Clones, Clones, Clones

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Chen carries orders to his tuk-tuk, wiping the sweat from his brow as he places the many bags in the passenger seat.
It had been a busy week, and Pigsy wanted to get as many orders out as soon as possible. Especially since MK was "slacking off". In reality, the young man was worn out. He'd been working all day, partying all night and helping Sandy paint his boat all week, and had refused to take a break. Now he was tired.
Chen offered to take some more of the work, just to let the young man take a break. But he'd refused, much to Chen's annoyance.
If he wasn't careful he was going to hurt himself

Although, for the past 2 days he'd perked up a bit. Maybe he'd stopped throwing those parties with Mei.

Hopping into his tuk-tuk, he was about to drive off when he spots MK walking by the noodle shop. As he draws near, Chen waves a hand in front of his face. "Hey, MK!"
MK pauses, lifting one of his headphones. "Yeah?"

Chen took note that he wasn't in his signature working jacket, but he shook it off. "Are you gonna be okay working today? I am going to need a little help delivering all these orders-" before he continue, MK randomly pulls out a strand of hair, blowing it as he throws it behind him, continuing walking down the street. Chen's eye twitches, before he takes in a deep breath, the strand of hair floating to the ground. "Deep breaths, Chen. Just like Sandy said." he mutters, resting his head on the head rest.

The strand of hair begins to glow, and as Chen opens his eyes, he immediately notices it. Eyes widening in shock, he watches as it grows and expands, forming into a perfect clone of MK. It stands there a moment, dazed, before it notices Chen sitting in the tuk-tuk seat, staring at it in disbelief.

Immediately, the clone runs up to him, taking some of the orders. "Let me take those for you, Chen!" they grin, before running off to the other tuk-tuk. He drives off, leaving Chen alone in front of Pigsy's Noodles.
Snapping himself out of his stupor, Chen shakes his head. "Mystic monkey business. MK, you never cease to surprise me." Starting his tuk-tuk, Chen heads off to deliver the orders.

– – –

Several hours later....

"You two did good today, kids. Keep up the good work and I may give you a raise!" Pigsy informs, as he closes his shop. Chen checks his backpack to make sure everything was there. "Don't get my hopes up, pop's." he chuckles jokingly, before walking off.

The MK clone keeps up the pace by his side, humming a tune to himself. Chen turns to them. " do know you can go home, right?" he says. The clone nods. "Oh, I know! But I want to help you!" he informs. Chen glances down the street ahead of him, then back to the clone awkwardly. "Uh..."
"I can help water your plants!" the clone pipes up excitedly. "Or feed Shu! I can help you with that too!"

Seeing as the clone wasn't going to stop nagging him, Chen sighs. "Well...I am pretty tired, and it would help to have an extra pair of hands-"
"Yes! Yes! Now let's get to your apartment!" the clone grabs Chen's hand, dragging him down the street. The young man follows, feeling uncomfortable in this new situation.

Reaching the apartment, Chen opens the door, and the two enter. Immediately, the clone gets to work, grabbing a can from the cupboard and opening it, feeding some to Shu. The cat hovers around his feet, waiting patiently.

While he did that, Chen fills up his watering can, walking out onto the balcony to water his plants.

The plant Sandy had given him the previous was flourishing well, alongside the others. Chen starts to water the smallest ones. He has to pay Sandy another visit this week.

"What cha thinkin about?" a voice pipes up from right beside him. Chen yells, almost dropping his watering can over the balcony. He turns to see the clone had grabbed a spare jug, and was helping him water the plants. He didn't even hear him coming.
"Nothing." Chen replied, scratching the back of his neck. He puts all his focus on the plants, trying to ignore the clone staring right at him.

After a while, the silence was becoming unbearable. Chen finishes watering his plants, before faking a yawn. "Well, I better be heading to bed. You should head home to the real MK so then he can, I don't know, do some more monkey magic." Chen explains, pushing the clone out the door.
Clone MK starts to protest. "But you haven't eaten yet! I can help you cook! I can help you clean up-" he rants. Pushing him out the door, Chen gives the clone a deadpan expression. "No." with that, he shuts the door, leaving the clone outside.

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