Part - 8

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Both HM and SP, are in SP's car, driving towards SP's office.

SP: Ms. Mallik, I will stop at some restaurants, we will have our breakfast

HM: No need Ms. Pawar, I am not feeling hungry, if you wants, you can, but I don't feel to have anything

SP smiled at HM and asked: Why, you are afraid of Madam Mallik of some one?

HM doesn't understand her question, so she asked: What are you saying? Why should I afraid? and To whom I am afraid of?

SP: "Because I know, how possessive Madam Mallik was, so I thought definitely you got something nicely from her. So if again, you have breakfast with me, then again, you have problem with her" saying this, she thought "Now I see, how you put down my offer, for proving Karishma was not possessive towards you, you will agree for the breakfast with me" Thought this, SP smiled at HM.

And SP continued: "Because, I saw numerous missed call's of Madam Mallik, in your phone notifications, so that I said like that " saying this, SP justified her comment

HM who was irked by this, but HM being HM, the calm and composed, cleared her throat once, give a small smile to her and said: "Ms. Pawar, Yes, you are correct, yesterday Madam Mallik gave something nicely, but not to me, but to you" saying this, she looked at SP

SP shockingly asked: To me

HM smiled at her and said: Leave that, just I was joking. Why she have to be possessive

SP: Because she was

HM: "I am asking you, the same Ms. Pawar, when you know that you are more important to someone and you are the first priority for that someone, then why you have to be possessive. I am saying this, because When Rishu knows about my priorities, so why she have to be possessive, that too with someone, whom I have just meet 3 to 4 times, that too, as her friend only" she said this, sarcastically

HM looked at SP fallen face and continued: " Am I right Ms. Pawar. And Madam Mallik, is not that much fool, to not differentiate between liking others and helping others. Yesterday I was just helped you, so she should proud of me" saying this, she looked outside the car window

There is complete silence, as no one talks anything after that, HM takes her phone and tried KS number once. She doesn't pick the call and even doesn't put reply message to that call, which she usually does. HM keeps her phone in her pocket, after getting no response from KS. SP saw that and smirked at this

"Rishu, Going to kill me, for sure" thought this, 14 year HM almost runs to KS primary school, from her higher secondary school, to pick her up for orphanage. She reached at KS school and started to look for KS, but KS was no where to find. She asked security about KS, but he said everyone left from here.

HM completely checked the school once and went to orphanage or else we can say that she almost runs into orphanage, to check whether KS reached there or not. She is madly checking for KS here and there in orphanage. Almost she looked at everywhere. Her heart beats are increasing, every passing second and she was completely blank and she blaming herself for being late from her school. "Rishu where are you" thought like this, she runs towards Sister Mariam.

"Good Evening Sister Mariam" HM said, while breathing heavily

SM who was busy in some files, looked at her and said: "Good Evening Haseena, What happened baccha ,why are breathing heavily, anything urgent"

HM: "woh... Sister Mariam, Rishu is nowhere to find, I completely checked in her school and our home"

SM gets up from her chair and asked: What are you saying, baccha

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