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Where are you guys from? I am from the Netherlands

Almost an hour later I was still sitting at Gibbs' desk waiting for my dad to return. And soon after that he did walked back in. His eyes were dull, his hair was messed up and his face held no expression. ''Karen, can I talk to you?'' I nod and walked over to my dad. He grabbed my arm and pulled me with him, until we were behind the stairs that led up to MTAC and Vance's office.

''Karen I think there has been some mistake.''

''DNA proved that I am your daughter.'' I spoke quietly. ''I am sorry Karen, I really am, but I can't take care off you. You can't be my daughter, I can't have you in my life.'' I felt tears in my eyes. ''Your mother was right and I don't want a child, maybe you thought that now I am older I would want one. I am sorry if I just crushed your hope and I am also sorry about what happened to your mother. But I really don't want you or need you in my life. I will drive you back to which family member you are suppose to be living with and you can have a happy life with them.''



''No, I will not leave DC.''

''Fine. But don't come and visit me again.'' I searched his face for any emotion, but his eyes or face showed none and there were no other signals that he actually cared. Huh, I guess my mother was right. I felt a tear fall down my cheek and turned to walk away. I did not want him to see me cry.

As I walked passed the bullpen Ziva seemed to notice the look on my face and followed me. She put her hand inbetween the doors of the elevator and let herself in. ''What happend?'' She asked, looking at me with a sad expression on her face. ''He said he didn't want me and that he didn't want to see me again.'' She pulled me into a hug and I cried into her shoulder. "I really didn't expect him to react like that." Ziva mumbled as the elevator stopped. The doors opened and we both got out. "Come on I will drive you back to Gibbs' place." I nod and spoke, "Aren't you suppose to work?" I whiped my tears away. "I will send Gibbs a text." She grabbed her phone and started to text Gibbs as we walked towards her car.

The next day I would up in a really bad mood. Yesterday evening when Gibbs got home I had to explain to jim what happened. Which involved tears. I didn't just cry about my dad, but also about my mom.

Anyways, I dragged myself out of bed and took a quick shower. I got dressed, did my hair and makeup. I unlocked the door and walked down the stairs to see Gibbs still sleeping on the couch.

Did I wake up that early?

I looked at the clock and saw it was 5:13 AM. I shrugged deciding to let the man wake up by himself and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a pan, a few eggs and bacon and started to make breakfast. When I was almost done I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen. "I see your awake." I didn't bother to look behind me and I put the eggs and bacon onto a plate.

I walked over to the table and put in down in front of Gibbs. "I smelled bacon." He told me, "What the hell are you doing up this early?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"Nightmares?" I nod and turned back to put some food for myself onto a plate. "About your mom or dad?"

"Both." I mumbled as I sat down across from him. "Do you want to tell me about them?" I shook my head and Gibbs stayed silent.

I really like Gibbs, he must have been a wonderful father to Kelly. I wish that my dad would care like him, but hey? At least I got Gibbs.

"Gibbs?" I spoke, "Are you going to send me back to my aunt?" He put the piece of bacon he was eating down and looked at me. "Do you want to go back to your aunt."

"Not really." I chuckled. "Well then, I guess you are stuck with me." I laughed slightly and he continued. "Besides I don't mind your company." I smiled and we both continued to eat.

When we were both done eating Gibbs went to get dressed and I cleaned up the dishes. After that we just talked until it was 8 AM and Gibbs drove me to school. He tild be he would probably send Abby to pick me up and drove up.

Yaay another day in hell.

Gibbs POV
I walked up to my desk in the bullpen and noticed that the team was already there. McGee and Ziva said 'Hello' to me and DiNozzo just ignored me. I put my coffee down on the desk and turned back around again. "DiNozzo. Elevator. Now." He stood up and followed me.

Time to have a talk.

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