Part - 7

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HM turned to towards the car and put her hands in window, to take that window support and said: Rishu, Listen to me I BEHAVED WELL with her, and she is not in her consciousness to, do anything with me, as you said

Listening this, KS turned towards HM, HM smiled at KS, as she turned to look at her, for first time

KS: I came there, because you are not picking my call continuously and SP's, whose phone is switched OFF, so I got worried about you and come there to check

HM: Thank God, you came there or else I don't know how I would be managed there

KS doesn't respond anything. She just turned her head to concentrate on road, to drive

HM: Hey, say something, Why are you like this. I am fine. Don't worry

KS: So you behaved very well with her

HM looked at her

"Then, who unbuttoned her shirt" she said this without looking at HM, and without waiting for her response, she drive away from there, HM jerked her hand in nick of time from window

HM aired her hands in frustration and looking at the retreating figure of KS's car

"Why I am explaining all this to her, when I know, why she behaves like this"

"What if she thinks that, I too have feelings of her in other way, by taking advantage of my explanation, that I gave it to her now, no she shouldn't have to take my explanation in other way"

"Why the hell, she is this much angry, when she knows clearly, that I am just helping SP"

"And Why I always wants to be in her side, Even though, I know that I don't like her way of slapping SP"

"If she is like this, then how can, she change her mind. If this little things, affects her this much, then it is not good. I need to do some other thing, to make her understand"

"I need to avoid her as much as possible, but it is difficult for me as well, at any cost I have to distance my self from her"

"She is with her father and Malaika is there to take care of her at home, Riya is there at office, all the businesses are in her name. So I can distance myself from her and she is safe with them and I don't need to worry about her much"

"I need to make her understand, that she needs to marry a man, who can love, care, respect and protect her, at any cost"

"I don't know, from when she have this change and what made her to feel like this"

"Just because, I was with her from the birth, that doesn't mean, I will be the perfect partner for her or she will be for me, like Riya said. We are there for each other and even I want to continue to be there for her but not in any other way"

"I don't want to ruin her life, by just accepting the Riya's facts"

"I don't know, what I am going to do now, because it is difficult for me to keep distance from her, because I want to be with her for all the time, I want to know all the things about her, I want to take care of her all the needs. Simply I want to do all the things for her for all the time, but not in that kind of relationship, which Riya is saying. Because .... Even I can't think of myself like that"

"Even though it is difficult for me, to keep distance from her, when I want to be, always with her to take care of her, but I can't have other options, other than this, after seeing her newly found liking ness towards me and the strange behavior towards me, I don't have any other options"

"Because only for me, always she is baby Rishu, who I took in my arms 25 years ago"

Thought like this, HM takes her wallet and looked at the baby KS picture, which is in her wallet

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