Part - 26

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HM Wakes up from her sleep and looked at HPP, who was snuggling into HM arms, actually it was HM who was snuggled into HPP and slept

KS worriedly said: " What, What made you to feel like that. Don't worry about anything. I am here, right. I will support you. Please say, what is bothering you"

"Actually, I am feeling uncomfortable with this pillows here, I am missing my pillow, which is more comfortable for me and that's the only thing, bothering me here" HM said

KS sternly looked at HM and said: "I said that right, I will support you to make you feel comfortable. You are uncomfortable because you are missing your pillow, Right"

HM nodded her head with her ever innocent face. KS looked at her and said in stern tone: "Okay, Now you can go to your house and sleep with that pillow"

HM, who doesn't expect this from KS asked: You are just kidding, right.

KS continues her stern tone, said: No, I am saying seriously. You can go now

HM: Already it's very late, how can I go there, now, and also, today only, I get consciousness, so I can't stay there individually

KS: Why you have to stay there individually, there your favourite pillow is there for you, right. I feel sleepy, please get out from my room now

HM: Are you sure. You want me to go

KS: I am cent percent sure. You can go now. And sleep comfortably there with your pillow.

HM gets up from her bed and looked at KS once and asked: If you ask me to stay here, I will stay here

"No, you can go, please" saying this, KS covered herself with duvet

"I don't how I am going to handle that Possessive soul, but I never thought that she would send me out of house at late night. Anyway, it's worthy to be here, I slept well after long" HM thought, while looking at HPP

"Please Haseena Ji, don't look at me like this. I am feeling shy" Thought this, it turned its face to other side

"And I am very happy that, you both are safe. And thanks to Karishma, for sending you here" HPP thought this, it's thoughts are disturbed by someone.

Malaika comes there with cup of tea for HM.

"Good Morning Ms. Mallik. I bring tea for you" saying this, she kept tea in side table

"What are you doing here, You are staying in Singh mansion with Karishma, right" HM asked to Malaika

"Yes, I was, but, yesterday night, Madam Mallik asked me to stay here with you" Malaika said and left there

HM smiled at this, as she felt that KS send Malaika here just to take care of her. With this lovey dubey feel, HM throwed HPP away in excitement

"It hurts, but I am happy by seeing your happy face. It doesn't matter, where I am. I am always yours, Haseena Ji " HPP thought this, from floor, with an melancholic smile

With that smile, HM gets up from her bed, but got shocked by RK's voice

"What happened to you. Why are you smiling like an idiot" RK asked HM, while standing at the doorstep

HM composed herself once and asked: "Hey Riya, what are you doing here, that too, in this early hours. And how do you know that, I was here"

"Morning, I called Karishma to know about her health, that time she told me that, you was here to sleep with your pillow" RK said

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