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Abby's POV
I looked at Karen who was sitting at my computer in the back of my office, scrolling to tumblr. She is a really nice girl and she somehow reminds me of Tony. I am now running her DNA and I had just ruled out her mother's side of the family.

Poor girl, her mother just died.

I turned to check out the luitanant's clothes, but my computer made his funny little beeping noise.

We had found Karen's dad!

I happily turned around, but it soon faded slightly as I saw the face on the computer.

"O my god," I whispered to myself, "She is Tony's daughter."
Gibbs' pov
I walked into Abby's lab, expecting her usual happy response, but instead of that I saw her standing frozen in the middle of the lab, looking through the glass doors at Karen who head her earphones in and was jamming along to some song. "Abbs?" I asked, slightly confused. I then looked at her computer and saw Tony's face on it.

Mhmm.. Guess the DNA test is done.

"Did you know Gibbs?" I heard her voice, it sounded kinda sad and almost disapointed. "Nothing was sure, yet, Abby." I told her turning to her. I put the CafPow on her desk and walked closer to her. "What is going to happen now?" Abby asked. "We are going to wait until DiNozzo get's back. She is going to stay with me until then." Her face lit up and a small smile formed on her face. "Can she stay with me once in a while?"

"Sure." I said with a small smirk. "Come on let's tell Karen and then you can tell me what you've found."

Abby walked over to the glass doors quickly and they opened slowly. As soon as the gap was wide enough she pushed herself through and I followed her. "It has been confirmed, Karen." She told her as soon as Karen took out her earphones. ''Your father is Anthony DiNozzo.''


Karen's Pov

I had my earphones in and was jamming along to 'I feel like dancing' by All Time Low. I had the feeling that someone had just walked in so I looked up. I saw Abby standing in front of the desk and Gibbs was just walking over to stand behind her. ''It has been confirmed, Karen.'' She told me as soon as I took out my earphones. ''Your father is Anthony DiNozzo.''

I nod slowly taking it in.

Okay I expected this, but still.

I mean, I officially know who my dad is after 16 years.

''Are you alright?" Abby asked, when I stayed silent. "Aren't you happy?"

How can this girl stay so calm.
I mean a guy she has probably known for years, has a daughter.
And she just found that out.

"Abby, maybe we should give her a little time alone." Gibbs said, putting a hand on Abby's shoulder. Abby nodded, but I shook my head. ''No, I don't need time alone. It is just.. weird to know after all these years who my father really is." They gave me a small smile and Gibbs walked around the desk and stood beside me. I turned the chair slightly and looked up at him. ''You ready to tell the others?" Gibbs asked and I nod. He put out both of his hands and I grabbed them. He pulled me up and let go of my hands. "Come on."

And with that we both walked out of Abby's lab, not without saying goodbye to her of course.


"WHAT?" Ziva and McGee exclaimed at the same time as Gibbs and I told them about who my dad is. Palmer and Ducky, who were called up here, just stood on their spot with surprised looks on their faces. Vance, on the other hand, looked like he had expected it. "Boss, you can't be serious.." McGee said, looking at Gibbs. "She is related... to Tony?" Ziva said, still in shock. "Yes, Tim, Ziva, DNA proved it." Gibbs said like it was the most obvious (Sp?) thing in the world. "Well, i do see a few resemblances." Ducky mumbled. Palmer was still frozen.

Vance was the one who decided to break the ice and spoke, "Okay, I will contact your aunt telling her about the situation. Who are you going to stay with, Karen?"

"She will stay with me, like I said before." Gibbs spoke, "But Abby already said that Karen could stay with her whenever she wanted."

"She can stay at my place too, boss." McGee spoke. "And at mine." Ziva added. Palmer and Ducky also added 'And also at mine' and that made me smile than. "Well, now that's done." Gibbs said, "Let's write you in for a school."

I groaned loudly, covering my face with my hands, "Please not that hell hole."

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