Twenty Five

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Gibbs sat down across from the young boy sitting at the interrogation table. ''I want my lawyer.'' The boy did not even look up at the gray haired man. ''If you say so.'' Gibbs spoke, standing up and tapping the class.

Ziva looked at Tony who stood beside him, ''Is he serious?'' Tony just shrugged and glared at the boy who kidnapped his daughter's boyfriend. The word had gotten out pretty soon, because of Abby and DiNozzo was happy for his little girl, Gibbs on the other hand, hadn't responded yet.

''Nick, do you know what your father did?''

Nick Buckly glared at Gibbs and said, ''I am not speaking with you. Where are my parents? Shouldn't they be present?''

''You just spoke.'' He paused, ''and your father is nowhere to be found. I believe that you know where he is and what he has done.''

The teenager had an innocent look on his face, ''I have know clue what you're talking about.''

''Well then let me tell you.'' Gibbs smirked and opened the file which had pictures off James injuries and the building where he was found, ''Your father lost it when his brother got arrested and put away for life without parol. He gave your mother his own pills for his heart disease after they got into a fight. She had a panick attack because of it and he gave her those which lead to a heart attack. It was later conducted as a suicide-''

''THAT IS NOT TRUE.'' Nick suddenly shouted as a tear rolled down his cheek.

''We reopened the investigation when your dad became a suspect. It proved that your father did it. You can come up to the lab later and we could show you the evidence.'' He paused, ''Anyway, after that he became more the depressed. I believe he also became angrier towards you. I am not saying he abused you physically, I mean he could have, but mostly mentally abused.'' Nick looked away from him. ''In what way did he abuse you?''

Nick knew he had no point in lying now. When he overthought it he realized that his parents indeed had a fight the night his mother died, but he just thought she had been despressed for a while. But she hadn't been. She was a happy woman, so she did not really have a reason to kill herself.

''Mostly verbally, he would yell and call me names. He only hit me twice.''

Gibbs nod and continued the story, ''One day you came home from school. You had asked out Karen DiNozzo and she rejected you. When your father heard the name he asked you if Tony DiNozzo was her father and you said yes. Maybe that day or later on to told him that you were jealous of her relationship with James Matthews. Which lead up to him making a plan to kidnap James Matthews to make Karen DiNozzo upset and piss of her father. Now I have a question, did he plan on killing James?''

''Yes.'' Nick mumbled, his eyes were sad and he was overthinking thinks. Why am I doing this- Did my dad really kill my mother- I don't want him to go to jail, but he really hurt Karen.

Gibbs noticed his distress and quickly moved on, ''When he found out Karen and James were going out on a date he decided to make his move just a few hours before and it worked out. Now we got James back, but your father got away. And that is why you are here. Where is he?''

''Did he really kill my mother?'' Gibbs stood back up again and tapped the glass and walked over to the door. DiNozzo handed Gibbs the file and the gray haired man went back to his seat. He opened the file and took out the pictures of the mothers dead body and put them on his lap not wanting him to see them, he did leave the pictures in of her alive. He handed the file to Nick who mumbled a 'thank you' and Gibbs knew it was for taking out the pictures.

He read the file and realised that those were indeed his fathers meds and his mothers finger prints weren't found on the bottle. He cleared his throat, ''How did they not notice the finger print was missing?''

''They immediately concluded it as a suicide, they never investigated it.''

''How could he?'' Nick broke down in sobs, shoving the file to Gibbs and covering his face with his hands. Gibbs looked at the kid, feeling sorry for him. But he still had one question. He was about to speak when Nick spoke, ''H-he is at o-our cabin in the woods. I-if you give me a piece of paper I-I will give you the coordinates.''

Gibbs gave him a small smile, a piece of paper and a pen.


This chapter turned out so much better than I thought it would. What did you guys think?

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