The Great Wall Race

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"Once a year, this city becomes more than a city." A voice says. Engines roar in the background, as race cars rev their engines. "Once a year, these streets...." The camera pans through Megapolis, showing off the track. "Become more than just streets. This year...the winner will become...immortal!" the commentator shouts, as the camera shows off a giant trophy as the Peach of Immortality.

Mei and MK gasp as they watch the TV, eyes sparkling and practically vibrating with excitement. "A Peach of Immortality!" MK squeals. Pigsy and Chen were watching the news in the background behind the two. "Uh, Peach of what now?" Pigsy questions, crossing his arms. Chen unconsciously mimics, shaking his head at his naive father's question. "Oh no, Pops. You just set the nerds off." he cackles, almost in pity as he slides away from his father.

Mei and MK gasp dramatically, offended that the chef didn't know what the Peach of Immortality was. They start ranting, fumbling over their words as they scold him for not knowing what the peach was.
Tang clears his throat, quieting down the youngsters. "If you'll allow me." He pulls out a book, fixing up his glasses to make himself look more wise and mystical. Chen just rolls his eyes, shaking his head with a small smile. How did he become friends with these dorks again?
"Legend says there is a sacred field of trees which grows in the Heavenly Realm, protected by the gods themselves." he explains. "Every few thousand years, these trees bring forth the Peaches of Immortality. Against the wishes of the Heavenly Host, the Monkey King took them all, making himself immortal!" Tang finishes, showing Pigsy the book. 

Pigsy holds up his hands. "Hold up. I thought Monkey King was already immortal." he says. Mei shakes her head. "Piggy, you're missing the point! Whoever wins this race will...."

– – –

"Live forever!" Red Son claims excitedly, as he holds out a poster for the Great Wall Race to his parents. Seeing that they weren't even paying attention, he turns to them with a glare. "A-Are you two even listening?!" he sputters angrily, the tips of his hair burning.
His father didn't even look his way. Princess Ironfan looks up from checking her nails, raising a bored brow at her son's ranting. "Uh...something about peaches?"
Red Son growls, and his mother rolls her eyes at his behaviour.

"Look, your schemes are quaint, but I never much cared for stone fruit." she explains, hovering toward him. The red-haired demon stares at her in disbelief. Was she being serious?! "But...the peaches are powerful!" he exclaims, holding up the poster once more.

"Like the Weather Station was powerful?" Ironfan cuts her son off, turning to him with a sharp glare. He shuts up, expression dark as he looks toward the ground.
"Why don't you just run along, hmm? Can't you see mommy and daddy have important business with an ancient power source." she gestures to the Bull clones mining away, as her husband watches over their work silently. She turns to join him by his side, completely ignoring the red-headed demon.

Red Son growls, scowling at his parents. "Fine!" he spat. His father turns to face him at his outburst. "You two stay here in your hole digging your "mysterious power source". Ugh, I am going to win the race, and when I get that peach, I'm not sharing!" with that, he storms out, leaving his two parents alone with their work.

DBK growls menacingly, watching him leave. "Foolish boy." he mutters. "If I were to race, I would crush him!"
Princess Ironfan hums in thought. "It would be wrong of us to shatter our son's ambitions. That's far too cruel! Even for demons." she jokes. At that, the two laugh devilishly.

– – –

"This is huge! Those other racers won't even stand a chance!" MK says excitedly. He was watching Mei and Chen clean their bikes, preparing for the race. Chen had the black bike with red and gold stripes that he (stole) BORROWED from the Sea-Crate HQ.
Every few minutes, he and Mei would shoot each other a competitive look, both determined to win this race.

Mei grins at Mk's comment, holding a cloth in her hand. "Right? I know the track like the back of my hand! The back alleys, the front alleys, the sideway alleys. All the alleys! I was made for this!"
"You're talking like you're the only one that knows these streets." Chen points out, not even looking over his shoulder. Mei throws her towel at him, and it hits the young man in the back of the head. "Hey!"
MK grins confidently, running a hand through his hair. "Yep! I'm totally gonna win this thing." He says matter of factly.

At his words, Mei and Chen turn to him, confused. "Wait, what?"
"You're not racing." Mei points out, walking toward him. Chen nods, glaring down at the young man. "We're racing, MK. You've been watching us train for months!"
"This shouldn't be a surprise for you!" Mei exclaims. MK looks at them, eyes widening slightly. "Oh, yeah, uh, I just thought you guys were doing that stuff for me." he says, smiling sheepishly.
At this, the two glare down at him menacingly, and he back pedals. "But upon reflection, that doesn't make much sense."

Mei growls, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "How would you even- ugh! There is no way you'd beat me!" she states with a huff. Chen turns to her, a smirk on his face now. "Sorry to disappoint you, Mei, but your future champion is standing right in front of you." he says smugly, gestruing to himself.
Mei glares at him, fuming at his cockiness. "You're gonna eat those words when I beat you."

"Uh, I could beat both of you!" MK points out, feeling left out of the conversation. "I'm a delivery boy, pretty sure I know how to drive real good." he states, pushing himself between them to get there attention. Chen laughs, wiping a tear from his eye. "Are you forgetting who you work with, Monkey brain? Mei and I know how to get through these streets with both speed and accuracy. We're the better drivers here!"
"Oh, yeah? We'll see about that!" MK shoots back, and the two butt heads.

At that moment, Tang leaves Pigsy's Noodles with a flag for both Mei and Chen. The trio quickly approach him. "Mr. Tang, who's the better driver? Mei, Chen or me?" MK asks, leaning on one of his shoulders. Mei leans on his other shoulder, grinning. MK notices the flags he has, and gasps dramatically, offended that Tang had no faith in him.
The man looks between the three kids awkwardly. "This is very uncomfortable." he mutters, running away from the trio. MK grumbles, cheeks tinted red. "Whatever! I'm absolutely gonna win!"

Mei yells out in exasperation, getting annoyed now. "How? You know you need a vehicle to race, right?" she points out the obvious. MK laughs, a plan forming in his mind. "Oh, I've got a vehicle." he replies, rubbing his hands together excitedly. Chen rolls his eyes, finding Mk's confidence amusing. "This is gonna be good."

– – –

A commentator clears his throat, looking down at the start of the racing line. "We're now just minutes away from the start of the race as the drivers make their final preparations!"

Mei and Chen sit on their respective bikes. The young man was wearing a suit similar to his bike's colours, with a pattern of golden flames on his sleeve. A black helmet sat on his lap, as he ties his hair into a ponytail.
As they wait for the race to start, a loud crash sounds out, and a tuk-tuk lands beside them. MK smiles as he turns to face them. "Oh, hi guys. Didn't see you there." he says smugly, leaning on his vehicle.
Mei and Chen give him a look, as the young girl rolls her eyes. "You're really gonna do this? You're really gonna try and race me?"

"Yeah! And so are we!" the trio turn to the new and unfamiliar voice. Chen sees that there are two (unknown to him) demons sitting in their own race car. "Monkie Kid! It's your worst enemies, Jin!"
"And Yin!"
"The Gold and Silver Demons!" they say together. Chen places his helmet on, ignoring the two demons all together.

Mei growls. "You don't even know the track!" she yells. MK scoffs, leaning through his window. "I got Monkey King powers! I think I'll be fine!" he shoots back. Chen cackles at his boldness. "You'll be fine powder when we crush you and win the race." he exclaims. MK turns to him angrily, but before he could say anything, another voice groans.

"Can you peasants be quiet?! I'm trying to get in the zone!" Red Son shouts from his racecar. Chen whips around, glaring at him. "What the heck are you doing here, Flame head!?" he points accusingly. Red Son laughs. "I'm here to win the race and become immortal!" he exclaims with a grin, revving his engine to drive the point home. Chen deadpans, staring at the red-haired demon. "Hate to break it to you, princess, but I'M gonna win this race."
"No you're not! I am!" MK points out.

The ground shakes, and a huge dump truck arrives at the track, scaring the other competitors off. DBK and Princess Ironfan sat in the driver's seat, wicked grins on their faces.
Chen looks up at the large vehicle. It was large, and wouldn't be able to make turns easily. He smirks. This was going to be a piece of cake.

Yin's voice speaks through the microphone, the two demons now gone from the starting line. "Oh! It looks like we've got some last minute scratches as DBK and Ironfan join the race!"
"Yeah, and totally unrelated, we're the new commentators!" Jin adds. "And to spice things up, we've gone ahead and altered the race track!" he cackles. Mei, Chen and MK look up at the screen in shock. "What?!"

"That's right! Here's your start line. Here's your finish line. Get there any way you like!" Yin says, showing the racers a map of the non existent track. "On your marks!"

"Hold on!" Mei freaks out, her grip on her bike handles tightening.

"Get set!"

"Wait, what?!" Red Son starts to panic.


DBK races pass the rest, knocking them over. Princess Ironfan laughs. "Sorry darling! We'll meet you at the finish line!" she cackles, accelerating the truck. MK, who was close behind her, grins at his friends. "Yeah! I'll see you at the finish line!" he mimics in a high-pitched voice, laughing hysterically.
Chen growls, straightening up his bike. "Oh you're DEAD MK!" he shouts, speeding after the disappearing tuk-tuk and truck.

He reaches DBK's truck and MK, taking over them both easily. He stays in front, until Mei comes up from behind, speeding pass him.

"And it's become immediately apparent that some drivers are better than others." Yin points out, gesturing to MK's terrible driving. Jin nods, taking a sip of his hot beverage as they watch the race.

Chen glares at the young girl, about to accelerate when MK bumps him from behind, almost throwing him off. He turns to shout at him, lifting up the visor. "MK!"
"Sorry! Didn't see you there!" he says apologetically, straightening up his vehicle.

"But I did!" Red Son cackles, driving dangerously close next to Chen and almost knocking him over. Chen slows down, and everyone is able to speed away from him. "See you later, Rat!" the red-haired demon laughs, disappearing from view. Chen growls, pulling off his helmet and throwing it away in a rage. "Stupid helmet with its stupid blind spots!" he shouts through gritted teeth, speeding after Red Son and the others.

He reaches the dump truck first, and he pulls up on its right, his hair miraculously still in its ponytail as it whips back and forth in the wind. He turns to the driver, DBK, giving him a quick glance out of the corner of his eye. He could see Princess Iron Fan was next to the large demon bull, and she turns to Chen with a scowl.
However, her scowl quickly changes to one of shock. Her eyes widen, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes in recognition. "Niúzǎi?" she whispers, cupping a hand over her mouth.
Chen raises a brow, confused. What did she just call him? Was that supposed to be an insult? Shaking his head he speeds off, leaving the couple behind.

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