Part - 14

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" Haseena di, Haseena di" shouting like this, Mini runs into Haseena, who was busy with some staff's of the orphanage home, in arranging the lunch for all, from some distance from others, who are enjoying in the beach, by playing in the sea and buliding some sand castles or houses"

"Mini, What happened baccha, why are you running and shouting my name, like this" Haseena asked the 10 year old kid Mini, who is KS's class mate

"Woh, Haseena di, Karishma... Karishma... " She said Panicking

Listening this, HM was more tensed, because everyone is playing in the sea. And she knows, how her Rishu's was excited, to play in the beach. She gets horrible thoughts, without wasting any mere second, even without listening anything from Mini, she rans towards the children

She started running towards the crowd, who gathered to see something, which is happening or happened there. Seeing the crowd, she felt more fear and her heart, beats faster or we can say that, it vibrates drastically

She gets into crowd to find, what is going there. But the scene, she saw gave her a smile, just smile, because nothing happened to her Rishu, like what she thought

"Hey Haseena, why are smiling at them like this, Did you went mad" Staff1 Said, while trying to hold KS, who is fighting with Nimi

"Haseena, stop smiling, come and control Karishma" Staff 2 said, while trying to pull Nimi, from KS hold

But nothing reached HM's ear at that moment, as she was thanking the universe, that nothing happened to her Rishu, as like, what she thought

Both staff's are almost started to yell at HM, that they are asking HM to control, the uncontrollable KS

" Aaaahhh" KS winced in pain, by the nimi's kick at her stomach.

And that, brings back HM into the reality. HM runs towards KS, and pulled her back, from stopping her kicking Nimi, back

" Rishu, stop, what are you doing" HM said, while pulling KS back from the fight

" Leave me, Rudy" Saying this, KS trying hard to get out from HM's hold

Staff takes Nimi along with them and the crowd, who watched this super fight started to leave slowly

But still, the angry bird's anger is not reducing and HM is struggling hard to hold her, but KS was trying her best, to get out from HM's hold and she still madly shouting at Nimi

" Rishu, why are behaving like this" HM almost shouted at KS, after losing all the cool

" I don't like this behavior of you, Karishma" saying this, she left KS and left from there.

All enjoy their lunch, but one person is missing from HM's sight from long, even she doesn't saw that one person, while serving lunch to others.

"What happened to her, why she doesn't came for taking lunch also, but all her friends came" Thought this, HM walking towards the same place, where the fight happens sometime ago

Where our little angry bird is building sand house/castle.

HM looked at this and asked: "Why you didn't came to take lunch, Rishu?" asked this, she moved towards KS

KS was not giving any attention to HM and continue to build the sand house

HM went near her and kneeled down beside KS and asked: So, My Rishu, is still angry

KS turned the face to other side and said: Hmm

HM smiled at the cute kiddo KS, because even though, she is angry at her, she is answering her question

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