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I started watching Teen Wolf, like yesterday and it was awesome! I am almost done with season 1;D

I also made a few changes in the cast;)

I also forgot that Cranston was the last name of Kate's sister, but they are not related in case you were wondering.

2 weeks later

Karen's POV

I sat on a bench in front of my new school, waiting for the principal to come over and show me around. The principal, Mr. Timmons, had called yesterday afternoon telling me to do so.

I had been living with Gibbs for 2 weeks now and I love it. That man had a weird, but amazing sense of humor. We spend most of our time in the basement working on stuff. He decided to build a boat and is teaching me how to use all the tools. Gibbs had also told me about his wife, Shannon and his daughter, Kelly, who murdered. He didn't tell me, because he wanted to, he told me because I found a picture and asked about it.

Anyways, I was playing Flappy Bird on my phone, getting really annoyed with it when I head someone walking up to me. ''Miss Cranston?'' I heard someone ask. I looked up and saw an bald man standing in front of me. ''Yes?'' I put my phone away, grabbed my cowboy bag and put it on my shoulder. ''Hi, I am principal Timmons.'' He extended his hand towards me and I shook it. ''Please follow me.''

I followed my new principal through the long corridors at my new school, aka hell. We sat down in the principal's office and he told me the basic school rules, like I don't already know them. I had to write them down a lot of times because I had so much detention.

Mostly for pulling pranks.

Just 1 fight,

that I won, of course.

I didn't noticed that I had zoned out until a paper was shoved under my nose. I looked up at the principal and grabbed the paper. ''This is your timetable. I will get a student to show you around, one sec.'' He pressed a button next to the speaker and spoke, ''Mr. Booth please come over to my office, thank you.''

Poor boy, must think he did something wrong.

The principal and I sat in silence for about a minute until there was a knock on the door and it was opened slightly. ''You wanted to see me sir?''It was a boy with black hair and brown eyes.

Cute, but not my type.

''Yes, Mr. Booth come in.'' The door opened fully and he walked in. He sat down in the chair next to me, eyeing me up and down. ''Mr. Booth meet Miss. Cranston, she is a new student at our school and I want you to show her around.''

This 'Booth' guy nodded quickly and said, ''Sure, sir.''

''Good.'' The principal stood up and extended his hand towards me again, ''Nice meeting you Miss. Cranston.'' I shook his hand and after that 'Booth' and I walked out. ''Daniel Booth.'' He told me once we were out of the principal's office. He extended his hand towards me and I shook it, ''Karen Cranston.'' He smiled at me and we started to walk. He helped me find my locker, which was next to his, and showed me many places. He showed me the library, sportsfield, cafeteria and such. We had almost every class together so he could also show me were most of my classes were.

When he was done showing me around the first period had already ended, so we went for our second period, chemistry. I had always loved this subject and also had been very good at it. It becomes handy when you want to pull a good prank. We walked into the class and I walked towards the teachers desk. There was a blond woman sitting there, she was chubby and had long blond hair, she was wearing a lot of colours. She reminded me of Penelope from Criminal Minds.

''Oh hi, you must be the new student.'' She said happily, standing up and shaking my hand. ''I am Mrs. Ryan, nice to meet you Miss-''

''Karen Cranston.'' I finished for her. You might wonder, why not DiNozzo?

I am going to wait with that until my dad get's back and to see if he actually accepts me. If he doesn't I will just stay Cranston. If he does, I will make it DiNozzo.

''Wait here, until everyone is here.'' Great, she is going to introduce me infront of an audience. At my old school I didn't mind, because I knew most people from when I was younger, but I don't know anyone except Daniel.

''Hello everyone.'' Mrs. Ryan told the class once they had stopped talking. ''I want you all to meet our new student, Karen Cranston.'' Everyone stayed silent eyeing me up and down. I shifted awkwardly and looked at my new teacher. ''Miss. Cranston, you can work with Mr. Booth, do you already know who he is?''

I nod and slowly walked towards Daniel, sitting next to him. ''What's up partner? Shy in front of new people?'' He teased me with a smirk. ''No..'' I mumbled, playfully glaring at him.

This was going to be a good friendship.


The rest of the day was nice. I met a few new people, forgetting most of their names. I found out that James Matthews was the most popular guy in our school, he was the captain of the Football and Basketball team. Typical playboy.

Daniel and I had talked a little about our personal lifes. I had told him about my mum, but not my dad. He told me that his dad wasn't his real dad and that he was adopted. His adoptive dad is a FBI agent and former sniper, I think his dad and Gibbs would get along just fine. He told me that his dad's girlfiend, the famous Dr. Brennan, was pregnant and was now living with them. Well, his dad stayed at Brennan's place while Daniel stayed home alone. Daniel told me he loves his freedom. but misses hanging out with his dad.

I feel kinda bad for not telling him about my 'daddy issues', so maybe I will tell him tomorrow.

I walked into the NCIS building, the guard close to the front desk recognizing me and handing me a visitor's pass. I smiled at the man and walked towards the elevator.

Instead of going to Gibbs and his team, I went down to Abby's lab. ''Hey!'' Abby ran over to me and hugging me. ''How was your first day at school?'' She asked me and I started to tell her about my day. While helping her with the evidence.

Yes, she actually trusted me with it.

''You are really, like really clever.'' Abby said after about 20 minutes. I looked up at her confused and Gibbs walked in. ''Who is really clever?''

''Karen is.'' Gibbs turned to me and noticed I was also there. ''Hey, how was your first day at school?''

''Good.'' I told him. ''Gibbs.'' Abby spoke, ''I want to have Karen's IQ tested.''


''Just because Gibbs. I asked her about her first day at school and she remember almost every detail, even that she saw a ketchup stain on her new friend, Daniel, his shoe. I looked at her grades they were all A's, even an A+ in Chemistry and Maths. I just want it to be tested.'' Gibbs looked at me, surprised, ''Is that true.'' I nod slowly, not many people knew how high my grades were. I did study, but not much. My mother told me that I was really clever and my old principal also wanted my IQ to be tested, but I declined, because I didn't want many people to know.

But who cares now, I am at a knew school and what does it matter. I don't think I am going to be the Fred and George Weasley of this school anyway, like I was at my old school.

''You know what, I will do it, I will take the test.'' I told Gibbs and my answer made Abby grinn.

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