Part - 30

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"You only heard half the story, the other half is full of twist and turns" HM said

"Don't talk about Karishma like this, See how much she loves you" RK said

"Even I am saying that only, but she is completely changed into an obsessive one. Only two things not changed between us, one is her possessiveness and other one is her shyness" HM said

"Okay, I will say, what happened after that night. Then you will understand" Saying this, HM gets ready for another flashback


HM Wakes up from her sleep, and tried to find the KS without opening her eyes, just spreading her hands all over the bed. But due to the bad luck, KS already left from there.

"Rishu, Rishu" saying this, HM opened her eyes, she doesn't found KS there and "Rishu, why you woke up this much early" saying this, she turned to looking for her pillow, which is in chair from last day afternoon witnessing all its love's love moments

"No, I wont gonna take that pillow, I don't want to upset her in morning itself " HM thought this, she closed her eyes once again to continue her sleep

"Rudy, Wake up, its already 06.00am" KS comes to her room along with cup of tea

HM opens her one eye and look at KS without her knowledge and closed again and thought "Ah.. My dream...My dream..."

"Rudy, wake up and drink this" again KS said, while keeping tea in the side table. "Yeah... My dream..My dream" HM thought this, and get ready for her romantic encounter with KS like in her dream

After sometime, there is no response from KS, so HM opened her eyes and found KS who is taking some cloths from her wardrobe

"Thank God, You wake up, How many times I have to wake you up, and from today you have to wake at 06.00. And after that you have to go to jogging for sometime, you have to do this regularly" KS said

"Okay, I will do, No issues, as you say. Just 30 mins enough or I will do 1 hour" HM said, while taking the cup of tea and sipped that while looking at KS, who is busily looking for something from cupboard for sometime

"Waaakkk" HM spitted the tea, which she sipped and looked at KS and asked "What is this Rishu?"

"Green tea, why are you asking me, you don't see that. From today, Morning you have to drink this only, because I want you to be fit and healthy, already you are 33 years old. So, you have to just follow, what I am saying in your diet" KS said, while looking HM from cupboard

HM who was busy in looking at KS, for the first time she looked at the cup with a weird face.

"Why are you looking at cup like this, just drink" KS said

"I don't like this" HM complained

"Just drink Rudy, you will get used to that, don't worry" she said, while continue her work which she is doing for quite sometime.

"Okay, if I drink that, what will I get" Poor HM asked while doing poor calculation about KS

"First drink that and get ready, and go for jogging, I will Join with you for jogging once I am completely recovered" KS said and looked at HM and asked HM to drink by action. HM drinks that

And KS continued "one week you can go for 30 mins jogging after that we will increase the timings as you said step by step, I never thought you would be, this much interested in fitness like this. Any ways, its good for you only, okay get ready and go" saying this she left from there, without waiting for anything from HM

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