Part - 19

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HM who is laying behind KS, looking at KS's face, who is sleeping peacefully after the tiresome day. KS peaceful sleep got disturbed by ringing of her phone. She wakes up from her sleep, and shocked to find HM there

KS looked at HM, while continued to lay behind her, said: Good Morning Rudy, and What are you doing here

HM smiled at KS and said: "Good morning, and What I am doing here is" saying this, she pointed her index finger, which is holded by KS, and continued " Someone is afraid of thunderstorms and yesterday late night, there was heavy rain and thunderstorm, so I came here to check upon you. And as usual, you holded my fingers and slept. So, I slept here"

KS smiled at her and picked the call, which is ringing for quite sometime: Hello Riya di, Good Morning

RK: Good Morning Karishma, just thought to wake you up early, as we have press conference today, regarding the news of HM and SP

KS: I remember Riya di, and How can I forgot that. I will come early to office, as I need to prepare some other documents also

RK: Already I prepared all the documents, which we needed.

KS: Riya di, it's some other documents. We will talk about that later, when we meet in our office

RK: Okay bye

KS cuts the call and said: "Today, we have press conference, regarding your issues with Shivani. I want you, to be there" saying this, she gets up from bed

HM: "I think, there won't be much problem for you. Because, already we sorted out the problem with Shivani Pawar, so she won't make any fuss there, so I think, I don't need to be there" saying this, she adjusted her pillow to her comfort, to sleep again

KS: So, you are not going to come

HM: I am very tired and also, I am not feeling well. So, I am not coming

KS: Don't behave like child, who don't want to go to school by stating the fake health reasons

HM smiled at her and said: "See, how the life became a complete circle. Till yesterday, I was the one, who saw you as child, as per you all, and now, you are saying that, I am behaving like a child"

KS: "Okay. I am sorry, for that. Yesterday itself, I understood, where we went wrong. Please not again"

HM: I just gave an example

KS: "Okay, but you are coming and you can sleep now. Because press conference at 11.00am only, so you still have time"

HM: "Okay. I will come. And don't worry about Shivani Pawar, she don't do anything against us"

KS looked at HM, and asked: "Why are you so much confident about her"

HM smiled and said: Because, yesterday, I am not only, made you feel possessive, but also I made her comfortable with me, so that, she thought everything will fine between us, so she can't take any drastic step against us. It doesn't mean, I am afraid of her, It means, I don't want to get involve in any unnecessary chaos"

KS: "What are you saying"

HM: "Yesterday, I didn't spoke with her, in the same way you spoke with her. If I spoke with her like you, definitely she will do/did something against us. So, in order to avoid that, I acted socially with her"

KS shockingly looked at HM and said: So, you flirted with her, for this

HM: "No, not again please, and who said I flirted with her, and even you are there right, Did you saw anything like that? Even though I dont like her activities, as I just said to you, yesterday. But, I just acted normally with her, that's it, that too avoid any unnecessary chaos"

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