Keep Your Friends Close

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"And then Monkey King was all like "Well I'm the King!" A-and then-" MK ranted excitedly, retelling the tale to Mei and Tang. The two share an amused look, before Tang clears his throat. "Yeah, we know MK. We were there, remember?"
MK chuckles. "Right right, sorry. But you gotta admit, Monkey King was so cool! Even if he did get captured and we had to save him and the city..."
Mei nods. "Yep! Oh! And Did you see Chen's new look? It's awesome! The bull horns, and the tail! I bet he loves them!"

A loud crash comes from the kitchen, followed by pots and pans falling to the floor and Chen's angered yells. "OW! Stupid horns!" There's a beat of silence before something else is knocked over, causing Chen to groan in frustration again as Pigsy starts yelling. "Chen! Watch where you're swingin' that thing! You almost ruined this batch of noodles!"

Tang, MK and Mei all walk into kitchen to see the mess that had unfolded. Chen stood by the kitchen sink, a bunch of unused pots around him while a trash bin was sprawled on the floor, the garbage everywhere. Pigsy was clutching a pot of freshly cooked noodles to his chest as if his life depended on it, glaring at the young demon. Tang, Mei and MK share a confused look as Pigsy lets out a sigh. "Chen, why don't you go do some deliveries? I'm sure MK's running behind on them." he points out, shooting MK a look.
Chen grumbles under his breath, turning to leave as his tail swings behind him. "Sure, pops..." he mutters. As he leaves his tail accidentally knocks into the back of Mei's legs, almost causing her to topple. The young bull quickly apologises before hastening out the door, grabbing the undelivered bags of noodles on the counter.

Pigsy lets out another sigh. "He's been knocking things over with his fancy new horns and tail all day. I'm already running behind because he knocked over three batches of noodles this morning!" he complains, looking around the wrecked kitchen. MK and Mei back out of the room, leaving Pigsy with the mess.
"Go easy on him, Pigsy. It's not every day you magically transform into some kind of half demon. He needs time to adjust." Tang says as the pig man puts down the pot of noodles, reaching down to pick up the pots. "I know, I know. Ugh, maybe I should apologise..." he mutters.


"Stupid horns- stupid demon DNA!" Chen hisses as he speeds through the streets of Megapolis, too angry and frustrated to realise how fast he was going. Before he knew it, he'd already missed the turn off to his first location. So he had to turn his tuk-tuk around.

Parking outside he grabs the first delivery, getting out of his tuk-tuk. Except his horn snags on the roof of the vehicle, snapping his head back. "Ow! Dammit!" He yells, turning around. His tail whips around with the rest of him, accidentally knocking over a nearby pedestrian. Chen quickly turns to them. "Crap! Sorry- I didn't see you there-" he rushes, helping the person to their feet.
The pedestrian huffs, shooting him a glare before walking away. The young demon sighs, his fluffy ears flopping down in defeat. Realising what his ears just did, his face turns red in embarrassment.

"I hate this..."

He walks up the steps to the first house, knocking on the wooden door. A few moments pass before a young man opens the door with a smile. "Oh good! You're here! I was wondering where you-" he stops, staring at Chen with wide eyes. Well, more specifically his horns and the ruffled fur sticking out of his uniform.
Chen pauses, not sure what to say to make the man stop staring. He coughs awkwardly. "Your noodles, sir?" he says, holding up his delivery. This seems to bring the man back to reality, as he laughs nervously. "S-sorry! I hadn't realised old Pigsy hired someone new." He says, taking the bag.
Chen was about to speak up, but after practically throwing the money at the young demon the man had slammed the door shut, leaving Chen speechless. "Keep the change!"

After a moment he takes a step back. Well, at least the noodles were delivered, and he got payed. That was all that mattered.
He walks back down the steps, carefully climbing back into his tuk-tuk. Making sure he wasn't sitting on his annoying tail and his horns weren't going to ruin the roof of the tuk-tuk, he starts up the engine and was about to drive off when he hears an old familiar voice.

Monkie Kid x Oc: The Bull and the Jade WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now