Clear My Mind

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"If you want to take a hit you gotta have a firmer stance! You're just gonna get knocked over that way!" Monkey King states matter-of-factly as Chen holds his arms up to bar the great sages kick. The defence works, but not without sending the young man flying backwards.

Chen falls on his back and is left winded, coughing and gasping for air. The Monkey King lands before him, holding out a hand for Chen to take. "You're doing great! But maybe we should give you a break, hm?" he suggests with a smile.
The young man begrudgingly agrees, taking Monkey King's hand and letting him help him to his feet. MK watches from the side, his staff in hand. It was now his turn to train, while Chen took a break.

As the young man walks pass, MK leans towards him. "Hey Chen, are you alright?" He asks, raising a brow. The older boy waves him off absentmindedly. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine." He mumbles, not even glancing up or looking in the boys direction.
MK pauses, mouth open as if he was about to ask something else but he quickly shuts it, instead walking over to Monkey King.

Chen walks over to a boulder, making sure he gave the duo enough space to spar. Their training sessions got a LOT more intense than Chen's, and if he were being honest he was feeling a little jealous. MK got to use his powers, yet Chen couldn't even activate his own on command. And it annoyed him.

But now that was going to change.

Chen sits down on a boulder, as MK and Monkey King begin their spar. It starts off with a few simple strikes, before quickly escalating to the duo having to leave the little cove and train on the mountains.
As they go out of sight, Chen readjusts the bandages on his arms, getting lost in thought.

Today is the day. He'll no longer be weak. He'll become better, stronger, and more powerful. He'll be able to not only protect himself but his friends too...

A scream cuts through his thoughts, and Chen quickly looks up to see MK falling to the ground, having been struck down by the great sage. He crashes to the ground, causing a huge gust of wind and dust to fly up. Chen quickly covers his eyes, and when the dust clears he looks down to see MK laying in a centre of a small crater. "Ya good, MK?"
The young man lifts up a hand, giving Chen a thumbs up. "Never... better..." he coughs.

Monkey King lands on the ground with a grin, teleporting over to MK. "Better. Way, way better! You're totally getting the hang of this, bud!" he praises, picking up Mk and spinning him around before placing him back down on his feet. Chen raises a brow at the obvious favouritism, but doesn't say anything.

"Aw, really?" MK asks, beaming up at his idol. The Monkey King nods, standing up straight. "I mean, it does make sense. You are getting trained by me! Now, we just gotta work on your focus!" he explains.
"Yeah, I am the best at focus- WHAT DO YOU MEAN "WORK ON MY FOCUS"?!" MK shrieks, realising what the great sage had said.

As the young man tries to argue with the Monkey King about his "ridiculous" statement, Chen's phone vibrates, telling him he has a new message. He pulls out his phone, checking the text. It's from Pigsy.

Pigsy: "Where are you? I need you and MK back now!"

Chen looks up to check MK and Monkey King, seeing that the great sage was currently giving the young man some "insightful" lesson about focus. He doesn't pay attention to what the monkey is saying, however, and looks back to the screen.

Chen: "Finishing training. Will be there soon."

With that he pockets his phone, getting to his feet and stretching. He winces as a particularly bad bruise on his arm acts up, but he ignores it. It'll be gone sooner or later anyway. Since he was a demon and all.

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