Bull Disclosure

398 19 5

Chen wakes up from his sleep by the annoying sound of an alarm. He groans, reaching over the side of his bed to reach his phone on the floor. But as he reached out, his hand hit something hard. Like a bedside table. That can't be right, he didn't have a bedside table.
He sits up groggily, rubbing his eyes.

Something felt....off. Maybe it was the softness of his bed. It was unusually soft, unlike the firmness he was used to. And were those extra pillows? And where was the familiar weight of Shu? She wasn't laying on the foot of the bed like she usually is.
He opens his eyes, and screams at the sight.

He wasn't in his room, or even in his apartment. He was in an unfamiliar place. The bed he lay on was decorated red, the head resting against the wall. What his hand had hit was indeed a bedside table, fixed with a lamp decorated with bull horns. A pendant with a family crest sat on the table's surface, and on a coat rack hung a purple dressing gown.
Situated across the room was a large cupboard, the doors firmly closed. And there were two doors, one on the left side of the room and another on the right side.

But Chen wasn't thinking about how cosy or comfortable the place looked. He was more concerned about how he got there in the first place, and how to get out.
"I gotta get outta here." he mutters, quickly getting to his feet. He noticed that he was wearing a black pyjama t-shirt and long red pants. But he didn't stop to ponder on it, for he had already raced to the left door and swung it open.

Inside was a bathroom, and before he departed he caught his reflection in the mirror. That's when he first noticed how long his hair was. It was long and curly, flowing down his back.
That would get in the way later.

Grabbing a few stray hairbands conveniently placed on the sink, he quickly ties his hair up into a bun. It was much more difficult to do so, since he was more used to his short hair.
What happened to it, anyway? There's no way it could've grown overnight, right?

Now that he actually stopped to think, how did he even get here? Was he kidnapped by someone in his sleep? Now that he thought about it, did he even make it home last night?
Wait, what was the last thing he remembered?

A knock came at the right door, and Chen froze as it squeaked open. He whips around, and stares in disbelief at who stood in the doorway.

"Niúzǎi? Are you alright? I thought I heard you scream." Red Son asks, peering in through the door. Chen backs away from the bathroom sink, hiding beside the doorway.
Red Son approaches the bathroom, upon seeing that Chen wasn't inside the bedroom. "Niúzǎi?"

When the red-haired demon peers into the bathroom, that's when Chen moves. He grabs Red Son's shirt collar, and in one swift movement, he slams her against the wall, pinning him in place. Red Son doesn't have time to react, only letting out a startled yell.
"Where am I?!" Chen demands the red-haired demon. Red Son stutters, looking down at Chen with fear in his eyes. "N-Niúzǎi! What are you doing?!" he cries out in a pleading tone. Chen's glare hardens.

"What is this place?! Why did you bring me here?!" he yells. Red Son fumbles for a reply. "W-what do you mean? We're at home! In the Demon Bull Family's Fortress!" he whimpers.
Chen's glare drops slightly. Something wasn't right. Red Son would've tried to kill him already, so why wasn't he?

A strong wind pushes him off of Red Son, and he falls back. He's quickly picked up by the strong draft, and is brought into the bedroom once more. There, Princess Ironfan awaited, smiling eerily at him. "Oh Niúzǎi, did you have a nightmare again?" she coos, pinching Chen's cheeks.

The young man doesn't struggle. Red Son may be a threat, but he could take him. Princess Ironfan on the other hand was way more dangerous. He had to pick his next moves carefully now, and not just choose the fight or flight options.
He stood still, letting Ironfan continue to coo at him. "Oh, my sweet boy, it was just a dream. Come Niúzǎi, Red Son, it is time for breakfast." she states, letting Chen go and walking out the door. Red Son exits the bathroom and follows his mother with a smile, acting like nothing had happened.
Chen stands in the bedroom alone, bewildered. "What is happening?"

So many questions swirled around his head. Why was he in the Demon Bull Family's Fortress? How did he get there? Why was the family acting so weird? And why did they keep calling him "Bullboy"?
He shakes his head. "No, I have to focus. I need to find a way out of here, and get back to MK and the others." he mutters to himself.

"Niúzǎi? What's taking you so long?" Princess Ironfan calls out from outside the door. He cringes at the unfamiliar name. But first he had to play along, at least until he could find the exit.

"Coming, mother..." he calls out, the word "mother" feeling alien in his mouth. He steps out the door, and sees both Red Son and Ironfan waiting for him, smiling eerily.
"Are you ready for breakfast, sweetie?" Princess Ironfan asks sweetly, a strange thing to see coming from Chen's enemy. Chen nods, and Ironfan begins to lead the way down the long halls.

As they walk, Chen looks around for any sign of a possible escape route. A window, a large door, anything. But it looked like the whole fortress was closed off from the outside world, for no sunlight shone through any gaps or cracks.
The only source of light available came from the lava pouring through seemingly non existent cracks in the walls.
Chen frowned, a feeling of dread settling in his gut.

There had to be something. There had to be a way out of here.

– – –

Chen picked at his food, warily glancing across the table at Red Son. Out of the corner of his eye, Princess Ironfan sat at one end of the table, while DBK, whom the young man had never met personally till this point, sat at the other. They were eating their own breakfast, but were still staring at him, watching him like a hawk. Their blank stares were making him uncomfortable.
Looking back down at the table, Chen once more scanned the rows of dishes covering the large table. A banquet, a seemingly everyday occurrence to this family.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" Ironfan's voice calls to him, completely ignoring the second child she had right before her as well. "You've barely touched your meal."

Chen doesn't look at her, staring down at the table. "'M fine." he mutters under his breath, just loud enough for her to hear. His gaze returns to Red Son, who was just sitting there, smiling at him. The whiny Red Son that wouldn't fight back, and only speak when spoken to. He raised a suspicious brow. "What are you looking at?" he growls.

Red Son shrugs, that same smile still on his stupid face. "Nothing! Would you like to go do something after breakfast, brother?"

Chen abruptly stood up, slamming his hands on the surface of the table. The family didn't react or even flinch, but Chen wasn't paying any attention to this. He was more focused on what Red Son just called him. "Don't call me that." he growls, glaring at the demon across the table from him.
Red Son tilts his head. "Call you what, brother?"

There it was again. Why was he calling him that?! What sick and twisted game were they playing!?

Chen takes a deep breath. Something's seriously wrong here, and he didn't like that he was the centre of it.

He had to get out of here.

He relaxes his shoulders, turning to the Demon Bull family with a forced smile. "Nothing, Red Son." he says calmly. He lets out a yawn. "Boy, I sure am stuffed. But I think I'm gonna go back to bed. I'm not feeling too great." he lies, backing away from the table and heading toward the exit. "So....yeah, I guess I'll catch you later." he turns his back on them, only to stop and almost have a heart attack at Red Son standing right in front of him, grinning from ear to ear. How the heck did he get there?!

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that, Niúzǎi. Here, I'll walk you back to your room!" she says, when Chen shakes his head. "No, I'm good, I know the way back." he says firmly through gritted teeth. Without giving Red Son another chance to say anything, he quickly walks out the door. "I don't need your help." he clarifies before disappearing.

Once he was out of sight, the young man broke into a sprint, heading in the opposite direction of "his" bedroom. He looks left and right, seeing no windows at all. "Where is this place, underground?!"
He rounds a corner, spotting a hallway filled with rows and rows of doors. He groans. "Oh come oooon!"

Heading to the first door, he opens it up. Inside were several bull clones working away, making more bull clones. Chen quickly shuts the door. Moving onto the next one, he notices it's a lab.
"Where's the darn exit?!"

"Why would you want to leave?"

Chen whips around at the whisper, heart pounding in his chest at how close it was. But there was no one around. The young man swallows down his fear, and he calls out in an intimidating voice. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

"I already have, dummy."

Chen turns around, but the hall of doors were gone. In front of him stood a mirror. But something was different about his reflection.
His reflection had its head tilted, and was smiling at him. There were two bull horns protruding from his head, a pair of bull ears and a long tail were also visible. His arms were grey and furry, the fur crawling down his arms till it stopped before it covered his hands.
Unlike the Demon Bull family, his reflection held a more casual smirk, as it rested a hand on his hip.

Chen took a step back. "Wha-who are you?!" he demands angrily, getting into a defensive stance. The reflection laughs at his question, the sound identical to his own. "I'm you, dummy! The person you are supposed to be! Well, if you weren't taken, of course." the reflection says casually. The young man was confused. "What...what are you talking about?"

"You know! If we weren't kidnapped as an infant, blah blah, all that boring stuff. We would've been raised here, in the mighty fortress of the Demon Bull Family! That would've been pretty cool, dontcha think?" The reflection asks, as they gesture to the castle.

Chen stares at the reflection, lost and confused. "What are you going on about?" The reflection covers its mouth, eyes wide in false disbelief. But Chen could see the hint of a smile on its lips, eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, that's right! You don't know about any of that, do you?" the reflection says offhandedly, shaking its head with a click of its tongue.

"Know what?"

"That you're so-called "dad" had lied to you." the reflection giggles, staring at Chen expectantly as it leans against the doorways reflection.

"Jin! What are you doing?! This wasn't part of our plan!" Yin hisses angrily, taking the calabash from his brother. Jin looks inside the calabash, equally as confused as his brother. "Ey, don't look at me! I'm not the one doing it!" he exclaims innocently.

Yin peers inside the calabash too. "Did we trap someone else in there?" he asks. Jin shrugs, shaking his head. "I don't think so."

Jin walks over to the table and massive board, looking over the notes of their plan. His eye catches something that his brother had written down, and he groans in annoyance. "Goody two shoes"? Goody two shoes?! Oh, that's a splendid way to describe the Monkie Kid, Yin!" Jin shouts, trying to grab the calabash from his brother. Yin doesn't let go. "Hey! I wasn't the one that agreed to help the Demon Bull Family without organising a proper plan!" he shot back.
"They're paying us big money!" Jin exclaims.

The two demons were fighting over the calabash, with a roughly built board on the wall. There weren't as many details as when they trapped the Monkie Kid, since they didn't have as much time.

As the two demons fought, another figure watched from above, perched on the roof's beams as they observed the situation. Their gaze wandered over the board, seeing Chen's picture from the race that day on the front.
From Princess Ironfans reaction and the kid's lack of knowledge on his enemies, it was clear that Chen had no idea of his ancestry. Poor kid.

As Jin and Yin continue to fight over the calabash, Jade shakes his head. The family really got the most idiotic amateurs to do their job, didn't they? Surely they could've found someone else.

Chen backs away from the reflection, stunned. "What the hell are you talking about?" he growls, his shocked expression changing to that of a dark scowl. "Explain yourself!"

The reflection isn't fazed by his aggressive tone. Its tail sways casually behind it, as it gave Chen that same smug smile. Shaking its head, it crossed its arms. "Your old pops didn't adopt you from a foster home like he told you. He found you as a wee baby, out in the middle of nowhere!" the reflection cackles, as if this were all some hilarious joke or prank. "Funny, right?"

The young man is stunned, staring at the reflection as it laughs. His hands clenched into fists, his body shaking with overwhelming emotions. Rage, confusion, hurt...
He glares daggers at the still cackling reflection, his breathing becoming uneven. "You're lying." he snarls, taking a step closer to the mirror.
The reflection wipes a tear from its eye, a wide grin still plastered on its face. "Oh, am I?" it snickers, tail wagging back and forth in excitement. "Why don't you ask pops yourself? I'm sure he'd say otherwise~"

With an angry yell, Chen drives his fist into the mirror, shattering the mirror's reflection. He breathes heavily, shaking with anger. Why was this happening?! Why was any of this happening?! It made no sense! Nothing made sense!

The reflection cackles at his performance, unharmed by the impact to the mirror. Its face was distorted by the broken glass, its smile turning into a wide, inhumane grin. "Oh, you're hilarious!" they cackle, holding their stomach and giggling like a maniac. "You're too easy!"

Chen growls, teeth grit together as he slams his fist into the glass once more, oblivious to the blood dripping down the smooth surface from his injured hand. "Shut up!"
"Aw, is someone cranky? Typical Chen." the reflection giggles. "No wonder why you were abandoned~"

"I said SHUT UP!" he screams, slamming his fist clean through the mirror. The structure snaps in half under the impact, and the mirror shatters completely to the ground, pieces of glass sliding across the ground. But the voice didn't leave. The laughter echoes around Chen, filling his ears and invading his mind.
"Oh, look at you! So strong and brave!" the voice mocks. Chen whips around, trying to find the voice. "Come out and fight me, you COWARD!" he yells, seething with rage. But the only response he got was laughter.

"You think you're so tough, don't you?" the voice giggles from behind the young man, and he twists around, only to find nothing. His heartbeat quickens, eyes darting back and forth around the room.

"You may have everyone else fooled, but not me! I know who you really are under that tough persona." the voice cackles again, and Chen turns to where he thought it was coming from, only to again find nothing.

A dark presence looms over Chen from behind, breathing down his neck with a dark chuckle. Chen freezes, the hair on the back of his neck standing on end as his breathing hitches.

"You're just a scared and weak little demon."

Chen swings around, throwing a punch at the figure. But they dissipate into thin air, reforming behind the young man. Chen didn't have time to react as the copy punches him across his cheek, grabbing onto the young mans shirt collar and lifting him into the air like he weighed nothing. It grins widely, before slamming Chen into the ground, the young man being left winded.

"This is gonna be fun."

Meanwhile, Yin and Jin fought over the calabash, oblivious to what was going on inside.

Jin tugs at the calabash, trying to pull it out of his brothers grip. "I'm in charge of this mission, so what I say goes!" he yells. Yin scoffs. "Who put YOU in charge?! I should be the one in charge!" he declares, pulling back. The two play tug-of-war, while Jade watches from above, a deadpan expression on his face. These guys were absolute morons.

He gets to his feet, turning around and walking along the wooden beam. "It's not my problem." he mutters to himself, holding up their hands. "Don't get involved." he scolds. He's about to walk off, before glancing over his shoulder at the calabash.
The calabash that held the clueless, hot-tempered and... helpless kid. He didn't know how to escape it, that much was obvious.

Jade groans, face palming as he thinks. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighs deeply. "I'm gonna regret this..." he mutters. Turning around, he stalks calmly across the wooden beam, until he was right above the two fighting demons. He stands above them for a moment, before leaping effortlessly from the beam, landing right behind the two demons. Before either could react he sweeps a leg underneath them, knocking them to the ground. Jin and Yin yell in surprise, both letting go of the calabash. It goes flying into the air, before something snatches it midair. A long, scaly green tail coils itself around it, slowly bringing it closer to Jade. The snake demon takes it, his tail swaying softly from side to side as he turns to the two demons on the ground with a cold glare.

Jin and Yin quickly get to their feet, getting into defensive stances. "Oi! Who are you!? Give us back our calabash, that's our catch!" Yin yells, as Jin nods next to him. "Yeah, what he said!"

The snake demon doesn't respond, his cold glare only hardening as he turns to face them fully. The air is tense, as a silence hangs over the three demons. The gold and silver demons start to sweat, feeling uneasy about this unknown yet familiar demon. His cold demeanour was unsettling. Jin clears his throat. "Who are you?" he repeats firmly, sticking by his brother's side. "Tell us who you are, or we will unleash our ultimate power onto you!"
"A-and you don't want that!" Yin adds.

Jade's expression doesn't shift, as he continues to stare coldly at the two demons, the calabash still in hand. Finally, he lets out a sigh. "I suggest you two leave. You won't want to be here when the kid gets out." he states cooly. Jin and Yin share a look, before Jin scoffs. "'Gets out'? That kid ain't getting out of there! We made it impossible for him to escape!" he boasts, crossing his arms. Yin nods. "Yep! He doesn't have an anchor to help him escape! Not like the Monkie Kid and his golden staff."

Jade raises a brow. "Who said anything about needing an anchor?"

With no warning, his grip on the calabash tightens enough to cause cracks. Jin and Yin's eyes widen as the cracks begin to glow a faint green, the glow becoming stronger and stronger with each passing second. Even Jade's eyes widen slightly, and he quickly drops the calabash, taking a step back.

The calabash shatters with a blinding green light, the force strong enough to knock Yin and Jin back. Jade covers his face with his arms, skidding across the floor a few feet. As the glow subsides, the snake demon thought he caught a glimpse of a dark figure disappearing out of the corner of his eye. Yet when he turned to look, he found nothing.
Chen falls to his knees, breathing heavily and shaking. One of his hands was cut and bleeding, and he had a massive bruise forming on his cheek. He looks around, confused and disoriented. "W-what-"

Jade's brows furrow in confusion, looking down at the young man. Did the two demons beat him up before putting him in that calabash? He glances over his shoulder briefly, noticing that Yin and Jin were slowly creeping away. He sighs, turning back to Chen. "Kid? Are you okay?" he asks gently, slowly approaching the young man.
Chen's attention snapped to Jade, and for the briefest of moments, the snake demon could see fear in his eyes. But just as quickly as he'd seen it the fear was gone, replaced by anger.
The young man quickly staggers to his feet, getting into a battle stance. "What was that?! What just happened?!" he yelled angrily, keeping his distance from the snake demon.

Jade holds up his hands in a non-threatening way. "Woah, woah, calm down. I'm here to help." he says softly in an attempt to calm the young man down. He then gestures to the two disappearing demons. "But if you're wondering, those guys are the ones responsible for trapping you in that calabash." he explains with a light chuckle. Yin and Jin freeze, before quickly jumping out of the giant hole in the wall, leaving Jade and Chen alone.

Chen was still breathing heavily, eyes darting around the room as if searching for something. Jade's brows furrow in confusion. He had no idea what exactly happened in the calabash, but now that the young man was out, it seemed like it had really shaken him up. The snake demon shakes his head, taking another step forward. "Hey, are you alright? Do you need-"

The young man takes a step back, glaring at him. "Don't." he warned, and Jade stops in his tracks, eyes widening in realisation. The Gold and Silver demons' stupid plan revealed the young mans ancestry. Oh boy.

Chen takes a deep breath, rubbing his face. "They were lying, right? Tell me they were lying." the young man asks, wincing as his hand pressed the bruise on his cheek. Jade watches him, a look of pity on his expression. He rubs the back of his neck, looking away. "I...don't know. I don't know what went down in there. But whatever happened, you might have to talk to your dad about it." they say half-truthfully, avoiding Chen's gaze.

The young man stares down the snake demon. He knew they were lying. He knew that he was holding something back, and it made Chen angry. But he knew they were also right. Pigsy had some explaining to do. And honestly, he didn't want to deal with any more demons tonight.
Chen lets out a frustrated sigh, before moving around Jade, heading for the exit without another word. The snake demon doesn't stop him, only giving the young man a sympathetic glance, which Chen ignores. He exits the abandoned house, walking into the cool, night city air.

– – –

Back at Pigsy's Noodles...

Inside the small restaurant, the gang were all having fun celebrating Mk's and Mei's win on the Great Wall Race. Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, Rey and the two youngsters were crowded on one table, eating noodles that Pigsy had cooked in celebration for their win.
The shop was warm and bright, filled with excited laughter and chatter as they talked. Mei held up the trophy proudly, and Rey excitedly gushed at how cool it was and congratulated the two.

Pigsy watches them, before glancing down at his phone at the messages he'd sent to Chen, asking him where he was. It was odd of the young man to not respond, and the chef was getting worried for him. He was about to mention something to Tang when a familiar figure finally entered.
Pigsy looks up, about to welcome the young man standing in the doorway when he stops himself. Chen looked...awful. His hair was a mess, he had a bruise on his cheek and a split lip, his clothes were all dirtied and tattered and...was that blood on his hand?!
"Chen! What happened?!" Pigsy asks, quickly getting to his feet and rushing over. It looked like he'd just gotten into another street fight, and at that assumption, Pigsy was ready to scold the young man for being irresponsible. "Kid, did you get into another street fight?! What did I tell ya about that?! You could've gotten seriously hurt!"

Chen looks up at him with a tired but determined expression. "Pigsy. We need to talk. Privately." he says firmly. Pigsy pauses in his berating, and at this point everyone else had turned to see what had happened, watching the interaction. The way Chen was glancing around, it was unusual to see.
Pigsy let out a frustrated sigh. "Alright, kid. You have a lot of explaining to do." he scolds, making his way to the kitchen and gesturing for Chen to follow. Chen nods, brows furrowing slightly. "Yeah, and I think you do too." he mutters under his breath.

The gang watches them enter the kitchen quietly. Once they are gone, Mk turns to the rest of the group. "What just happened?" he asks, pointing a thumb to the kitchen doorway. Everyone shrugs and shakes their head, also baffled by it all.

Inside the kitchen, Pigsy reaches into a cupboard, pulling out a first aid kit. "Alright Chen, what happened? Which punk did this to you?" he asks, walking back over to the young man with the first aid kit and a wet cloth to clean the wounds.
Chen leans against the counter, arms crossed and completely oblivious to the injuries. As if they didn't hurt or bother him at all. He hadn't responded the entire time, a dark scowl on his expression. Now this behaviour was something Pigsy was used to, since Chen always used to come back from his fights like this. Although the last time had been a couple of months ago at this point. The chef reaches out, grabbing Chen's hand and preparing the wet cloth. "Honestly Chen, I don't know why you keep doing this to yourself-"
The young man quickly yanks his hand away, snapping out of his thoughts. Pigsy stops, finally looking at Chen in confusion and concern. "Chen?"

Chen was staring at Pigsy, a mixture of anger and pain, as well as...distress?
The young man exhales, looking away. He hesitates before asking his next question, as if he didn't actually want to ask. "Pops, where did you find me?" he asks bluntly. Pigsy becomes even more confused. "Chen, you know that I-"

"Don't fucking lie to me." he snaps, and Pigsy freezes, eyes widening. Chen turns back to face him with a scowl. "Where did you find me?" he asks again, more firmly this time. Realisation dawns on Pigsy.

Somebody told him.


A/N: Ok technically if you look up Niúzǎi it will come up as "cowboy" ewjhcsnjahms-

I dont usually have my characters swear in my books to try and make it kid friendly, but i think Chen should get to just this once. As a treat. 

Also anyone get the title? it wasnt FULL disclosure, it was BULL, as in WHAT IS THIS BULLSHI- (you can tell i didn't know what to call it)

Monkie Kid x Oc: The Bull and the Jade WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now