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Gibbs and I got into the car and Gibbs pulled out his phone. He dialed a number and put the phone up to his ear, ''Yeah McGee, I want you to gather the team so you, Ziva, Abby, Duck and Palmer in Abby's lab okay?''

There was a silence.

''Don't ask why, just do it.'' He told McGee and hung up. He started the car and we drove to NCIS in complete silence.

We soon enough arrived and got out of the car. I followed him into the building and we got into the elevator. He pressed the button to the right level and the elevator started to move. ''Soo.. are all of these people like you?'' I asked. He chuckled and said, ''You'll see.''

The elevator slowed down a little and I got nervous. Gibbs seemed to notice that. ''Hey don't be nervous. It'll be okay.'' I nod as the elevator stopped and we got out. I grabbed Gibbs hand to reassure myself, to my surprise he didn't pull away, he actually squeezed my hand. A soft smile formed on my face knowing that someone did already like me.

I think.

We walked into this room where a lot of people were talking, but as soon we walked in everyone became quite.

I recognized a few of them from Facebook like Ziva, McGee and Abby, but there were 2 people I didn't recognize they were wearing this blue thing and 1 of them looked old and he was short, while the other was tall and looked young.

All heads turned to Gibbs and I think they were not noticing me, yet.

"Boss, why did you want us t-" McGee started, but cut himself of as soon as he noticed me, "Boss, who is she?" He eyed me up and down making me feel uncomfortable. Gibbs squeezed my hand again and then let go of it. ''This is Karen. She will be staying with us for a while.'' He told them.

Well is wasn't exactly a lie, it just wasn't the whole truth.

"Abby, I want you to take her DNA and use it to find other relatives from her dad's side. Her mother's name is Elsa Cranston, so anyone related to her is definitely family." Abby nodded, clearly wanted to know more.

"Boss, does she have something to do with the case?" McGee asked.

"No." Gibbs told them like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Abby noticed me being uncomfortable and walked over to me. "Hi, I am Abby Sciuto." I smiled at her, "Hey Abby."

It is funny to pretend I don't know their names yet.

"I am Ziva David." Ziva said walking up to me, "And that is Tim McGee." She pointed at McGee, "That is Jimmy Palmer." She pointed at the tall guy with glasses, "And that is Dr. Mallard (That is how you spell it right?), but everyone calls him Ducky." She pointed at the shorter guy with glasses and he smiled at me.

"Well guys, now get back to work." He told them and everyone except for Abby left. "You stay here." Gibbs told me and then turned to Abby, "I will come back later." Then he walked away leaving me with Abby. "Sooo your DNA?" Abby asked with a big smile on her face. "DNA." I replied with a small smile.
Gibbs POV
"Why is that girl here boss?" McGee asked once we arrived back at our desks. "None of your buisness until it is confirmed." McGee and Ziva looked at me in confusion, but I just kept on talking. "Now what do we got."

"Right," McGee mumbled as he grabbed the remote. "This is luitanant (sp?) Quinten Deverton, 26 years old, history of violance and drugs, joined the navy after highschool, had a few fights, but he was one of the best." Ziva took it over from there, "We found this at the crime scene," There was a picture of a baseball bat, "This is probably the murder weapon, Abby is testing it to see if there is more to find on it."

I nod, taking in the information spoke, "Family?"

"The mother and sister are on their way, the father died 7 years ago."

I nod, "McGee."

"Yes boss, financials and his phone records."


"Talking to the CEO got it." Ziva grabbed her coat and car keys and left. I chuckled slightly at the behavior of the team and then looked at DiNozzo's empty desk. Vance wants me to get a replacement for him, but I know Ziva and McGee wouldn't approve.

I walked up to the elevator, pressed the button down to autopsy and soon the elevator doors closed.

Then somehing else shot into my mind.

Karen Cranston.

I could believe that Tony indeed had a child and Karen's story seems right and pictures don't look like they're fake. I think Karen is going to be happy when she meets DiNozzo and I think they are the same in many ways when it comes to their behavior.

I am not sure how DiNozzo will react...

The elevator doors opened and I stepped out and waited for the doors at autopsy to open. Soon enough they opened and I walked in. "Ah Jethro, I was expecting you to show up any minute." Ducky said turning to me. I walked up to Palmer and Duck who were standing by Quinten Deverton's body, which was lying on the table. "What do we got Duck?"

"Cause of death was a blow to the head, with which I suspect, was the baseball bat." Duck told me.

"You also have signs of a struggle here at the nails and bruising of the knuckles and also by the bruise here." Palmer pointed at the huge bruise on Quinten's chest. I nod and Duck continued, "Mr. Palmer and I found DNA underneath the fingernails and it has been send up to Abby."

Do they practice these talking things before I show up?

"Thanks Duck." I said and turned around to walk away, but I soon enough stopped in my tracks as Ducky called me back. "Jethro wait!" I turned around and saw Duck walking up to me and then turned to Palmer. "Mr. Pamer could give us a minute?" Plamer nod quickly and walked out while mumbling, "Sure Doctor Mallard."

As soon as he was out Ducky turned to me, "Who's that girl really Jethro? And why look for people from her dad's side?"

"Listen Duck, this girl showed up this morning at Vance's office saying DiNozzo was her father."

Ducky nod slowly and spoke, "And that is why Abby is testing her DNA?" I nod, "But what if she really is Tony's daughter?"

"If she really is DiNozzo's daughter she is going to stay with me until DiNozzo get's back. Then we will see how he reacts." Duck nod slowly, taking in everything.

Well, it doesn't happen every day that someone you have known for years suddenly might have a daughter.

I turned around and walked out of autopsy, in the elevator to go to Abby.
Abby's POV
I looked at Karen who was sitting at my computer in the back of my office, scrolling to tumblr. She is a really nice girl and she somehow reminds me of Tony. I am now running her DNA and I had just ruled out her mother's side of the family.

Poor girl, her mother just died.

I turned to check out the luitanant's clothes, but my computer made his funny little beeping noise.

We had found Karen's dad!

I happily turned around, but it soon faded slightly as I saw the face on the computer.

"O my god," I whispered to myself, "She is Tony's daughter."

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