Twenty Four

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Hey guys, so if you read the latest chapter of 'How To Love a Grimm' you already know this. But the reason why I haven't updated in a while was because my grades dropped badly about a month ago, so I was busy studying, praying I would not have to re-do this year. But everything is going better now.

So yeah, I am back with a new chapter, I hope you enjoy!

(If you ship James and Karen you are going to enjoy this chapter)


"Boss, Buckly got away." McGee's voice was heard through the walkie talkie. Matthews and Karen both turned to face Gibbs.

Gibbs had a stern look on his face as he pointed at Karen, "You and I are going to have a talk."


Karen followed him out of the warehouse. He stopped walking once they were outside and turned to face her. Karen did not dare to look him in the eyes so she looked down at the ground.

''What the hell were you thinking?'' Gibbs voice was soft, but stern. Karen had expected him to yell at her, so she looked up with a shocked expression on her face, ''You're not mad?''

''Oh I'm pissed. Answer the question.''

''W-well, I wanted to find Matthews.'' She looked down at her feet, yet again, like they were the most interesting thing in the world. ''You really care about the kid don't you?'' Karen nod, still not looking up. ''Karen DiNozzo, I am only going to say this once. Don't EVER do that again. Do you understand me?'' She looked up and stared right into those blue eyes, ''I don't know what I would've done if you got hurt or worse- killed. I don't even dare to imagine what your dad would've done.''

Karen nod and hugged Gibbs, ''Thanks for not yelling. I will try to not do it again.'' Gibbs pulled away from the hug as he heard the ambulance pulling up nearby. ''Boy's inside.'' Was the only thing Gibbs said as the paramadics got out of the vehicle. He turned back to the short blonde, ''You better not do it again. Now come on. We still have to catch Buckly.''


''I am fine, Karen, really. The paramadics let me go remember.'' Matthews sat on a chair in Abby's lab. ''I only have some cuts and bruises. It's not like you didn't give me those before.'' Karen glared at him as she stood between his legs, leaning against Abby's desk, ''Well, they did say you had a concussion. Hell, you even through up. They only let you go because Gibbs said that Ducky and Abby would look after you.''

''Well, they aren't here looking after me. You are.'' Karen rolled her eyes as she carefully hugged the young boy, for about the 50th time that day, ''You had me worried sick, you idiot.'' He wrapped his arms around her. ''I am here now aren't I? I'm safe.'' He paused, biting his lower lip. That small gesture made butterflies errupt in Karen's stomach. ''There is something I don't get. If Buckly and that son of his want to hurt you and your dad. Why abduct me?''

Karen blushed as she looked down at her feet. ''Because I care about you.'' It came out as a small mumble, but Matthews still heard it. ''Yeah, but if he wanted to kidnap one of your friends he could've also taken Daniel.'' Karen bit her lip as she glanced up at him, shyly. ''Unless, you care more about me than 'just friends'.'' Karen could not deny it. It was the truth after all and she was and always will be a horrible liar. ''You do, don't you?''

Karen stayed silent. She felt a finger underneath her chin as he forced her to look into his blue-green eyes. ''I care a lot about you too.'' And with that he closed the small space that was left between them. The feeling of his slightly chapped lips pressing onto her's felt like heaven. He cupped her cheeks in his hands and Karen started to kiss back, wrapping her arms around his neck. His tongue glided across her lower lip, begging for enterance. She parted her lips slightly and granted acces. He stood up from the chair and pressed her against the desk, moving his hands down to her waist. Her hands found their way into his hair and tugged it slightly, making him moan into her mouth.

They pulled away as they heard the elevator stop. He stared into her eyes as he spoke in a whisper, ''Be mine?'' Karen nod and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. She got of the desk and quickly fixed her hair and clothes, as Matthews sat back down on the chair.

Just as they were finished Abby and Gibbs came through the door. ''We located Buckly's son. McGee and DiNozzo are bringing him in for questioning.'' Gibbs handed both Matthews and Karen a CafPow and walked out again, ''Just thought I would let the two of you know.''

Abby grinned as she glanced inbetween Matthews and Karen. She noticed the slight tension, being the clever girl she is. ''Something happened between the two you?'' She noticed the awkward glance the two teens shared and she grinned, ''The two of you finally kissed didn't you.'' Karen nod rubbing the back of her neck. ''In MY LAB?!'' Karen looked up at the goth, startled at her sudden loud tone.

''I feel blessed.''

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