Part - 6

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Author's Note

I wrote first part(intro) which is the middle part of the story. After that, I am continuing the story, from middle part, where I started, in that I am slowly revealing the first part, by flashback, but not in order, for time lapses I am mentioning their ages or something, to make easy for you to understand. Hope you understand this now. Keep Supporting


"What happened to her doctor?" KS asked doctor worriedly, who is checking the HM, who is laying in the couch, in unconscious state

"Relax Karishma" RK said as KS as was walking to and fro in her cabin, worriedly

KS: I was more tensed, Riya di

RK: Relax, Nothing going to happen, please relax, now I am more worried about you

KS: "Because of this, because of this, I asked her to step do...." She stopped mid and looked at the doctor, who is checking the HM

RK looked everything helplessly, as she cannot assure KS

DOC: Her BP is high,that's why she fainted, Nothing serious

KS: "What, nothing serious, she fainted doctor" she shouted at him

DOC: Madam Mallik, please relax don't worry she is alright. Soon she will get up. Just ask her to take some rest

RK: I will handle her doctor, thanks for coming

Doctor left from there. RK gave water to KS and asked her to relax as HM will wakes up in sometime and she left from there, to prepare presentation for today's meeting

KS takes her seat next to HM and started to caress her head " What happened to you, Rishu and what made you to worry this much. I asked you to step down from our business, just because of your strange behavior and your uneasiness and I sensed something is bothering you, so that I take all the responsibility and I want you to just relax, but in that also, you are taking worry, by searching the job" KS thought this and she left from there

HM wakes up after some time, and found herself in KS cabin. Before she realize any other things, someone grabbed her arms and make her comfortably seated in couch. Of course, HM knows who it is

KS gave a glass of water to her and she takes her seat, next to HM

KS asked : How are you feeling now

HM drinks the water and without looking at KS, answered: I am alright, don't worry. I think, just my BP, is spiked

KS exhaled her breath and takes HM hands in her's and said: Rudy, If you want to search job by your own, you can search, and if feel anything, to work with Shivani, then don't take that because of me, I will speak with her. And don't worry about our clients, I will manage them. And please do whatever you wants to do and whatever relaxes your mind. Please" she said all this calmly

HM puts her other hand, over their hand and said: "No Rishu, I am okay with that Job. Don't think much. Just my BP gets spiked, that's it and it usual only" she said in flow

KS shocked at this and asked: "What, normal, you have this problem previously, from how long, how I don't know about this, why you don't say this to me" piling so many questions, she removed her hands from HM's hands

HM closed her eyes and thought " What the hell haseena, you said this to her, in flow, today you are finished"

HM cleared her throat and said: "Rishu, Listen to me, I have this problem nearly for last 4 years, it's not a big problem or disease, it's just, whenever I think about something too much, I will have this, then rest of the time it is okay. Nothing serious"

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