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If I tell you that most people are nice at this school that would be a lie. Let me tell you this:

Most of the girls dress like a slut to catch Matthews attention.

Most of the guys want to be Matthews' best friend, so they dress and talk like him.

What goes the same at both genders?

They follow him around like lost puppies.

I absolutely do not like James Matthews. Okay, fine he is hott, but he is an ass. I wouldn't say that he bullies Daniel, who I have become great friends with, but he sure as hell teases him a lot.

Daniel just wants to punch Matthews in his face, but he promised his dad, FBI Agent Seeley Booth, that he wouldn't use his fighting skills unless he is in real danger. And because Daniel is a sweet and loyal guy he listens to his dad.

This was my second week at this school and I told Daniel on the 3rd day about my 'daddy issues'. We hang out every day and to be honest I really trust this guy. I actually never such a good friend. Usually people would only hang out with me, because I was the prankster.

Daniel and I sat at our usual lunch table and started to eat. I saw him staring at this girl and I grinned. I have noticed him looking at her before, but I never asked anything about it. It is time to change that. ''Who's that girl?'' I asked him and he jumped slightly almost chocking on his food. ''Not funny, Kare.'' I just smirked waited until he answered my question. ''Okay, that is Alice Williams, she is really popular, but she is one of the people who DOESN'T follow Matthews around like a lost puppy.''

''Mm, I like this girl already.'' I told him, my smirk growing. I noticed Alice was sitting alone, reading a Percy Jackson book. ''I am going to have a chat with her.'' I told him grabbing the green apple from my tray and my bag and I walked over to her. I heard Daniel mumbling 'No, no, no', but I just ignored him.

''Hi'' I sat down on the seat next to her. She looked up at me and I swallowed the bite I just took out of my apple. ''I am Karen.'' I told her extending my free hand. ''I'm Alice.'' She told me.

''I know?''

''How do you know?'' She looked confused. ''Okay don't be obvious, but there is a guy on the left side in front of us. His name is Daniel and he is sitting alone. He told me your name.'' I took another bite out of my apple and she just looked at him. I turned to look at Daniel and I saw him choke on his coke. We both laughed slightly. ''He is cute.'' She bit her lower lip. ''You know what I am just going to do this.''

I was slightly confused and I didn't know what she was talking about until she suddenly yelled, ''HEY DANIEL COME OVER HERE.'' I chocked on the bit I just took out of my apple and coughed a little. I looked at Daniel and saw that he was pointing at himself as if to see that she was really talking about him. Alice nod and Daniel stood up. He clumsily grabbed his back and almost ran over to the table almost tripped a few times. Alice and I laughed and shared a look.

He finally found his way over and sat down across from us. He mumbled an awkward 'hi' and Alice mumbled a 'Hi' back with a grinn on her face. ''So Alice you single?'' I asked out of nowhere and both Alice and Daniel blushed. ''Yes I am.'' She told me, ''What about you?''

''Trust me, having a boyfriend is the last thing that comes to my mind right now.''

''How so?'' She asked and I sighed. ''Long story. I will tell you some other time.''

I felt my phone buzz in the pocket of my leather jacket and I grabbed my phone. I saw that Abby was calling me. I pressed one finger to my ear trrying to block out some of the noise. ''What's up Abby?''

''Hi Karen, I got the results back on your IQ test. Do you want to hear them now or after school.'' The bell rang and people started to walk off to class. ''One sec Abs.'' I heard her mumble a okay and I noticed that Alice and Daniel were still here. ''Do we all have free period.'' They both nod and I raised a brow, ''Okay..''

We stood up and walked out of the school cafetaria. I put my phone on speaker when I saw that most hallways were empty and that I was alone with Alice and Daniel. ''Tell me Abbs, how high is my IQ?''

''O my god.'' I heard her whisper, ''You have an IQ of 187 and an eidetic memory.'' My mouth dropped open in shock. Okay, I knew that I was smart and that I can remember more than a normal person, but high. ''You're lying.'' I told Abby. ''No put on Facetime I will show you.'' I pressed the Facetime button and I saw Abby's face. ''I am not lying Karen.'' She turned the camera of her phone towards the paper that she had in her hands.

It was true. I was really that smart.

''Holy shit.'' I heard Alice whisper. ''What do you got Abbs?'' I heard someone in the background. ''Hi Gibbs!'' I spoke. ''Karen?!'' I heard him ask. Abby handed Gibbs the phone and I saw his face come into view. I waved and he chuckled. ''Gibbs I have the results back on Karen's IQ test. She has an IQ of 187 and an eidetic memory.''

''You're clever..'' Gibbs spoke slowly. ''Do you have anything else Abbs?'' I saw Abby grab the phone out of Gibbs' hands. ''Sorry Karen, duty calls.'' And with that she ended the call.

''You are really that smart?'' Daniel spoke in disbelief. I was about to say something when someone cut me off. ''Who would've thought.'' We all turned and saw James Matthews with 2 of his goons. ''Where is the rest of your clan, Matthews, finally realized how much of a dick you are?'' I spoke.

''Oh honey, you would like my dick.'' I made a face in disgust and glared at him, ''Nah thanks.''

''Anyways, if you are indeed that smart you wouldn't mind doing my homework.'' He slammed one his notebooks into my chest and my glare hardend. ''Oh no fucking way.'' I threw his notebook back at him as he has started to walk away and it hit him on the back of the head.

He picked it up and walked over to me. ''I take that as a no.'' He paused, ''If you ever do anything like that ever again, you will be punished for it.''

I snorted, ''Yeah right.''

He glared at me and then stalked off. ''Nice.'' Daniel said giving me a highfive. ''Damn nice.'' Alice and I also highfived.

This was a good day so far.


Gibbs POV

I just walked into Leon's office, because he had called me to ask if I could come over. Leon looked up at me and spoke, ''Gibbs, I would like to infrom you that Agent DiNozzo will be returning in 3 days. Prepare Karen for it.''

I nod slowly, wondering if either Karen and DiNozzo would be ready for it.

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