Part - 10

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It's been 3 months, since KS takes over Mallik Group of Companies.

"In this 3 months, everything went well, I can say that, with utmost confidence, that all went good, but except one thing. And only I know that, that one thing, meant everything to me. Even I am happy about the other things, like how our businees are doing well in the market and even clients are started to trust me, like the same way, they trust Rudy. Of course, it should be like this, because I learnt everything from her, so it should be"

"And I developed good bond with with Riya di and Pushpa Ji, I know Riya di from long, but I can say that, this 3 months gave new dimension in our relation ship. Before I only consider her as sister, but now she is a best friend of mine. I love this different angle of us. As I have someone, to share my special feeling or we can say that, even I can't share that, with my Rudy, I am sharing with Riya di. How can I share that to Rudy, when that special feeling is towards/for her"

"And my Pyaari PJ, she is a love, just I can say that, only for her. Just love"

"Even these two fellows Bulbul and Misri is doing good in their works, which I least expected from them"

"And there is some improvement in papa's health too"

"So, I can say that, Everything in my life going well, but I can't able to say that, even I am not able to think like that, because of ONE THING"

"I have to be happy, but I am not"

"I have to be joy, but I am not"

"I have to be contented, but I am not"

"At least I have to be at peace , but I am not"

"Leave all that, I have to be grateful for the universe atleast, because some where, I know I am the luckiest, because no one will believe, the baby landed in Orphanage in just few hours from her birth, will lead the life like this, did the graduation, achieved her dream that too a dream of becoming pilot, running the business and even she got her parents and family too. Will any one believe, that the person born as orphan will lead the life like this. And also no one will believe that. after getting this much in her life, the person is feeling like this, and not contented about her life"

Everything has only one reason. That reason, is the reason for the above said all the good things, that happened to me, and is the reason for the other one thing, because of which, I am un grateful, to all the things I had now

How difficult my life

Before I have nothing, but I am happy and contented

Now I have everything, but

For this also, there is only one reason, before I was with that reason, and now I am not with that reason

Even I don't know the reason, for the changed behavior of the reason

Whatever the reason, I will accept that. But I don't want some reason, to be the reason, for the reason's changed behavior.

(Author's note: Sorry Guys, I tried something. But don't worry, I won't allow that, to spoil the flow of the story, so I write the points below clearly)

"Why I am feeling that, Rudy is keeping some distance from me. No one will understand this, but how come, I don't know that. I am cent percent sure that, she distanced herself from me, but indirectly"

"This is the only thing, I am thinking about from the beginning, because of that, I am feeling like this"

"Because some where, I am afraid that, what if she understood my feelings towards her, and that would be the reason for this distance. I don't want this to happen in my wild dreams"

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