Twenty Eight

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The next chapter are going to be focused on Daniel and his friendship with Karen and his relationship with his family..


''How is the new case going?'' Karen asked as she walked into's Abby's lab. Abby jumped, ''Oh my god, Karen! Stop scaring me like that.'' Karen smiled. ''Well our victim is a Jane Doe, so I am running her finger prints and DNA now. The results should be up soon.'' Karen nodded as Abby went back to processing the victims clothes.

The computer made a 'ding' noise, letting them both know that the results were in. ''Okay, let's see who our Jane Doe is.'' Karen spoke. Karen had summer break, no more hell, but also no James. He was visiting family in Wales. She missed him dearly.
''Our victim is Sergeant Polly Thompson...'' Abby paused, ''What is this, a genetic match to someone?'' She clicked on the link and Karen gasped, ''Oh my god, she is his aunt.''
Abby gave Karen a worried look as the young blonde grabbed her phone to call her friend, ''Where are you?- Okay I'm on my way- I will explain when I get there.''


Karen got out of the cab and went up to the front door of the house. She rang the doorbell and it didn't take long before the door opened. A pale skinned, freckled boy stood in front of her with a worried look on his face. He let her in and closed the door behind her. ''Karen, what's wrong?''

''Daniel.. How much do you know about your biological family.''

''Not much. My dad told me that my mother couldn't afford to take care of me after my father died a couple of months before I was born. Why, what is wrong?''

''My dad has this new case, the murder of a sergeant Polly Thompson.'' Karen took a deep breath, ''DNA tells us that she is your aunt, Daniel.''

Daniel started to shake a little, ''My what?'' Karen grabbed his wrist and guided him to sit down on the sofa. ''I think you should call your dad, Daniel.'' Daniel shook his head and covered his face with his hands, ''Are you sure Karen?''

''DNA doesn't lie, Daniel. We just don't know if it is from your mom's or your dad's side.'' Karen's phone buzzed and she looked at it, ''Polly's sister is coming in to assist in any way she can. We can ask her and she if you knows anything.'' Daniel nodded and he back up, ''We have to take Christine with us though.'' Karen nodded and Daniel went to get Christine while Karen called a cab.


Christine was asleep in the baby carrier that Daniel had strapped to his stomach, as they walked down the hall to conference room 3. Karen had called her dad in the cab and he told her that they could talk to her after they were done. They waited outside the door. Daniel was shaking and sweating, to calm himself he petted Christine's head and gave her a kiss. Karen smiled and grabbed Daniel's hand, ''It will be okay, Daniel.'' He smiled at his best friend, glad to have her at his side.

The door opened, Gibbs and DiNozzo walked out. ''Hey Karen, Daniel.'' DiNozzo sighed, ''She is all yours.'' Gibbs gave both of them a small smile, ''We will be in the bullpen if you need us.'' Karen thanked both of the men as they went inside the conference room.

Daniel and Karen stopped in the doorway as they saw the weeping woman. She looks just like Daniel, Karen thought and she glanced at Daniel. The expression on his face told her that he also noticed, he swallowed and closed the door behind him. He had never been this scared in his life.

''Ms. Thompson.'' Karen spoke and the dark haired woman looked up at them. Ms Thompson gasped as she saw Daniel, ''Oh my-''

''Hi.'' Daniel managed to get that out as he stared at the woman in shock. He felt scared, angry and he was very upset. He didn't know what to say. Karen noticed this and cleared her throat, ''I am so sorry for your loss, Ms.'' The woman looked at Karen and gave her a very small smile. ''Thank you. Please, call me Jane.'' She paused, ''What can I do for you kids. The agent's told me you had some questions for me.''

Please you know what we wanted to ask, but your expression told me enough, Karen thought as she glanced at Daniel, whom still stood frozen.

Karen sat down across from Jane and clasped her hands together, ''Jane, my name is Karen DiNozzo and he is Daniel Booth and the baby is Christine, his little sister.'' Daniel sat down next to Jane slowly, he didn't want to wake Christine. ''DNA told us that your sister is his aunt-''

Jane cut her off as she glanced down at the table, ''And you want to know if I am Daniel's mother.'' Karen nodded and Daniel looked at her, eyes filled with hope of solving the mystery behind his heritage. Jane Thompson looked Daniel in the eyes, ''Yes Daniel. I am your mother.''

Daniel started to shake as tears gathered in his eyes. He had expected it, of course, but in the moment itself it was way more difficult than he expected.

''I-I'm so sorry.'' Jane sobbed as she looked down at the table, ''I-I-I only wanted what was best for you.''

Karen didn't know what to do in this situation, so she decided to do nothing. This was something Daniel had to deal with himself.

Daniel grabbed her hand from across the table, careful not to crush his little sister. ''I-I know.'' He smiled at her, ''It is okay. I-I'm glad I know who you are.'' Jane smiled at her son, ''I-I looked you up a couple of months ago when I moved back to DC. You seemed so happy that I didn't want to intervene.''

''We have a lot of ca-'' Daniel was cut of by his phone and Christine startled awake and started to cry. Karen grabbed Christine from the baby carrier as Daniel excused himself and walked out of the room.


''Daniel where are you?'' It was Seeley Booth, his adoptive father.

''I'm at the NCIS building, I took Christine with me.''

''I just got a call from agent Gibbs, that he has a case involving your biological family.'' ''That's right.'' ''I don't want you to have anything to do with this case. Get Christine and come back home.''

''B-but, dad, I found my real mother.. My biological mother!''

He could here Booth sigh, ''Come home, now.''

Daniel could feel the tears gather in his eyes again as he hung up. He was angry that his dad didn't want him to spend time with his mother, he was upset about the fact that she found him before all of this happened and didn't come to him. He was confused and frustrated.

He walked back into the conference room and smiled at his mother. He grabbed Christine from Karen's arms, ''I'm sorry, I've got to go.'' He walked out of the room, ignoring Karen who was calling his name, ''Daniel wait!''


''He hates me now.'' Booth sighed as he looked at his girlfriend, Temperance Brennan. ''Well you did handle it in a bad way.''

''But how am I going to tell my son that I lied to him?''

''You didn't lie to him you just didn't tell him the whole truth.''

''How am I going to tell my son that his mother is mentally insane?''

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