Part - 13

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"What are you saying?" SS asked BS and MS, shockingly

MS: We are saying that, Haseena refused to work with them

BS: Refused to work with top client, to whom many of us are waiting to work with them, even Karishma said Haseena wants to work with them

SS: Why the hell, she did that and why she attended that meeting?

BS: How do we know?

MS: But, we really did the presentation very well, definitely they would give the chance to us. But she spoiled everything

SS: I know, I know, she deliberately did this, so that Karishma will lose, same like us

BS: What are you saying, Mumma?

SS: Yeah, How she made as lose in every business, in the same way, she will be going to do, with Karishma

MS: Mumma, Why she have to do that, when it is her own business

SS: Stupid, did you forgot everything. She doesn't have anything now. Everything is in Karishma's name. So, she has the reason, right

MS: If, she has the reason like this, means, then why Karishma allow Haseena to attend the meeting

SS irritated with them and said: You fools, have to find out that, why Haseena is still there in that company, and why Karishma allows her to attend that meeting. But I am sure, if she stays there, she will definitely do the same thing, to incur us loss

MS: Seriously, I don't understand, what you are saying

SS: You fool, don't need to understand anything. Just do, what I asked you, to do

BS and MS nodded their head

SS: "But first, find out, why Haseena is still there to attend the meeting, when she doesn't have any rights, over the company any more. And secondly, I asked you guys to find the reason, for the distance, which created between them, a long ago. But you guy's are still do nothing, doesn't find anything. After that, we will decide, what we have to do with her. But, if she interrupt us in anything, this time, I wouldn't leave her alive.

BS and MS just nodded their heads

SS: "Don't, just shake your heads. Do something, which I asked you for" saying this, she left from there

KS returned from office, little early. So, she thought of meet her father AS.

KS entered the room and saw AS was smiling, at tab, in front of him, which Malaika is holding. And KS understood, with whom her father, is smiling in video call, by listening the laughing voice, she gets from the tab

She went near her father and stand beside him and looked at that person

"Hey Rishu, what a surprise man, you came home, this early" HM asked her

KS rubbed her father's shoulder and said: "I felt to take some rest, so"

HM: "Hmm, that's good. At least, now, you thought like this, okay, take some good rest" saying this, she smiled at KS and looked at AS, and said " Okay, bye, my young man, spend some good time with your daughter, call you, tomorrow" saying this, HM cuts the call.

MA: "Ms. Mallik disconnected the call, I want to ask her something" MA said this, while placing the tab, on side table

KS comes in front of her father and kneeled down and put her head in his lap and asked: How is your day, Papa.

AS smiled at her daughter and caressed her forehead and blinked his eyes with smile

MA: "As Ms. Mallik said, what a surprise Madam Mallik, showed up this much early" she asked KS

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