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I sprained my right wrist. It could also be broken, but I am to stubborn to go to the hospital for an x-ray xD

Karen's POV

I started to pace around my room as soon as I got back from the bullpen. My dad had giving me a lecture about how I couldn't go on my phone during class - Seriously everyone is on his phone during class- and how I had to promise him that I wouldn't get into detention for 2 months.

I honestly wasn't really listening to what he was saying, I was to busy thinking about what Matthews said. Who would know that guy could say something that affected me so much?

I'm not sure if I want to change my last name. 'Cranston' is one of the things I still got left from my mother, but would she want me to be a 'DiNozzo'? I mean by blood I am and she used to love that guy,

I actually think that she still thought about him every single day.

Would my dad want me to be a DiNozzo? He is still getting used to me being around and having a daughter. Would he want that girl to walk up to him saying that she wants his last name.

I'm sure that he wouldn't mind Ziva asking him tha-- No Karen don't get of point.

I think that I will just wait for a while.


Gibbs sat across from me as we sat in the basement. Now we're busy making christmas gifts for poor people. We sat there working in silence until Gibbs broke it, ''What's on your mind?''

''Mm?'' I looked up at him with my brow raised. I knew exactly what he was talking about, I knew Gibbs would find out. ''Something has been on your mind since I saw you at the bullpen, so tell me what's wrong.''

''It's just something that Matthews said.'' I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk about it, but I knew that Gibbs wouldn't let this down. ''And what did Matthews say?''

There it is.

''He asked me why my last name was still Cranston and not DiNozzo and that I should think about changing it to that.'' Gibbs chuckled which made me confused. ''I thought you didn't listen to that guy.''

''I usually don't Gibbs, but this is different.'' Gibbs put his tools down and took mine of of my hands. ''Listen Karen, it is your choice if you want to change it. Don't let anyone push you to do that.''

''Thanks, but it's just... I think I want to, but I think it was a little to soon and I don't even know if my dad wants me to change it at all.'' I looked back down at the table, sighing to myself. How does Gibbs always do that? Ya know, getting all this stuff out of people.

It's probably the eyes or the smirk.. Yeah that should be it.

''All I can tell you is that DiNozzo has been happier since he got to know you better. It just sometimes doesn't look that way is because he is worried that he is not a good dad. Trust me I know the feeling.'' Ohw, poor Gibbs. ''But DiNozzo did miss 16 years of your life.''

I nod slowly. ''You know what Karen, let's make a deal. If in 2 months you still want DiNozzo's last name, you will change it to that. If not, you will stay Karen Cranston.''



Daniel and Alice were studying for our French test and I was busy - this is apparently a DiNozzo thing- doing strange karate moves and ninja slapped Danny's French book out of his hands. ''Fuck, Karen stop it. I'm not as smart at you.'' I grinned and continued my moves.

''Looking good there, Cranston. But I don't think you will win a fight by doing that.'' I turned around- startled- and punched the person in the chest. I didn't really realize what I had done until everyone was looking at me and Danny was lying on the floor sounding like a dying whale.

''Oh my god, Matthews. You scared the shit out of me.'' I saw the blue-green eyed boy on the ground holding onto his stomach. ''Yeah I noticed that.'' I helped him up and noticed that Danny's laughter had almost stopped. I looked around if there was a teacher to give me detention and I noticed one walk up to me.

Oh god, my dad - and probably also Gibbs- will be pissed.

''Miss. Cranston! What was that all about?!'' I opened my mouth to speak when Matthews cut me off, ''It wasn't her fault, sir, I scared her and it was just a reflex. I'm fine, really.'' The teacher nod, a little surprised by Matthews behavior, and turned to me, ''You will get off with a warning this time Miss. Cranston.'' He walked off and Matthews looked at me with a smirk, ''You owe me.''

I turned back to Danny and Alice and they looked at me confused, ''What was that all about?'' I just shrugged and sat down across from them and started to eat my apple.


''I heard you scared Miss. Cranston and she punched you in the stomach are you alright.'' Matthews mom looked at him with a worried look on his face. It was my last period which is English. ''I'm fine mom.'' His mother started to fuss about it more and the whole class chuckled which even made the badboy a little embarrassed.

''Pul your shirt up.'' This caught my attention and looked up. Who wouldn't want to see his abs?
Matthews sighed and pulled up his shirt showing us his abs and a- HOLY SHIT DID I DO THAT?

He had a huge bruise at his ribbs. I knew that my hand hurted a little after I punched him, but I thought it was because of his abs. My jaw dropped as I looked at his bruise. People looked at me in shock and -yet again- Danny was banging his head on the table trying to stop his laughter. He mumbled something along the lines that was, ''That's my girl.'' And tears rolled down his cheeks.

''I-I did that?'' I stuttred after a while. Some people nod and I looked back at Matthews face to see that he was smiling? What?

''Yeah, you did. I'm proud of you. You're stronger than you look.'' He was actually grinning by now and confusion was written over my face. He sat down in the seat next to me, after pulling his shirt down, and smirked. His mother started to speak and I soon enough felt Matthews lean closer to me,

''Remember, you owe me.''

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