Part - 33 - Climax number - 2

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Authors note:

Already I got name as confused writer 😂😂😂😂 who can easily confuse the readers
Now I am going to continue the same

Here is the second CLIMAX FOR FTBIOY with same ending, but with different screenplay. In simple words, I can explain this, you guys already know the ending, now I am going to give the same ending in different way

I hope you guys will enjoy this. Looking forward to know about your opinion for this one

Both the climax will be continued from part 32


HM pulled KS towards her and said " Before that, wear this" saying this, she put the chain which she gets in hospital from nurse with H pendent in KS neck

And continued "I want to confess my love to you, once I gets this in my hand in hospital, so that day I promised myself, I will make you wear the day, the day when you will become mine"

"I think I fulfilled my promise" saying this HM looked KS, who was looking at the chain once

Then KS looked at HM, kissed her in one cheek, HM turned her other cheek and showed it to KS, KS bited there and left from there with duvet, leaving the love sick puppy in floor

KS is getting ready for her work in her room. HM runs into her by calling her name or we can say shouting her name in joy

"Rishu, Rishu,........, Rishu"

"What happened Rudy? KS asked while continuing to get ready

"Rishu, Rishu"

KS stopped all her works, turned and Stand in front of HM and asked "What happened, why are you shouting like this, did you got any new projects or going to sign new deal"

HM smiled at KS and said "Yeah, new project or new deal or new addition, we can say like that"

KS checked HM's temperature to check whether she is fine or not

HM took KS hands from her forehead and said " Riya is pregnant and we became aunt" with a smile

"What, How" KS asked with over excitement

"How???? How can I say that you" HM said this, with a naughty smile. KS slapped HM in her arms.

"I am happy for her" KS said this, and adjusted HM's suit collar. HM nodded her head and pulled KS by her waist towards her

HM looked at KS and asked "What we are gonna do for our family"

"First we will speak with Maa, regarding our relationship and after that we will discuss about that" KS said

"I thought of speaking with her today, but now you are leaving for your schedule. Okay we will speak with her once you are back. But I think we have to speak with her asap, before she fix your marriage with Vyom" HM said this, with a smile

KS nodded her head, and some thoughts raised in her mind, she looked at HM and asked " For the last 2-3 months, everytime whenever I adjusted your dress like this, you would ask something right"

"What I will ask" HM asked this, while raising her eyebrows

"Okay, No issues, I thought of giving you that, now you can go" saying this, KS left HM and continued "Leave me"

HM smiled at her and said "If you want you can give by yourself, why are you waiting for my permission or you want me to beg at you for this"

KS looked at HM and said "So, you are taking revenge for my prank". HM smiled at her.

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