Coming Home

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WARNING! This chapter has scenes of homophobia/transphobia, slight abuse (physical) and emotional manipulation (i think?), so this is your chance to skip this chapter all together (hasn't really got anything plot relevant, just a bit of backstory)

Seriously, this made me sick to write, so be careful if you do decide to read it.

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Mei cackles maniacally, beating MK at Monkie Mech with ease and leaving the young man smashing frantically at the buttons. "Button smash all you want, MK! You'll never beat my Ancient Galloping Fury Power." Mei smirks.

Sandy, Chen and Rey stand behind the duo, watching them play. While Sandy and Rey try to give MK advice on how to win, Chen leans over Mei's shoulder with a wide grin. "Ha! Whoop his butt, Mei! Oh, you're gonna regret placing that bet, Rey!" Chen chuckles. Rey sweats, and Sandy tells MK to do an Up smash.

Mei cackles evilly. "No one can defeat me!" She claims, about to make the final blow when her phone vibrates in her pocket, and the young girl checks who it is. "Oh, boy." she mutters, as a picture of her mother covers the screen. She quickly steps away from the arcade game. "Hi, mom." she talks into the phone, leaving her character defenceless.

MK smirks, smashing the buttons once more. Chen's own grin drops, realising that MK was now winning the game without Mei there to stop him. He hurriedly runs to the open spot, pressing all sorts of buttons to try and beat MK. But alas, he wasn't the gamer of their group. MK beats his character easily, and the young man cheers in victory. "Take that!"

"Noooooo!" Chen groans, face planting the arcade game as Rey walks up to him. "What was that about MK not beating Mei?" they ask cheekily.
Chen groans again, digging his hands into his pocket and pulling out the betting money, placing the coins into Rey's open palm. They grin. "Aw, Chen, you shouldn't have!"
"Shut up."
MK smirks, but he quietly walks over to Mei when he hears the words "house sit".

"You know he wouldn't have won if Mei didn't get that phone call, right?" Chen states, crossing his arms. Rey shrugs. "He still won, though. So I still win the bet!"
"I want a rematch."
"Too bad cuz you ain't getting one!" they wink, sticking their tongue out at the young man. Chen scowls at his friend, when MK's next outburst catches their attention.

"Uh, did Mei say sleepover at her house?!" MK asks excitedly. At this, Mei waves her hands around wildly. "What? No! My parents wouldn't want-"
Chen perks up. "Wait, really?! A sleepover at Mei's place?!" he asks, joining MK. the young monkey man grins. "Yes!! Sleepoveeer!"
"You know what this means, right?!" Chen shouts, grabbing onto MK's shoulders and shaking him about wildly. When he stops, MK nods with a grin. "We finally get to see inside Mei's secret Dragon House full of secret dragon stuff! Come on, please!?" MK begs, as Chen joins him. "Please, Mei?"
"Please, please, please, please, please?"

Mei huffs, sighing. "Sleepover it is..."
MK and Chen are ecstatic, when Sandy notices Rey off to the side. They didn't seem too thrilled about the idea of a sleepover at Mei's house, it seemed. The larger man walks over to them. "Uh...are you okay?"

Rey smiles, waving him off. "Pssh, I'm fine! Why-why wouldn't I be?" they laugh, crossing their arms. Sandy raises a brow. "Um...okay. So, are you coming to the sleepover too?"

Rey looks down the street, readjusting their glasses anxiously. "Well, I, uh, don't think I will." they state. At that news, MK gasps loudly, rushing over to their nonbinary pal. "Whaaaaat? Why not? C'mon, it'll be fun!" he promises. Rey shakes their head, waving their arms around. "Oh, no, it's fine! I'll be busy anyways, with getting my hearing aids fixed, stuff like that...." they trail off, sweating nervously.

Chen, watching the whole interaction, raises a brow. He knew Rey couldn't lie if their life depended on it. And this was one of those times. But he wasn't going to push it. MK, however, wasn't going to let them go that easily.
"Oh, c'mon, please? It'll be great! It'll be just us five, and we'll get to see cool dragon things! With no adults telling us it's bed time!" he promises, elbowing Rey.

They rub the back of their neck, thinking about it for a moment, before giving MK a small smile. "I mean, if it's okay with Mei, of course?" they glance over to the young woman in question, who shrugs. "Yeah, of course. As long as everyone does as I say." she shoots MK a look, who was oblivious to it.

From a nearby shop, a bull clone draped in a purple cloak listens to their conversations. He pulls up holograms of Mei's home, as another person listens in too.

From hers and her husband's secret hideout, Princess Ironfan listens to the transmission from General Ironclad. She herself was scrolling through holograms of legendary artefacts, landing on one of a dragon sword. "The Legendary Dragon Blade. That blade is amongst the most powerful artefacts in history. I do love powerful things." she chuckles. "Go, bring it to me." she orders the bull clone.

The clone gives a nod of understanding, following the group as they head to Mei's home.

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Monkie Kid x Oc: The Bull and the Jade WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now