Twenty One

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I'm obsessed with the song at the top. It is also this song of the crappy chapter


''Just one month left and then summer break.'' Daniel said awkwardly. ''Yeah, can't wait.'' Matthews mumbled as he ate a dorito. Karen and Alice had forced the two boys to bond. Since Karen was friends with him and Alice didn't mind his company anymore it was time for the two boys to bond. Alice raised a brow at Karen and they both chuckled.

Other people in the school cafetaria looked at their table with a concerned look on their faces. They knew how much the two hated each other. They feared one would kill the other. Specially Matthews goons looked at them strangely.

''Your goons are staring.'' Daniel suddenly spoke up, ''Seems like they have got nothing better to do with their lives than stare at a manwhore.'' Alice slapped his arm and Karen facepalmed, literally. Matthews stood up and you could hear someone gasp in the distance. ''You-'' Matthews and no time to say something else, Karen had already grabbed his arm and had started to pull him away from her friends. Matthews yelled some things until they were fully out of the cafetaria.

''Really?'' She asked as they stopped in the middle of the hallway. ''He started it.''

''Yes, but you can be the wise 16 year old and ignore it.''

''Oh, just like you did when you and Booth had that fight.'' Her stern expression fell and she loked down at her feet. ''Sorry.'' His apology sounded genuine, which made her look up. ''Look I just don't think Boo- Daniel and I can be friends.''

''You just have to find a common interest.'' Matthews nod, ''That can work. Does he like sports.''

''No, he despises exercise.'' She paused, ''Do you like Doctor Who?''

''Never watched it.''


''Never watched that either.''


''Love that show.''

''Okay, that's good. The Walking Dead, American Horror Story?''

''Both awesome.''

''See we've already got 3 of them.''

''Yeah I guess.'' He said, ''But we can't just build a friendship on love for the same tv shows.''

''I became friends with Alice because we both love Percy Jackson. Trust me, it is possible.'' Karen paused, ''Let's go back now.'' Matthews shook his head, ''Nah, let's go for a walk.'' He grabbed her hand, making butterflies explode in Karen's stomach. They started to walk in silence, but after a while Matthews broke it. ''So, you and your dad found a place yet?''

''He thinks he has found the right place. We are going to visit it this afternoon.'' He grinned down at her, ''Good, that's good.'' She glanced up at him, ''So you've never watched Sherlock or Doctor Who?''

''Nope, I don't think I'll like it.''

''My dad said that and now he is hooked on both.''

''But I am not your dad.''

''I'm glad you aren't.'' He suddenly let go of her hand, making Karen stop in her tracks. ''Karen. I wanna ask you something.'' She nod and he continued, ''Will you go on a date, with me? To the movies, this friday at eight?''

Karen blushed and her eyes widened. A date?, she thought, Is he being serious? ''Y-you're serious about this right?''

''Yes, I-I am very serious.'' He started to become nervous, what if she didn't want to?

''Yes, James, I will go on a date with you.'' He grinned. He hadn't felt this happy in years. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, making Karen a blushing mess. The bell rang and students started to fill the hallway. ''Great.'' He kissed her forehead, ''See you later.''


''A date, with him?'' Abby spun around in her chair, looking at the blonde. ''Who is going on a date?'' Gibbs asked as he walked into the lab, kissing both Abby's and Karen's cheeks. ''Karen is.'' Gibbs put the CaffPow down on Abby's desk and looked at the short blonde. ''With who?''

''James Matthews..'' Karen mumbled. ''That idiot?'' Gibbs wondered out loud. ''He is not an idiot, Gibbs, he is nice to me.''

''Start following rule 9.'' He told her. ''And what is that?'' She asked. ''Never go anywhere without a knife.'' He paused, ''Your dad just got back. Now, what do you got for me, Abbs?''


''Why do I have to be blindfolded.'' Karen asked as Tony helped her up the small steps, in front of the house. ''Because, Karen, I want it to be a surprise.'' Karen rolled her eyes, even though he couldn't see. ''Stay here.'' He ordered, feeling stupid for saying that afterwards. He unlocked the front door with the key he was aloud to borrow. He helped her into the house.

After a few more steps, she felt the blindfold beging removed. She blinked a few times, because of the bright light, but after a few seconds she was able to look around. She was standing in the living room. It had an open kitchen and there was enough space for a dinning table. It was a huge room with white walls and a wooden floor.

She was amazed that her dad would even be able to afford this. This place was beautiful. ''You ready to see the rest of the house.'' The sound of her dad's voice startled Karen and she turned around to face him. She nod and they walked around the house together. Upstairs had 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, a hobbyroom. The house wasn't to small or to big for the pair. It was just right.

''-And this would be your bedroom.'' She already thought she had a huge bedroom back in LA, but this was bigger. ''So, will this become a DiNozzo rezidence?''

''Yes, this will be a DiNozzo rezidence.''

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