Part - 32

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"So you are doing all this intentionally, just to hurt me. Definitely I would torn this, if you did this unintentionally, but you are doing this intentionally, so I am not do that. Do what makes you happy" HM thought this KS words from previous night for umpteenth time, while walking to and fro in her cabin

"What the hell you did, Haseena"

"What happened to you"

"Why are you behaving like this"

"Just for some physical intimacy, you stoop this much low"

"If Rishu gets to know all this, what will she think about me, even it's not wrong, if she thinks me as an pervert"

"How the hel...."

HM questions herself like this nth time, by now.

RK entered the cabin and looked at HM, who restlessly roaming in her cabin.

"What happened to you, why are you roaming like this from morning, even you didn't take your lunch"

"Ohh,, yesterday our plan was failed, so you are now thinking of new plan to get close to Karishma" RK asked casually

Hearing this, HM stopped at her tracks and looked at RK and thought "Even you thought about me like this, right. Yes, I was wrong, I don't know why behaved like this"

"Even you are saying that I am planning something to be close with Rishu, what if she gets to know this, what will she think about me, No, I won't that to happen" HM thought this, and asked RK "What time you are leaving for your honey moon"

" 12.15 am flight, So I will leave office in 1 hour, so that I will do some packing. Stop, why are you asking this, are you planning something to spoil this again" RK said

"Sorry Riya, Please forgive me for that mischievous activities of mine" saying this, HM hugged RK apologetically

"Are you okay? Why are you behaving like this, out of sudden? Or you are wishing me in jealousy, that you even can't get single kiss from your love" RK teased her friend, without knowing her friend's guilt ridden state

"I wished you wholeheartedly Riya. I want you to get all the happiness in the world, Riya. Enjoy your trip. I will never disturb you again. And once again I am sorry for that. And I have one urgent work I am leaving office now" saying this, HM hugged her friend and wished once again for her trip and left from there

"Suddenly, what happened to this love sick puppy" RK thought this and looked at the retreating figure of HM

Singh Mansion

KS room

" Rishu, Rishu" calling like this, HM entered into KS room.

KS who is busy in reading the books, looked at HM and said "Hey Rudy, what happened to you, out of sudden you returned to home early. Are you not feeling well" asking this, KS kept her book on the side table and gets up and keep her hands HM's forehead to check her temperature and continued "Even Riya di, informed me that you are restless in office. No, you don't have any fever. What happened to you"

Every passing second, HM is guilt is increasing. HM took KS hands and made her to hold her ears and looked at KS. KS doesn't understand anything, why HM is behaving like this

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