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Karen looked at her mother, who was asleep. Even when she was sleeping, Elsa Cranston, looked as if she was in pain. Karen felt a tear roll down her cheek and she wiped it off.

Elsa Cranston was dying of lung cancer.

Her mom did smoke in her teen years, but she stopped when she got pregnant with young Karen. The doctors had told Karen her mother could die at any moment and it terrified her. She knew it would be better for her mother... to be relieved of her pain, but that didn't make it any less difficult.

Karen wished her father was here, to have someone with her for support, but she had no clue who he was. Her mom had told her that he liked to party and have a good time, but he could also be a teddy bear when you needed him to be. Elsa never told her daughter the name of her father, she did tell her daughter that her father doesn't know she exists.

Elsa and Karen's father broke up a week before Elsa found out she was pregnant. They had dated for 3 months and Elsa had loved him dearly, but after a huge fight she was left heartbroken and she moved to New York.

Elsa stirred slightly and Karen ran to her bedside. "Karen..¨ Elsa whispered. Karen grabbed her mother's hand and smiled slightly, ¨I'm here mom.¨

¨Sweetie, I-I-I feel so w-weak. I-I'm so s-s-sorry.¨ Elsa started to cough and Karen rubbed her shoulders for support, tears running down the young girl's cheeks. ¨M-mommy?¨

Karen couldn't stand to see her mother like this... to see her strong rolemodel so weak.

¨T-t-the b-box, u-under my b-bed. G-get it.¨ Elsa gasped for breath as she felt another cough coming, ¨Y-your f-f-father.¨ Karen understood what her mother was trying to tell her. She nodded, squeezing her mother's hand, ¨I-I understand, mom.¨

"I-I-I love you s-s-so much, Karen." A few tears ran down Elsa's cheeks. "Mom, I love you too, so much. Please, I-I don't want to live without you." Karen leaned forward to hug her mother, never wanting to let her go. "G-goodbye, s-s-sweetheart."

The heart monitor beeped continuously and Karen let out a loud sob. " B-b-bye, m-mom." Doctors and nurses ran into the room, a few of them pulling Karen away from her mom. She screamed and yelled, trying to get back to her mom. Her mom couldn't leave her behind like that?! She had to watch her daughter grow up, get married, have her first kid...

As soon as they got Karen out of the room her aunt Lisa took her into her arms. It was suppose to be visiting hour soon and Lisa wanted to spend time with her sister... but it was too late. "S-she is gone!" Karen sobbed into her aunt's shoulder, the pair holding each other tightly, grieving the loss of an important family member. ¨I know, sweetie.¨ Lisa mumbled as she tried to stay strong for her niece, but she was crumbling piece by piece.


Karen and Lisa decided it would be good to pick up some stuff from Elsa and Karen's house, seeing that Karen would be living with her aunt from now on.

They pulled up at the house and got out of the car. Karen opened the front door with shaking hands and they walked in, closing the door behind them. "I will wait down here, take all the time you need." Karen nodded and went upstairs.

Karen, of course, was going to grab the box her mom was talking about. She went into her mom's bedroom and grabbed the box from underneath the bed. She wanted to get out of here, the sent of her mother's perfume didn't feel as comforting as it used to, it almost felt haunting.

The young girl took the box back to her room and put it in her suitcase, deciding it would be better to open it at her aunt's place. She packed other important things and went back downstairs. "You ready?" Aunt Lisa asked. Karen nodded and almost ran out of the house, her emotions overwhelming her.


Karen sat down on her new bed in her aunt's house. The family was downstairs, processing the news of the death of Elsa Cranston. They all knew it was coming and aunt Lisa has been preparing a room for Karen as soon as they found out Elsa didn't have long to live, but it didn't make the entire situation any less sad.

She had already started unpacking, putting her clothes in the closet and drawers. The only piece of decoration she had unpacked was a picture of Karen and her mom, taken on Karen's 6th birthday.

Karen glanced at her suitcase, to see what she had left to unpack when she saw the box. She had forgotten about that thing. She grabbed it and was about to open it, but she stopped herself. Anxieties taking over.

Did she really want to discover her father's identity?

Her curiosity was stronger than her anxieties and she opened the small wooden box. Inside the box, there was a picture and a beautiful necklace. Karen grabbed it and looked at it. It was so beautiful, why did her mom never wear it?

She put the necklace on her nightstand and grabbed the picture. The first thing she noticed was her mom, she was leaning against a motorcycle leaning against a man with dirty blond hair and green eyes. He was wearing a leather jacket and a lot of hair gel.

She smiled looking at the photo, her mom seemed so happy and the man next to her, who she was 99% sure was her father, looked like a really nice man.

Karen flipped the photo and noticed that there was something written on the back.

To my fine lady with her nice ass - T. DiNozzo

Great, she thought, he is a pervert...

I flipped the picture back and took a good look at my dad. I noticed he was wearing a badge,

She turned the picture back around to get a closer look at her dad. She noticed he was wearing a badge.

Metro PD in DC?

She decided it would be a good idea to do some more research.

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