Part - 20

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Its been 3 months, since HM takes over the company again, and KS rejoined in her job.

HM was busy in her business, and also she was working with SP in some projects.

KS was busy in her flight schedule. She was working continuously, without much break. Monthly once or twice, She took break

SS was hell angry with KS, but she can't do anything with her, as she is the only sole member of income. But, she is waiting for the chance to do something with HM, to get all her properties through KS.

BS and MS are poor souls, still working under Mallik's, but they are now, somewhat working properly, under the strict supervision of HM.

And RK and Mr. RK are getting ready for their marriage, as they decided to take their relationship into next level.

AS was worried about her flying daughter, who were, not at all taking the rest. HM was constant source of support for him, by taking care all his needs.

HPP was the most happiest thing, in all this while, because there was no KS, to threaten it, and to disturb it's privacy with HM.

PJ and HM are became very close, in fact, HM became big fan of PJ. But, both missed their Rishu, most.

Last, but not least, HM and KS was like before. There is no plus and there is no minus. But both are missing each other badly, as they don't get much time to spend together.


" Haseena, is tallest one, right" Katy asked KS, who looked at the Instagram post of SP, in KS's mobile.

"Yeah, She is tallest" KS said this, with a smile

" Haseena, is in Instagram" Katy asked

KS: "No, No, It's SP's profile. She is one of business woman and Rudy, is supporting her in one project. And she announced that project in her profile, with inauguration day picture"

K: "Ohh, But, she is matching Haseena's height"

KS: "Yes, she too, tallest one and she almost match Rudy's height"

K: "Hmm. So, when you are going to stop your non stop flight schedule"

KS: "In 2 days. If I don't go home in 2 days, then Rudy will come here, and also, Rudy said that, Papa is not doing well, these days. So, I thought of take one week leave"

K: "That's good. Seriously, you need some rest"

"Tell her this" Voice came from their behind

KS shocked to hear that voice, but her minds already started to think,how that person came here.

"Hey Haseena, What a surprise, Just now, we spoke about you" Katy welcomed HM, Who comes along with RK and Natali

HM hugged KS from behind, and takes seat next to her, and said: "Madam, don't have time to come to home, but have time to speak about us"

Natali and RK takes their seat, and RK complained at KS about KS: "Karishma, why are you driving the plane continuously" asking this, she laughed at her own comment, and continued "You guys are speaking like this only, so I can't control myself to speak like that, like plane driver, driving, etc..,"

KS: "How are you, Riya di, and How is Jiju, and how is your marriage preparations are going" KS piled her questions

HM: "I am too, here Rishu. You are speaking only with your Riya di. I already answered your, all the questions, morning itself, right, over phone. Then. why are you asking her again"

KS: "I don't want to speak with you, because you didn't informed me, about your plan of visiting here"

HM smiled at her and said: "Actually, its not an planned one, it's an sudden plan, we are here to meet one of our client. So, we just booked flight and came here" saying this, she winked her eyes at RK, to ask support from her

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