Part - 12

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KS wakes up from her sleep. She needs to reach office early today, to prepare herself for the meeting with the new clients. She thought to wear HM's dress, as this is important meeting for them, as this is HM's dream to work with that client. So, she went to HM's room

The view, she saw there, give inner peace to her. It's not the view of sleeping soul, it's the view of HM's pyaari pillow, which lied down in the floor, near the cup board

" God is there " KS thought this, with smirk, while looking at the pillow

" Today is not my day, tomorrow will see" HPP smirked, with some attitude

" Will see that tomorrow, but today my heart at peace" KS smirked at HPP, she takes HM's cloth and left from there

HPP nodded her head in disbelief and thought " Poor Karishma, looking me in the floor and she got happy from that and left from here in joy, completely forgotten my Haseena Ji. Anyways I am happy that she went out, without staring at my Haseena ji "

KS gets ready and come down. PJ was in the kitchen preparing the break fast.

KS: "PJ, Good Morning. I have to leave urgently, and Please, inform Rudy to come to office in formals. Because we have one important meeting and she needs to attend that, at any cost. Actually I came here, to inform this, to her. But, She is still sleeping. I don't have time to wait and also I don't want to disturb her sleep" like this, KS continuously blabbered everything to PJ, without any single second gap

PJ looked at the hurrying soul: "Good morning Lalli, please relax baba, I will do everything, as you said, but have some breakfast and go"

KS takes her seat in couch and arranging some files, said: No PJ, I will eat something. Now I have to leave, Please

PJ nodded her head in disbelief, and takes some food in plate, and comes to KS and said: "Okay baba, you don't have to give time for food, you will do your work and I will feed you, in the meantime" saying this, PJ forcefully put food in KS mouth, without any notice

KS shocked at PJ's actions, but she smiled at PJ instantly: "PJ, aap" saying this, she smiled at PJ with food in her mouth

Like this, PJ feed KS and KS continued to do her paper works. HM was looking all this or we can say, adoring this, while coming down from her room

"Rishu, take the food, properly, see your face and dress" KS was startled, by HM's voice.

KS smiled at HM and said: Good Morning, Rudy

HM smiled at her and said: Good Morning, Rishu and PJ. Look at you, how you are eating

PJ smiled at HM and asked: How my lalli, is eating

HM: "Like an child" saying this, she takes the tissue and comes near KS and wiped the food from KS face

PJ smiled at this and said: "I thought of cleaning it, once she done with the food" saying this, she took the tissue from HM's hands and cleaned KS face

HM looked at this blankly, as her hands are still in the air, like holding the tissue

KS: Rudy, Good, you came down. I came here, to meet you

HM takes the seat in couch and asked: "For the meeting, right. I think, it's better, if you only, attend this, because you are the future of Mallik's right"

KS was irritated with this, she answered in bit rude tone: Rudy, you know about this client, very well. They want to meet, both of us. And also, this client is more important for us

HM: Okay, understand. But

KS: What, But, we need to attend the meeting, at any cost

HM: I have some important work with Shivani

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