Twenty Three

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"Gibbs!" Both Tony and Karen ran into the bullpen where Gibbs was sitting at his desk. McGee was nowhere to be seen, but Ziva was there too. Gibbs stood up and raised a brow at them, which was Tony's signal to start talking. ''So Boss,-'' He started to ramble so fast no one could understand him. Gibbs walked up to Tony and gave him a headslap. ''I didn't understand a word of what you just said, DiNozzo.'' He turned to Karen, ''You. Speak.''

''We have a possible suspect. David Buckly. Dad pissed him of by arresting his brother and sending him away for life with no parol and his son asked me out about two months ago.''

''Spoken like a true investigator.'' He smirked, ''Ziva you're with me. We're gonna pay them a visit. DiNozzo, text Ziva the adress. Doesn't matter which DiNozzo.''


''Hey, are you okay?'' Abby asked as she noticed the blonde sulking at her desk. ''No. I am not. I wish I could just do... something.'' Abby wrapped an arm around Karen's shoulder, ''You found a possible suspect.''

''It could be someone else.'' Abby was about to say something else when Gibbs walked in. ''Oh it is him, Karen, he wasn't at home. I could see Nick was lying about where he was. He's involved.''

''So what is your next move?'' Karen asked and Gibbs smirked, ''Nick's father owns a building that is being renovated. We are going to get a warrant.''

''Don't you need more prove for that?''

''His bank records show that he brought 2 rolls of ductape and a rope about 2 weeks ago. Trust me, I'll get a warrant and if I don't get a warrant I will just pay him a friendly visit, with a few guns and stuff.'' He grinned and walked out, ''You both coming?''


''You actually got a warrant.'' Karen spoke. ''A teenager was kidnapped. Of course we get a warrant.'' Gibbs stood up, ''Gear up. We are going, now.'' Karen followed him and spoke, ''I am going with you.''

''Fine, but you have to stay in the car.''

''Since when has anyone listened to that?''


''FEDERAL AGENTS.'' They stormed into the building, Karen followed them from far behind like a ninja. She wasn't going to wait in the car while James was out there somewhere. She knew she probably wouldn't be strong enough to protect herself, but she didn't care, she wanted to find her friend. She followed Gibbs nineth rule and grabbed a pocket knife out of her purse and slowly got out.

She followed them, like a ninja, pocket knife in hand. Gibbs turned to look back and Karen hit behind a crate. McGee and Gibbs shared a look and shrugged. ''DiNozzo, Ziva, you go to the right. McGee and I will take the left.'' He signaled to the 2 doors on the left and right. DiNozzo and Ziva nod and walked towards the right side of the building. Karen glanced over the crate to see what was going on. She slowly stood up when all of them were out of sight. She went to the left side of the building, thinking it was best to follow Gibbs.

She went up the stone steps and glanced around her carefully. Ziva and Gibbs were looking around, guns sharp and Karen slowly trailed behind them. Ziva turned to look back which made Karen sneak into a side room.

Karen heard a faint groan and turned around. She glanced around the room trying to identify where the sound came from. The room was somewhat empty. A few boxes on the floor and plastic on the ground. There was a red door on the right side of the room.

Another groan and gripped her knife thighter. She walked over to the door and slowly twisted the knob. She pushed the door open with a huge amount of force, making the door slam against the wall. A man looked at the door, startled by the sudden appearance of the blonde.

A young boy was strapped to a chair with duck tape covering his mouth, James.

The man whom she had recognized to be David Buckly ran of in the opposite direction. Karen wanted to follow after, but Ziva had already beat her to it. "DiNozzo, McGee, Buckly is heading your way." She heard from behind her.

You would think that the girls focus would be on the fact that Gibbs is pissed, but she wasn't. She ran over to Matthews and slowly removed the tape from his mouth. "Kare." He mumbled, a small smile forming on his lips. Karen grinned as she used her knife to cut him lose.

She flung her arms around his neck, slightly startling the jock, but he soon relaxed into it and hugged the blonde back. "I was so worried." Karen mumbled into his neck. Matthews pulled back slightly and smirked, "I know you would be."

Karen's grinn faded slightly as she gave him a headslap. "I'm serious."

"I know you were, Kare, I'm sorry." He slowly stood up and wrapped his arms around her. "You should be sorry."

Karen couldn't describe her emotions at that moment. She was happy and relieved that he was save, she was nervous because he was holding her so close, she was scared that Gibbs or her dad would be mad with her and she hates to disappoint them.

"Boss, Buckly got away." McGee's voice was heard through the walkie talkie. Matthews and Karen both turned to face Gibbs.

Gibbs had a stern look on his face as he pointed at Karen, "You and I are going to have a talk."

Mixed feelings about this chapter, but I just wrote it and it's the middle of the night

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