Part - 25

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"And I don't know about others, but I strongly believe, because of her, she gets your life back" saying this, She looked at HM with contented smile and hugged HM once, and left from there

"You have more fans, here" KS said this, with a smile

HM smiled weakly at her and said " Because of person, like her, I still have belief in humanity. Because she doesn't know about us, but that day, she really supported me, well. I will say I am fan of person, like her, who care or support for others, without any expectations"

KS just nodded her head

After sometime, RK and PJ comes there

" Doctor said, Today Evening, we can discharge Karishma" RK said

"What's the urgent, we can keep Rishu here for some more days" HM said

"Why, what is the problem, Doctor itself saying that, we can discharge her and take her to home" VM asked, while entering into the room with SS

"Yeah Haseena, we can take her home" PJ said

But HM was just looking at VM like "What he is doing here".

HM turned to PJ and said: " I thought if we keep her here for some more days means, doctor will monitor regularly. It will helps her to recover asap. That's why I said that, and she met with an major accident. So she have to be in constant monitoring, right"

" No Rudy, I want to go to home. Please" KS said

"Look, how she is asking. We have to think like patient" VM said

" We have to think for/about patient only, not have to think like patient" HM reverted back VM

"Leave that, Guys. We will discharge her, today. And we will take care of her at home" SS said this, while looking at PJ

"And what he is doing here" HM asked, while looking at VM

"He is the one, who completely take care of us, here for last 4 days" SS said

"Here, we have Riya, Mishri and Bulbul, right. Why you guys disturbing, soon to be airline CEO" HM asked

"Riya was with you, Mishri and Bulbul are busy with your office works, they are the one, who handles the office, in all of your absence" SS said

HM looked at RK and RK nodded her head, as yes

"Okay, I am very tired and I will leave, now. And you guys, discharge her and go. And Riya, Please stay here, until her discharge" HM said

" Where are you going" KS asked

"To my house" HM said

"I am asking the same, which one" KS asked, while looking at HM

" How many house, I have, I am going to my house, which I am staying now" HM said this, while keeping her hands in KS arms

" Please go to Singh Mansion. Please" KS said

"Karishma, we won't have any room free, now. Because Vyom is using Haseena's room" SS said

"No need, I will stay at my house. I am more comfortable in that" HM said

"Please at least for today. You can use my room. Please" KS pleaded

HM just looked at KS.

"Please I want you to be there, please" KS said this again

"Okay, I will be waiting for you, there" saying this, she gets up from her stool, but get jerked by the voice

"Hey Haseena, How are you? Actually I went to your room to meet you, but Nurse said, you are here" SP saying this, SP comes near HM and tried to hug HM.

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