Noodles Or Death

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A/N: New Rey design drawn! Outfit still not relevant lmao


Rey smashes the buttons on their controller, opposing Mei in a game of Monkey Mech. Sandy and Chen sat next to them, both drinking tea the larger man had made as they watched them.
They were inside the Sea-Crate HQ, bored out of their minds.

"Hey, do you think it's weird that we don't spend time in the Sea-Crate Base? Like, we haven't been down here for weeks." Sandy points out. The kids all think about it. "Huh, I think you're right." Chen mutters, taking a sip of his tea.
"Yeah, and if you think about it, do we even need to be down here right now?" Mei wonders, beating Rey in Monkie Mech. "Haha, yes!"


At that moment, MK bursts into the Sea-Crate HQ, panicking. "GUYS! PIGSY'S MISSING!" he yells out. Chen raises a brow questioningly at this, as Mei scoffs. "Missing? What do you mean he's missing?"
"Care to explain how you came to that conclusion?"

"I mean he didn't open the shop this morning!" MK points out. At that, Rey, Mei and Sandy all gasp dramatically. "But he's never not opened his shop before!" Sandy cries.
"He's been pig-napped!"
"I immediately fear the worst!"

"You guys are idiots." Chen rolls his eyes, pulling MK into the seat next to him. "He probably just went shopping or something."
"Still, it wouldn't hurt if we went and checked, right?" Rey suggests. "Just to make sure he is safe."

Chen shrugs, putting his cup of tea down. "Fine, fine. If it'll ease your nerves. Let's head to the market to see if he's there-" he gets to his feet, when Mei cuts him off. "There he is!" she exclaims, pointing to her computer.
The gang all crowd around her computer, seeing a recording of Pigsy at the market. Mk gasps. "Hey that's Pigsy! Oh phew, he just went shopping."
Chen whacks the back of his head. "See? I told you, Monkey brain."

"Who's filming this?" Sandy questions. The camera pans down, and there's a bowl of noodles being held in the hands of the camera man. "It's Tang! Oh, I realise now, Tang is also missing." MK concludes. Chen face palms, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"Wait, how is he filming this? There's no way he could conveniently be recording going shopping with Pigsy." Rey says, turning to Mei. The dragon girl waves them off. "I attached cameras to all of you guys a while back. Not so creepy now, is it?" she asks smugly.
"It's a little creepy." MK points out.
"Take away little. That's SUPER creepy, Mei!"

Sandy, who was the only one watching the screen, hums in thought. "Aw, she seems nice." the rest of the gang all turn to look at the recording, seeing that Pigsy and Tang were walking into a dark and secluded stand where a woman smiles at them menacingly. "Maybe they're fine."

All of a sudden, the floor beneath Pigsy and Tang collapses, and the two fall down a large hole. Above them, the woman cackles maniacally. The gang watching the footage freak out.
"Scary nightmare hole! What happened?"

Mei rewinds the video. "It looks like... is that?" she pauses at the part where they see the woman for the first time. Chen, now concerned for his father's safety, orders her to zoom in.
Once the picture clears, they could see that the woman was now wearing some type of large, mechanical spider suit. "What the heck is that?!"

"Uh, Spider Demon?!" MK gags. "Come on! No, ew, yuck, I hate spiders! Hate, hate, hate! With their eyes, and feet, and furry butts!" he shivers at just the thought. Chen growls, placing his cup down firmly on the table. "That spider just messed with the wrong family."

"Okay, a Spider Demon's got our friends. You know what that means?" Sandy asks, placing his hands firmly on the young man's shoulders, who was staring daggers into the screen.
Mei grins, bringing out her sword. "It's time for...Operation: Rescue Tang and Pigsy from the Nightmare Hole!"

Tha gang prepare themselves for the rescue mission. Getting into Sandy's speedboat, they leave the base. Sandy turns to Mei. "Where to?"
Mei pulls out her phone, nearly dropping it in the process. "Across town!"
With that, the group were off to save their friends, using the speed boat to travel down the streets of Megapolis.

– – –
Travelling at high speeds in Sandy's speedboat, they rush to the place that the camera had last recorded Pigsy and Tang going missing.
Mei points ahead, seeing the shabby old stand amidst the other fruit stalls. "Dead ahead!"

Rey hangs onto Chen tightly, the only one concerned with how fast they were going in a place that wasn't built for boats. "'t we slow down?" they question. Chen laughs. "Slow down? I think we should speed UP!" he shouts. "It's time to kick this Spider Demon's butt!"

Sandy crashes through the stand, entering the tunnel that leads to their missing friends. "Rescue Mission!"

– – –

A few minutes later, Sandy, Mei, Chen and Rey all look up at MK trying to get out of the dangling speedboat trapped in webbing. As Mei talks to Sandy, Chen looks around the room. It looked like some sort of ruin, but it was covered in spider webbing. Rey shivers next to him. "I-I thought spiders were cute before now. But being surrounded by so many makes me feel uncomfortable, like there are some crawling up my back." they turn around, and Chen could see that there were indeed several climbing up his friend's back. Chen cringes. "Uh huh...."

MK screams, "SPIDER DEMON!" and Chen whips around, ready for a fight. But when he sees a tiny spider on the young man's head, he face-palms.
Mei blows the spider off of him. "MK, it's just a little baby spider." she explains. Rey starts screaming too, and Sandy, Mei and Mk all turn to them. "GET EM OFF GET EM OFF!" they shout, trying to wipe the spiders of themselves.

Chen groans, picking up Rey with ease and shaking them, knocking the spiders off. "Come on, we don't have time for this! We have to find my dads before that Spider Demon tries to have them for super!" he says, putting Rey back on the ground. They stumble a little, feeling dizzy, and Mei helps them stand straight. "MK, use that gold vision thingy and see if you can see a path or something."

MK nods. "Oh, yeah! I'll use my super sight of truth to find our friends in this place of nightmares!" he says confidently. His eyes glow, and he looks around for a moment, concentrating. Chen crosses his arms. "So? What do you see?"
"EW! EW! This place is full of webs and horror! We're never gonna get through all this!" he cries. Chen shakes his head. Seeing this, MK turns to him. "Oh, well if you're so great, why don't you punch a hole through the wall with your super strength?" he points out angrily. Chen glares at him. "I would, if I knew how to control it, Monkey brain." he growls. Their heads clash. "I thought that was obvious already."

Mei places a hand on both the boys shoulders, calming them down. "Look, I realise how stressed you both are, but don't worry, we got this! As long as we work as a team, and not fight each other, we can do this!" she says confidently. "Now, if you'll allow me..." she grabs her sword, and blasts a hole through the wall, letting the others go through. "You're welcome~"

The gang all step through, prepared to face whatever was inside. They look around, and Sandy and Rey point to a nearby pillar. "Look!"
"Pigsy! Tangy!"

The two men were trapped in webbing, the chef having it all over his mouth to prevent him from talking. Tangy peers over his shoulder, spotting the gang. He opens his mouth to say something, when Rey lets out a scream. The group quickly look around to find them gone. "Rey!?"

Something shoots out and grabs Sandy, then Mei. They're pulled toward the ceiling, disappearing from view, and Mei's sword falls back to the ground. MK and Chen stand back to back, looking all around them for any attackers.
Some sticky wraps itself around Chen's arm, and pulls. He's quick to grab onto the closest object, which turned out to be a pole of some sort. As he approaches the ceiling, he swings the metal pole through the webbing trapping his arm. It snaps, and he falls to the ground, landing hard on his back. He groans in pain, as MK helps him back up. "Chen! Are you okay?!"
"Yeah...yeah I'm fine." he mutters, holding the pole as a weapon. The two look around, MK whimpering.

Rey, Sandy, Mei and Mo had reappeared next to Pigsy and Tang, also trapped in webbing. Hearing something behind them, the two quickly turn to see the spider demon. She chuckles. "Don't tell me you're scared of spiders?"
"KIDS! RUN!" Pigsy shouts. MK and Chen quickly retreat, the Spider Queen chasing them with a cackle.

As they ran, the two could hear the Spider Queen cackling, the sound of her laughter coming from all around them. Chen stops, and MK halts. "Chen?! What are you doing?!"
"I'm not running from some demon! Come out, and we'll fight fair and square!" he shouts into the darkness. Glancing over his shoulder, he says in a much quieter voice. "I'll distract her. You go back and help the others escape."

MK was about to say something, but the sound of mechanical parts moving stopped him, and he quivers. He runs around a rock, out of Chen's view.

Chen stands out in the open, looking all around him for any sign of the Spider Demon. "Come on, demon. It's just me and you, one on one!" he shouts, baiting her. He has a cocky grin on his face, when he notices a pair of green eyes staring at him from the darkness "Unless you're scared?"

The Spider Queen laughs, and she emerges from the darkness behind him, the opposite area from where Chen saw the eyes. He whips around, glaring at the demon towering over him. "Me? Scared of you? You're confused." she chuckles, circling him. "A little boy like you is no match against me." she grins, leaning in close. Chen steps back, holding the pole like a spear. "Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to beat you." he smirks.

At that, the Spider Queen bursts into laughter. "Oh, you're a funny one. It'll be such a shame when I eat you for dessert." At that, the Spider Queen lunges one of her legs at him. Chen dodges, charging toward her. Using the pole to launch himself, he lifts off the ground, aiming a kick at the Spider Queen. The demon quickly used one of her other legs to block his kick.
Swinging his pole as webbing shoots out, and he lands back on the ground, already in a battle stance. Letting out a battle cry, he swings the pole at a leg.

This was a bad idea, as the pole did nothing against the Spider Queen's mech. In one swift motion the pole was knocked out of his grasp, and Chen was defenceless as webbing wraps around his body, trapping him. He wriggled around, trying to free himself but it was no use.
The demon laughs as she approaches him. "Did you really think you could stand a chance against me? I've had YEARS of fighting experience. And you? You've haven't been around for a fraction of that." she leans towards him, grabbing his face and giving it a turn. He growls at the touch, and she hums in thought. "But I gotta hand it to you, boy. You got spunk! I could use someone like you in my army. What do you say? Wanna ditch those mortals and join me? You'll get all the power you desire." she bargains, letting his face go.

Chen scowls up at her. "How about you take that pole and shove it up your-" webbing shoots out once more, shutting him up as it covers his mouth. The Spider Queen tsks as she shakes her head. "That's a shame, really." she says, as she lowers another bundle of webbing from the ceiling. "But I guess you can't have everything."
Chen's eyes widened, seeing that MK was the one trapped in the webbing. He shouts out, but his yells are muffled by the webs. "MMPH?!" MK wriggles around in his web cocoon. "SHE SNUCK UP ON ME, OKAY?!" he whimpers out.

Spider Queen chuckles. "You thought you could outsmart little ol' me? Big mistake. Now you." she turns to MK, plucking out some of his hair. "You, Monkey kid, are my ticket back to the throne. All that power Monkey King gave you. After I made my dinner, it's all gonna be my power." she cackles.
MK whimpers, and Chen strains against the webbing. The webbing starts to rip, and the Spider Queen looks around just in time to see Chen break free from his prison with a yell, eyes glowing a bright green. "Leave him alone!" he yells, charging at her. The Spider Queen's eyes widen, and she lifts a mechanical spider leg to block it.

This time, though, Chen leaps over the mechanical part, drawing his fist back. He makes contact with the spider demon's chest, and the queen lets out a shriek as she's thrown to the other side of the room, crashing into a pile of rubble.
Chen stands there, tense, breathing heavily. After a few seconds, the glow in his eyes fade, and he looks down at his hands. "What...the...."

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" MK shouts from his webbing. Chen turns to him sluggishly. He felt weak, like he'd just run a marathon or something. Rubbing his head, he hisses in pain at the headache starting to form. "I...i don't know..." he mutters.
MK hums. "Okay, far enough. But, uh, could you get me out of here? Pretty please? I think I'm about to have a panic attack." he says with a nervous laugh.

Chen starts to climb the rubble toward him. "Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." he says, pushing through the sudden sense of nausea. Reaching MK, he starts to pull the webbing off the young man. MK thanks him gratefully, as the last piece of webbing snaps. The two climb down the rubble, and MK grabs his staff he'd dropped. "Are you okay?"
"Yep. Just fine."

The rubble on the other side of the room moves, and the two tense up when they spot the Spider Queen climbing from the wreckage. "You brat! You'll pay for that!" she shrieks, as she towers over the two. Chen grins. "A lot of people like to say that, don't they? So you're back for more, princess?" MK elbows him hard.

At that, the Spider Queen growls, raising a mechanical leg to crush the two young men. Suddenly, someone shouts from behind them. "Hey you, bug lady!"
"Here comes Monkie Kid's...friends!"
"That's right, we got a catch phrase too!" Pigsy says. The spider demon turns to them, eyes full of fury. Pigsy and the gang were there with the speedboat, staring her down. "You lot are terrible guests." she spat. While her back is turned, Chen and MK slowly start to back away.

"You were gonna eat my best friends! And also these guys!" Mei shoots back, pointing to Pigsy and Tang. "Well, now you're gonna eat this!" with that, she presses one of the speedboats buttons, and a giant laser is activated. "Rey, fire!"
Rey uses the laser to distract the Spider Queen. "Guys, it's time to go!"

Chen and MK make a dash for the boat, but are stopped by the spider demon. She tries crushing them with her mech, which the two boys dodge. MK is pinned by his jacket from one of the mechanical spider legs. "Get off me!" he shrieks out.
Chen pulls MK away, ripping his jacket in the process.

The ground starts to crumble, and the trio pause at the sound. All at once, the ground beneath them collapses, and they and the spider demon begin to fall. The Spider Queen catches herself, but the whole ground collapses, and the group scream as they all fall down.

Sandy looks down, noticing a stream at the bottom. His eyes light up. "Water adventure? It's a water adventure!" he cries out in glee. Yanking everyone from the air, he places them into the falling speedboat.
The boat hits the water, and Sandy guides the boat through the sewer system toward a pipe with bars on it. Pigsy points it out, but the blue man ignores him.
The boat bursts through the bars, landing in the ocean.

Everyone groans, finally safe from the Spider demon. They all look up at the setting sun, glad to be out of the Nightmare Hole.
"Well, Operation Rescue Tang and PIgsy was a success." Rey laughs. "But, uh....please don't invite me again. I didn't realise the adventures were this full on...."

Mei laughs, patting them on the back. "Welcome to the gang, Rey. Anyway, at least we won't have to deal with her again." she says. "Right?"
"Mei, that wasn't very comforting!"

"Aw, my favourite jacket!" MK pouts, holding his jacket. Chen rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry about that, MK. And sorry that I got so angry at you when the boat got stuck."
MK shrugs, folding up his jacket. "It's okay. I can get it fixed! Just glad we're all okay!" he points out. "But we gotta talk about that sudden power up! That was awesome! You kicked that spider demons butt in one punch! You were like Leave him alone! And then you broke out of your webs and you were all like, wa-pow!" he makes a motion with his hand. "And she was all like AAAAH!"

Everyone sits down to listen while Sandy guides the boat back to the harbour. "And your eyes were all glowy, and it was just so cool!" MK takes a deep breath. Mei gasps. "Oh my gosh, I gotta look at the footage!" she declares, pulling out her phone. Rey laughs nervously. "Oh, right. You put cameras on all of us..." they say. "That's a great thing to know."

The group all chatter about their adventure and what they went through, as they make their way through the ocean waters back to Sandy's boat.

– – –

Underneath the city of Megapolis in Spider Queens lair, the spider demon crawls through the rubble. She cackles as she stands over a boiling pot, fist clenched tightly around something. "They think they've won?"
She opens her palm, revealing a few strands of MK's hair. She drops them into the pot, the liquid turning from green to gold.

"The game is just beginning!"

– — –

A/N: Mei: Did you call Tang your dad?
Chen: No, I just called Pigsy dad.
Mei: Buuuut you said "dads"
Chen: You misheard

Also Rey probably fixed MK's jacket for him. Idk lmao

Spider queen: you got spunk!
You guys: haha, she said c-
Me, an ace: *grabs ur mouth* SHUT! 

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