Part - 16

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" What is this, guys?" SS asked this angrily, while throwing the TV remote from her hands

"Why they are still mentioning, Haseena as CEO of Mallik Group of companies?" SS asked this, while looking at them

" And Why the hell, she is in headlines, and it will definitely going to affect our market value" SS said this, worriedly

BS: "But Mumma, Why are you worrying this much, it's not our company right"

SS: "Stupid, it's not our company now, but soon, it is going to be our company. Already it is in Karishma's name"

MS: "Oh you are saying this in, that way"

SS: "I don't know, how I gave birth, to this useless stupid's" saying this, she looked at that useless idiots and asked " Okay, leave all that, I asked you guys to find out, why still Haseena is interfering in office matters. Did you find anything?"

MS: "Mumma, Actually Karishma only asked her, to attend some meetings, as Karishma don't want our clients, to get to know that, Haseena's was not an partner any more"

SS: "Why? What is the problem in that?"

BS: Because, Karishma thinks that, if client gets to know that, about Haseena's walkout, then it will be difficult to handle them, what if they wants to back off their investment from the company

SS: "Hmm. I Understand this, Now. But the problem now is, the same thing going to back fire"

BS: What are you saying, Mumma?

SS: Did you see the news channels?

MS: Yes. But How can be that going to affect the business?

SS: Yes, definitely, it will affect our market value, because so - called CEO, is gets into the news, so it will be affect

BS: But Mumma, why are worrying much about that? Haseena or Karishma, have to feel or worry for that

MS: Yes Mumma, they have to, But I am very happy, because of that Haseena, we lost all the business. Now, she have to lose something

SS: "Stupid, Now everything is going to be our's soon. It's no use to speak with you. Just do, What I asked you guys do to"

"Inform all your clients about Haseena's walkout, and she is not an CEO anymore. And all should have to know that, Karishma have all the 100% share of Mallik group of companies"

"We have to make this news official asap, so that soon we will take over the entire Mallik's"

BS: But, how we will manage Karishma?

SS: No need to worry about her, we will make her to do, what we wants. And do all the things I asked you guys to do, with an unknown identity, so that no one gets to know that, you guys are behind this, especially Karishma

MS: Okay Mumma, we will take care

SS: Come back with the good news, which I expected.

Hearing this, BS and MS left from there.

HM's House

RK enters into HM's House, who is looking more worried

PJ: Hey Riya, come, What a surprise, you came this much early, that too in the morning, that too in a holiday

RK: Something urgent, PJ. Is Haseena and Karishma, Wakes up? She asked

PJ: What, Karishma is staying here? PJ asked RK

RK: Hmm, Yesterday, she is not feeling well. So I dropped her here. I think they are still sleeping

"Already I got up, Riya" saying this, HM comes down, who looks completely exhausted

RK: Is Karishma fine? and Why are you looking like this? Did you slept well?

HM: "She is sleeping in her room. And I am just fine, but I think, my BP is just spiked. Nothing to worry" she said this palely

PJ looked at HM, whose hands and wrist are injured, asked her worriedly: " Haseena, What happened to you? Why your hand and Wrist are injured?" Asking this, she checked the wounds.

HM: "Nothing serious, PJ. Just an small injury. Don't worry. I already did a dressing. Just need to take injection"

RK looked at HM, who is not doing well, anyone can understand this from her looks, decided not to share anything with her, regarding the on going flash news

HM: "What happened? Anything urgent, you showed up here, in morning, that too in a holiday" HM asked this, while looking at RK

RK: I came to meet Karishma

HM: "Hmm" she just nodded

"What happened to your wrist now? Yesterday night, only your hand injured right" RK asked HM, but before she completes her question, everyone looked at KS, who is calling the name" Rudy", while coming down from her room

PJ looked at KS, who is holding her head and coming towards them, asked: "What happened to my pyaari Lalli"

KS looked at PJ once and looked at HM, said: "Rudy, I have heavy headache" saying this, she takes seat next to HM and put her head in HM's lap

HM looked at KS once, and asked PJ to bring some medicine for her, along with milk

KS takes HM's hands and put it in her head, like asking, "HM to caresses her head". But she gets up with a jerk, when she saw the injury in HM's hand

KS worriedly asked: What happened to you, Rudy? How your hand injured?

HM looked at RK and RK tried to answer KS:" Karishma, nothing , just a small injury. We will speak about that later. But before, you take some medicine and let me know, how are you feeling now"

KS: "What happened to me? I am good. I just have head ache. Leave all that, How she got injured in her hand"

HM: "Relax Karishma, I am already tired. Please, don't ask anything now" saying this, she looked at RK and asked "Call doctor, I am not feeling well"

RK nodded and called doctor

RK looked at HM, who is just sitting blankly, without giving any damn to KS questions, asked KS: "Karishma, Leave her, Come here, I will give a massage to you" saying this, she pulled KS and made her to put her head, over her lap, as she knows, how HM's silence will affect KS. She doesn't want her little sister to feel bad

KS: What happened Riya di

RK: Nothing. First tell me, how are you feeling now?

KS: I am fine. But tell me, What happened to her?

RK: We will speak about that later. Before that, we will wait for the doctor to come and check her

KS just nodded her head, and RK caresses her head. Everyone is silent

HM was sweating badly and her shirts are completely drenched by the sweats and her head started to feel dizzy

"Thud" sound heard by others


Thanks for reading

Hopefully, soon I will meet you guys with next part

With Gratitude


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