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Karen's POV

I walked into the bullpen after school. Gibbs had actually texted me, which he rarely does, that I had to come to the NCIS building after school. I hope he isn't that pissed of at me.

Gibbs saw me walking in and stopped talking and looked at me. McGee, Ziva and DiNozzo, as I call him now, also stopped talking and turned to look at me. From what it looks like they were talking about the case, but now all the attention is turned to me.

''Karen.'' Gibbs spoke in his usual voice. ''Hi Gibbs?'' It sounded more then a question than a greeting. ''Did you punch that Matthew's guy in the nose.'' I nod. ''Is that the guy who is aways being a bitch towards Daniel, Alice and you.'' I nod, yet again. ''Good job.'' He told me and gave me a smirk. I smiled in relief. ''You didn't break his nose by the way.''

''WHAT? Oh come on!'' I threw my head back in annoyance, I really hoped I had broken his nose. ''You punched James Matthews, the popular guy?'' Ziva asked me as she chuckled. ''Yup.'' I spoke proudly. McGee laughed as did Ziva. ''I still have detention tomorrow though.. with him..'' Ziva and McGee groaned as DiNozzo looked confused. ''Who is James Matthews?''

''Well, you could've known that, but you decided to be one of the many idiots in this world.'' I spoke, ''And you're on that list with James Matthews.'' DiNozzo looked down at his desk as if he was sad, but I just shook it off.

''I am going to do my homework in Abby's lab.'' I told them as I started to walk towards the elevator. I heard them shout 'Goodbye' and an 'I see you later!' as the elevator doors closed behind me.


''Miss Cranston, Mr Matthews, because you do not trust or like each other which led to all this. I have decided that you will both be decorating the items for the next school play. You will have to work together to get this work done. Talk about colours, the way you want to do it, bond with eachother. Teamwork.'' Mr Timmons told us as we followed him around. ''Mrs Hester will be checking on you two from time to time so get it done. I will come and get the 2 of you after an hour.''

We stopped backstage where all the unpainted items were. Mr Timmons nod at both of us and walked off. Matthews slapped my left arm slightly causing me to look up at him. ''You fucking see what you did?!'' He basically yelled into my face. I took a got look at him and saw there was a bandage wrapped around his nose making him look like an idiot. I started to laugh causing him to glare harder at me.

When I calmed down a little I walked over to the paint, still chuckling slightly, and Matthews followed me. ''This seen is for dawn so I would make it Navy blue.'' I told him. ''Nah, I would start with a little yellow like and then letting it become more purple and at the top I would put a little of blue.''

I looked at him weirdly, ''How the hell did you come up with that?'' Matthews grabbed the yellow paint and mixed it with all kinds of differrent colours. ''We start with yellow. That starts about where your nose is when you're standing in front of it. And by the way I am not as stupid as you think I am.'' He shrugged, ''And my dad is an artist.''

''What about your mom?'' I asked. ''She is our English teacher, she decided to keep maiden name when she is teaching.''

''What?!'' I almost yelled, ''How can your mom be so nice when you are you? And besides isn't it against the rules to teach your own kid.''

''I guess I am more like my old man. And we promised Timmons that my mom would stay professional towards me.''

''Oh yeah, I know that, she gives you detention almost every class.'' He chuckled and schook his head slightly, ''Yeah I know. So what about you Matthews?''

''My mom died of cancer a little over a month ago and as you know my dad doesn't want me, so I am living with agent Gibbs, my dad's boss. Gibbs told me he would give my dad a week to accept me otherwise he will adopt me.'' Matthews looked down at me and smiled, ''He sounds like a nice guy.''

''Yeah he is.''

''Your dad sounds like a dick though..''

''Well, yesterday you agreed with him.'' He stayed silent for a while until he put is paint brush down and looked at me. ''That is just the jock act.'' He shrugged, ''Besides you're pretty hot.'' When I was about to say something sarcastic Mr Timmons walked in.

Has it been an hour already? We only did the yellow paint..

''Mr Matthews, Miss Cranston, you're free to go.'' With that he walked out. Matthews looked at me with a smirk, ''This wasn't that bad. We should do this again sometime.'' He walked out, leaving me behind confused at what he just said.


''How was detention.'' Gibbs spoke as I walked up to them. ''Better than I thought.'' I smiled slightly as I put my bag down behind Gibbs' desk. ''What did you had to do?'' McGee asked with a brow raised. ''We had to paint stuff for the next school play. It turns out our English teacher is his mom.''

''Isn't that against the rules?'' McGee asked and I just shrugged.

''Karen we need to talk.'' I heard a voice speak from beside me. I looked to my right and saw my dad. I nod slowly and followed him to the same place we talked the last time, behind the stairs.


So what do you guys think is going to happen?

And do you guys ship James Matthews with Karen?

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