Part 1 - Intro - Some Part Of The Story

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Late Evening, At Office, One person rushed into CEO's cabin which jerked the secretary who is waiting for that person.

Person: Why did you called me here at this hour

Secretary: Woah... Good Evening Ms. Mallik

Yes the Person is our very own Haseena Mallik

HM: Ohh... Good Evening Riya. Okay let me know why did you called me here as I was busy with her after a long t....

Riya cut her mid and mischievously smiled at her & asked: "Busy with whom, Ms. Mallik" asking this, she raised her eyebrows

HM: Ms. Kapoor, We are in office, behave

RK: Sorry Ms. Mallik, We got a call from our new business investor,they asked for a meeting with us

HM: So What is the issue in this, arrange meeting with them. What is the need for you to call me here at this hour. You know everything,right

RK: So Now also, you are worrying only that, I called you at this hour, which disturbed your time with her

HM exhaled her breath and said: Ms. Kapoor, Behave

RK: Okay. I will talk about her later. Now come to the point. They want meeting with us means they want meet both the owners of Mallik Group of Companies

HM: So

RK: So they want to meet both Haseena Mallik and Karishma Mallik

HM: So. What is the issue in that. I don't know what happened to you. Why are behaving strangely

RK: Ms. Mallik, I think you forgot something that our MD who is your wife, doesn't show interest in any of company related works after your marriage with her. She doesn't speak with you and doesn't show off any interest in our companies for last 3 months

HM: Hmm. But today she spoke with me

RK: So, that's why you, Madam is hurrying this much

HM: Hmm. I think she will attend this meeting, if required, as you know she values this company much

RK: So everything is well between both

HM: I don't know. But today she spoke with me and

RK: And.....

HM: Nothing you disturbed us

RK: So what you guys decided

HM: Decided about what?

RK: About your Marriage

HM laughed at this: Marriage is huge word. I never considered that as a marriage. It just happened due to some situation and you know that and you also very well know about me, that I don't have any liking towards her in another way

RK: Okay. But you love her, right

HM: Yes I love her and I have only her in my life, as you know I am an orphan. She is the angel that god sent to me, because from her birth she is with me and you know all our stories

RK: Yeah. I know my dear friend cum boss. But you guys look good together

HM laughed at this: I don't have any romantic attraction towards her, or else simply I can say I don't want any romantic relationship with anyone

RK: I know that, that's why I asking you to settle with her

HM shaken her head in disbelief: I don't know why you are saying this, but I am cent percent sure, this marriage and all never going to work

RK: I am asking you to settle with her. Because she is the only one who handles you better and only to her the RUDE human being became soft. I feel that is the original self of you, but you choose only her to show that

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