crowds.

Chen wipes the blood from his nose from where his opponent had struck, seeing him laying on the ground. His opponent tried to get to his feet, but Chen put a stop to it, leaping on top of him and holding him down.

The coach counts down before blowing the whistle, claiming Chen the winner. At this Chen finally gets up, turning to see the Kai talking to someone else, receiving a package of money. The man then walks over to Chen, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "You did it, "Blazing Beast". You made me proud." he says with a grin, ruffling his hair as he guides him away from the fighting area.

Chen chuckles. "Really? Do you think I'm ready to join the boxing ring yet?" he asks, looking up at Kai excitedly. Kai chuckles, shaking his head. "Not yet, Chen. But soon. Then you'll be the best boxer Megapolis has ever seen. That the world has ever seen." he promises. "Just keep making me proud, and you'll be big someday."

"You think so?"

"I KNOW so."


"You know, when I found out I was going to be trained by the Monkey King, Great Sage, equal to heaven, I had no idea... that I'd be stuck here hammering walls 12 hours a day!" MK yelled in frustration, stopping his work and throwing the hammer he'd been using. "Why am I doing this again?!"

Monkey King doesn't respond right away, blocking an attack from Chen's wooden training staff. The sage was teaching the young man how to use weapons, which was a very different to what Chen was used to.

"Oh, so I can make a nice little breakfast nook. Get some light up in here!" Monkey King says cheerily, taking a step back and blocking another attack from Chen. "You're doing great, buddy! Just remember to always expect the unexpected. Otherwise you'll be open to-" he spins his staff, catching Chen off guard as the wooden staff flies out of his hands, landing a few feet away. "-surprise attacks."

Chen blinks in disbelief, looking up at the sage. "Hey, that was uncalled for!" he yells, but Monkey King merely shrugs. "You're thinking too much about predicting what I'm going to do next. Remember; not all opponents are the same. They all use different tactics and skills to get their way. You're not fighting just humans anymore, Chen. You'll be fighting demons with years of experience in different techniques. You gotta keep adapting."
Chen rolls his eyes, but he knew Monkey King had a point.

"Hey! What about me!" MK asks. "I'm meant to be Monkie Kid! Not Construction Boy! How am I supposed to do the hero stuff if I don't know the fighting stuff!"
At this, Monkey King chuckles, spinning his staff. "Oh? You want to know the "fighting stuff", huh?" he asks. He approaches MK, eyes glowing a bright gold. Chen took this as his cue to step back and watch.
"Like this?"
Monkey King throws the staff, smashing a hole straight through the very wall MK was working on. The boy gasps, eyes sparkling in admiration. "Whoa! Yes! Exactly like that! I am ready for some awesome!" he cheers excitedly. Monkey King laughs, surprising both Chen and MK.
"Look, bud. You can't rush this stuff. You'll get there. You just need practice." he explains. But MK wasn't so sure.

"But this isn't practice!" he. exclaims, holding up the hammer he'd been using. At this, the sage groans, turning back to MK with a stern expression. "I'm never going to teach you something you don't need to know, okay?"
MK huffs, looking to Chen. "Chen? You don't agree with this, do you?" he asks. Chen pauses, glancing between MK and the Monkey King, who'd also turned to look at him with a raised brow. "I don't know, don't ask me. All teachers are weird in their teachings, in my opinion."

Monkey King chuckles, while MK huffs in defeat. "Okay. Now, this priceless, ancient mural is not going to destroy itself. So remember: Step into the strike. Chen, you're next." he states. At this, Chen turns to Monkey King, confused. "Wait, what?"
"You're gonna be trying this next. Don't question it, just do it."

Before Chen could question further, MK's phone rings, distracting the two young men. MK quickly answers the call, seeing Mei's name on the screen. When he answers, her worried and distressed face comes up. "MK! Chen! We really need your help!" she yells, turning her phone to show them a giant, shadowy monster was attacking the city.

Seeing this opportunity, MK gasps dramatically. "A monster attacking the city? That's terrible!" he cries. "Dang. Guess I got to go do some boring hero stuff instead of...this. Okay, bye!" he yells, grabbing Chen's arm and running out with Chen in tow.
Monkey King sighs in annoyance, but doesn't say anything, merely watching his two students leave.

Monkie Kid x Oc: The Bull and the Jade WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now