Who Is Following?

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"Dang it, Mk! Where is that kid?!" Pigsy mutters, trying to reach Mk via his phone. Mk had gone to deliver noodles, and he hadn't come back yet. The pig demon wasn't worried yet, but the young man was falling behind on his deliveries. Chen ignores the chef, walking around the kitchen and getting the rest of the orders ready.

It had only been a day since the Great Wall Race. A day since Chen, Pigsy and Tang found out the young man's origins. And for some reason Chen had refused to take a break all morning. He had been up early that morning, making orders with his pops.
He still held that same scowl on his face from the previous night. He's been on autopilot all morning, trying (and failing) to distract himself from his thoughts by working.

He's eventually snapped out of his working trance when Pigsy's voice yells out to him. "Hey, Chen! I can't reach Mk, so I need you to deliver the noodles!" he orders, handing Chen the undelivered noodles. The young man stares down at them for a second, before walking toward the door. "Aight. Be back in a bit, then." he says blankly, disappearing outside.

He gets into the tuk-tuk, and he takes note that Mk's own vehicle isn't there. Maybe he got caught up with something, like a fight with a few demons. Maybe even the Demon Bull Family again.

If that's the case Chen would give anything to be in HIS place right now, just to get back at them for trying to brainwash him.

His grip tightens on the wheel, and with an angry huff he turns on the tuk-tuk, driving out onto the street. He doesn't bother putting on his earphones to listen to music anymore, trying to focus on the road.

All the while, a figure in a hood watches him leave from a nearby rooftop, scaly tail swinging back and forth impatiently. The sun glints off of a small silver object in their hand, before they quickly conceal it in their sleeve. They follow after the young man and the tuk-tuk, parkouring across the rooftops with ease to keep up.

- - -

After about an hour of delivering noodles Chen was finally finished. He'd just dropped a bag off at the doorstep of some sketchy alleyway door, to which no one had answered. Good thing they paid in advance, because Chen sure as heck wasn't gonna stick around this place.
He quickly turns to leave, oblivious to a dark figure clinging to the building wall above him.

The hooded figure leaps off of the building, landing silently behind the young man. Their red eyes glow brightly in the dim alleyway, as they silently approach Chen from behind. From their sleeve they brought out a small weapon, and with a flick of their wrist the weapon extends into a Guandao. From behind the figure a large, translucent serpent appears, mouth hanging wide open as if to devour the unknowing young man.

Spinning it once in their hand, they lift their weapon high above their head, ready to bring it down on the young man's head.

This was it. They had to do it now, while the kid was alone.

As they're about to bring down their weapon, they freeze, a realisation dawning on them.

This was only going to make things worse for them. When Wukong found out that the kid is missing, he's gonna hunt down the one responsible-

They slowly lower their weapon, watching the young man walk away with growing frustration.

This is why they can't be trusted making their own decisions. This is why they needed their Lady.

The translucent snake disappears as the figure shrinks their Guandao once more, putting it back in their sleeve. No, they couldn't kill the kid.
Their only hope was to talk to him.

Monkie Kid x Oc: The Bull and the Jade WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now