Part - 29

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2 Months Later

HM's House

"Rudy, wake up, it's 06.00am" KS voice played by Mira G(Automated ROBOT), to wake up HM, who is sleeping in her room

"Rudy, wake up, it's 06.00am" KS voice played again by Mira G

"Ms. Mallik, your final warning, you have to wake up, now" Mira G said

HM wakes up with a jerk and looked at MG irkly.

MG: "Good Morning Ms. Mallik" It wished HM, with a pleasant smile, and continued " Ms. Mallik, please freshen up and come, now we are going for jogging. Already I pressed your dresses, polished your shoes and prepared your morning Tea and breakfast" saying this, It moved out from there

"Rishu" HM frustratedly shouted and gets up to get ready for jogging as she don't want to get the warning again.

After finishing almost all the morning chores with utmost dedication, HM tiredly gets ready for the office.

After getting ready, she comes to dining table to eat breakfast, already MG sets the table for HM.

"Ms. Mallik, all set for your breakfast, please have. After that, we will leave for your office" MG said

HM who takes her seat in the dining table, with a grumpy face

"Rudy, eat your breakfast properly" Again KS voice played by MG

After her breakfast, HM takes her car, MG takes passenger seat. HM ignited the car and "Rishu, What the hell you did to me. I don't think in my wild dreams that you would became an obsessive lover like this" HM thought this, and it was disturbed by MG

"Ms. Mallik, you are crossing your speed limit, you have to drive below 50 KM/HR only, as per Madam Mallik's order" MG said this, and send this as message to its owner

"What are you doing, Mira" HM asked her

"I am just reporting Madam Mallik about your speed, Ms. Mallik" MG said

HM nodded her head in disbelief


"Karishma, Nowadays, why are you choosing short trips. And took gap like this" VM asked KS

"What's your issue in that, I am following all the rules, accordingly I am following my schedule, actually Now only I am working properly, and I don't want to do any over time, as I want to spend much time with my family, that's it" KS said

"Okay, But PJ said that you are always staying at Haseena's house, maximum of time. But you are staying that, you wants to spend some time with family" VM asked

"What's your problem in that, I have to report my duty schedule to you, I already done that, and I don't need to report my personal time to you" KS said

"Actually, I asked" VM said

"You don't need to ask that, behave properly. And my schedule is already over, I am going to my home, by taking next flight" KS said this, and left from there

"You asked me right, whom I was to you, soon you will know" VM thought this, and dialled some number in his phone

HM Office

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