Part - 31

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Thanks for the ones who sent Biryani's with lots of love 💕

And I dedicate this parts to that lovable souls @amiras701 @afifa125 @BRSG04 @Pushpamdevi @lostfairy90 @SREEAnu0 @dayDreamer6890 @mariadonas @galat_baat


" Poor Rishu, just recovered from horrible accident and again going to rejoin her duty, So she thought of going for some vacation to refresh her mind and body. And also, we don't get any private time for us to rekindle our romance. Okay, No issues I will cancel Rishu's plan. Your honey moon is more important now, but atleast you guys are physically involved without any romantic destinations, but here my life. Okay Riya, No issues, you can go, I will ask Rishu to cancel the plan, but I confessed my love after 15 years" HM saying this, she looked at RK once and act like dialling KS number

"No issues Riya, your honeymoon is more important to us, Rishu will understand this"

"I will speak with her, but you said you love us as couple and shipper, okay your honey moon is important" saying this, HM rubbed her forehead and eyeing at RK, who is in deep thoughts.

"Hellllooooo,, Hellloooo, Rishu, Did you hear me. HEllo" HM acting like speaking with KS, but looking at RK without her knowledge and continued " Rishu, we are not goin..." before she completes, RK stopped her

"Karishma, Happy Journey, Haseena will come, enjoy your trip dear" RK shouted from behind. HM smiled, but composed once and said "No need, you are planning your honey moon second time, So I won't want to disturb you"

"Very poor Haseena, your acting skill, just be happy with Karishma, Don't act like you don't want to spoil my honey moon" saying this RK, left from there

"I will send all the details regarding our meeting to you. Just go through once and be prepared for that" HM shouted at RK behind

"My foot" RK shouted back

HM'S house

"Why you packed this pillow?" Saying this, HM threw her pillow, out of their trolley bag.

"Look, how it occupied space, in this you can keep few more dresses of you" HM said while looking at KS, who is looking at like a weird creature

" You not only threw me out of your luggage, you already threw me out of your life as well"

"Anyways I just want you to be happy with Karishma"

"You never know how much I loved you, yeah I loved you, because now I don't have any rights to love you, when you are Karishma's" HPP thought this from the floor

"Always you want this pillow, right. That's why I packed this, but why you are throwing this, like that" KS asked HM, who is busy at checking all the luggage and doing so many changes

"I never thought, you would be this much happy for this trip" KS said

"We are going for a trip, how I cannot happy for that. Rishu" saying this, HM closed all the bags and kept it in one side

"Okay, now we have to sleep early, so that we can easily wakes up early in the morning" saying this, HM takes her place in bed

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