Part - 27

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Singh Mansion

"Karishma here is your coffee and vyom, here is your coffee" saying this PJ, gives coffee to KS and VM

Both takes their coffee. HM comes there with RK

"Hey Haseena, when did you left here, that too, in late night? Morning I looked for you" PJ said, while looking at HM, who takes her seat next to KS

"PJ, I went there to take some important things" HM said

"So now you bring that important thing" PJ asked

HM nodded her head and PJ continued: "Wait, I will bring coffee for you" saying this, PJ gets up from her seat

"No Maa, I don't want this coffee, I will give this to her" saying this, KS gives her coffee to HM.

HM takes coffee from KS, but to HM's poor luck, KS just gave half cup of coffee

RK smiled at them. PJ takes her seat next to HM

" Haseena, from the morning, I am waiting to speak with you" PJ bited HM's ears

"Yes. Tell me, PJ" saying this, she sips her coffee

"You know, how Vyom takes care of Karishma, during this 4 days. He is staying here and did everything for her. I think he likes her" PJ said

"Okay, he did everything. Who wants his liking. For us only Rishu is important And Rishu have to like him, so that we can discuss " HM said

"Definitely she will like him or may be already she started to like him. We don't know, right. That's why I am saying this to you, please check with her" PJ said

"I think you are rushing up this things" HM said

"I said to you, right that, I want grand child. So please check with her" PJ said

HM just nodded her head, as she doesn't know what to say to PJ

KS who intentionally heard their conversation was hell afraid and angry at same time, she just left from there

HM and RK spoke with PJ for sometime and RK left to office

HM entered to lions den, who is hell angry. HM looked at KS, who was sitting in the bed in half lying position.

She just moved to cupboard and arrange her things in cupboard. Finally she took HPP and kept it in her side of bed

KS was silently looking at this, already she is angry, now silently HM increasing her anger.

She is glaring at HPP "So you come here, that too, in to my room"

Already HPP was heartbroken by HM's confession, it was just palely smiled at KS

"Did you think once, when I have my father, mother and family, why I landed in orphanage" KS asked HM, who is busy in arranging her things

HM looked KS and said: " I don't think specifically like that, but I strongly believe, you landed up there, just for me. To give live to my life. To give the smile to me, which I lost after my parents" saying this, she continued her work

"You know that right, then why you don't understand that, you have to keep me with you for your lifetime as yours" KS thought this and laid in bed and closed her eyes to get some peace, as she was not happy and little tensed at the same time, about HM's and PJ's conversation about her marriage

HM looked at her and, "I am here for you, and I will handle everything. But, right now, my concern is your health. I don't want to give any stress to you. And I know, what you are trying to convey. Look how cutely, you are trying to give your piece of mind to me" thought this, HM lovingly looked at her

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