Part - 23

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Story is not going to end with this part
Don't get confuse
Enjoy reading
Author's note

I want to say this is my most favourite and important part in this story. I don't know, how you guys are going to accept this, but I tried my best to give justification to this, I need all your opinions about this part at end. Because I want to know about your opinions, particularly for this part. And also, if you guys felt that this part is unconvincing, I am happy to unpublish this part and happy to rewrite this part again with your opinions

You guys don't know how much I emotionally drained, while writing this part. I think I taken this writing bit serious 😂

I know it's a bit lengthy one. Please take your free time to read this.

Okay I will stop my self appraisal

Here you go,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"Haseena, little down, little, okay" PJ said this to HM, who is placing the photo in wall, which she took at the time of KS family reunion

" PJ, How you asked this to me, to frame this photo" HM asked, while keeping the hammer on the side table

"I know, only you can do this for me. Because, only you know the value of freezing the moment. So that, I asked you. And also, I know, How you have collections of photos, of My Lalli" PJ said

"Okay PJ, I will take your leave now. Already its been 2 hours I came here for lunch. I have a lots of work in office, as Riya is not in office for next few days" HM said

"Why, is she going somewhere?" PJ asked in over dramatic way

HM smiled at her and said: "She is going for honey moon, I think at this time, Her flight departed, because she messaged me upon receiving airport, sometime ago"

"Like this, when you two are going to honey moon, I don't know" PJ said

"We two" HM asked flabbergasted

"That means, you and Karishma for honeymoon after your marriage's respectively" PJ explained

HM smiled at her, while looking down. She shrugged off her head to reduce the nervousness she got from PJ's words.

"Okay PJ, Bye, See you later" saying this, she turned to go. But stopped, due to ringing of her phone. She attended the call, while continued to walk out.

"What" shouted this, HM stopped at her track

She hears her heart beat sound outside " What are you saying, How, When" saying this, she runs outside with tears in her eyes.

PJ and SS are already comes there, hearing HM's loud voice over phone. They stand there looking at the running figure of HM, without understanding the reason for that.

"Why she is running like this mad man?" SS asked

"I don't know, even I am thinking the same, why she ran like this, I pray to god nothing bad happened to her" PJ said worriedly looking in the direction of HM

HM who entered the hospital in vulnerable state, runs towards reception, almost colliding with all the persons, who is coming opposite to her.

" Rishu.... Room No..." She asked Receptionist in un even breath

"Sorry Mam, No such Patient in our hospital entry" REC replied

" No... I.... Rec..vied.. call. Pati..ent... Name.. Rishu" HM asked again

"No ma'am Sorry, I think you got some wrong information" REC said

" No.. I.. received call.." HM said this, in uneven breath and move inside hospital. Security's who are watching this from some time, stopped HM

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