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I made a mistake before, Karen has an eidetic memory instead of photograpic. I dedicate this chapter to l_kjellberg because of the elevator idea. Sorry if it is short, the next one will be longer.

School is hell.

You must think, 'Isn't every school hell'. Well, believe me when I tell you that this one is even worse. The only exception that your school can be as annoying as mine it is when you have a popular guy, who has girls dressing up like a slut for him and throwing themselfs at him.

I am happy to say that Alice and I are the only sane girls around this place.

Anyways I will tell you what I have been up to lately.

I have been stressed out since Gibbs told me that my dad would be coming home soon and I have had trouble sleeping. I didn't have any trouble at school since I don't really have to study.

I have met Daniel's dad, Seeley Booth, and Doctor Brennan.

I also have been helping Gibbs and his team on cases and that is also what I am going to do now. The guard in front of the elevator handed me a visitor's pass with a smile and I walked into the elevator. "Wait, wait, wait, wait." I heard a voice and a hand appeared between the closing doors of the elevator and the doors opened again. I almost gasped as I saw who is was, but I tried to keep my cool as much as possible.

It was my dad.

Anthony DiNozzo.

Fuck me.

''Oh Hi." He said. I glanced up at him and gave him a small nod, trying not to jump into his arms. "I am very special agent Anthony DiNozzo." I bit my lower lip and nod again. "Aren't you a little young to be here? Are you a witness for a case? You know that reminds me of a movie I have once seen, I don't remember the name though.."

The elevator doors opened and my dad looked at me. "Well, good luck. I got to surprise my team."

Oh you are going to get I surprise too, I thought. I sighed and closed my eyes for a brief second before walking out after him.

I walked closer to the bullpen and saw Ziva and my dad hugging each other. Gibbs and McGee both noticed me and McGee basically gave me a look that said 'Oh shit'.

After my dad was done with his comeback I decided to clear my throat and they all looked at me. "Oh hey, so you're a witness in this case." My dad spoke and Gibbs rolled his eyes. "Boss, I met this girl on this elevator. I never got her name though... and I also still don't remember the name of the movie..." Gibbs gave him a headslap and my dad looked at Gibbs confused. "What's wrong boss? Oh, is she family of someone who died?" McGee faceplamed at this and rolled his eyes.

"DiNozzo." Gibbs spoke interupting my dad's ramble's. "Meet Karen Cranston, you're daughter."

"What?" My dad asked looking between Gibbs and me, "Boss, that is not possible. You are really?" I nod as his eyes widened even more. "What?" He asked again. "DNA has proven it Tony." Ziva spoke as she sended me a small smile. "Elsa is your mother?" My dad asked. I nod again and spoke for the first time, "She died of cancer a little while ago." I saw tears gather in his eyes, "She never told me she was pregnant."

"You guys just had a fight. She thought you didn't want the child so she moved away." My dad bit his lower lip, "I am sorry, but I can't deal with this right now." He walked passed me and went towards the elevator. I sighed and I was about to follow him as was Ziva. "Stop." We heard Gibbs speak, "Leave him be for a second." Ziva and I both nod and shared a look. She sat down at her desk and I sat at Gibbs's desk waiting for my dad to return.

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