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"Karen!" The blonde turned around and grinned, "Hey Matthews!" He wrapped an arm around her shoulder as they walked down the hallway. "You know, now we're friends you can just call me James."

"Nah I preffer Matthews more, for now." Karen could feel someone glaring, so she turned her head to look. She frowned as she noticed it was Daniel. Matthews also turned his head and looked at his female friend, "What happened between the two of you anyway?"

"It is a long story." Karen opened her locker and sighed, not wanting to talk about this. "Karen this has been going on for a month now, you know I am there for you right?"

"That's the problem." She closed her locker and walked away leaving Matthews behind with a shocked expression on his face.


It was lunch break and Matthews left his goons behind and searched the school for his friend. In the hallway he bumped into Alice. Figuring out that Alice probably knows what is going on, since she had been Daniel's girlfriend for the past 2 months, he decided to reach out and grab her arm. "We need to talk." He spoke up and Alice' eyes widened, "What's wrong?"

"What happened between Daniel and Karen, what caused there sudden dislike for each other?"

"You are the cause."

"What does that even mean? Why does everyone keep telling me this? Alice listen, I may not like Daniel much, but he is- was Karen's best friend. They were like siblings. Karen has been very sad lately, so can you please just tell me what's going on."

"Okay, fine." He gave Alice a small smile as a thank you, "Daniel used to have this 19 year old best friend, Vincent Nigel-Murray, he was an intern at the lab where his sort of stepmother works. 2 years and a month ago, Vincent was shot and killed by a sniper who was after Daniel's dad. Daniel was a broken boy and masked his feelings with his sarcastic nature. Meeting Karen about 8 months ago made him open up more. He trusted her and because Karen was my friend Daniel and I became friends. Daniel told Karen everything about Vincent. A month ago they would've gone visit the memorial they had built for Vincent. The day would've been extra emotional because Vincent had been dead for exactlt two years. Only Karen never showed, she was spending the day with you." Matthews eyes widened in shock. "Daniel was already angry that Karen became friends with you, because the two of you aren't exactly 'buddy-buddy', but he got over that. But when Karen frogot about that day, he lost it. The day after he texted Karen to meet him and then he just lost it. They yelled at each other and words were said they both didn't mean. "

"So why blame it on me?" Matthews wondered. "It is a way for Karen not to blame herself, because Daniel already does that, and it is a way for me not to chose between my boyfriend and my best friend."

"Have you seen Karen?"

"No I haven't seen her since PE and that was 4th period."

"Thanks, Alice, for everything."

"No problem, Matthews."


After school Matthews went over to Gibbs' place and knocked on the front door. "KAREN CRANSTON, OPEN UP!"
Karen opened the front door and glared at her friend. "It's DiNozzo now, and what do you want?"

"Alice told me what happened." She knew he was referring to what happened between her and Daniel. She already felt bad enough about what happened, but she knew he would have a lot of questions. She let Matthews in and closed the door. They sat down on the couch and Karen waited for him to speak.

"Karen." He spoke up, "Alice told me you had missed Vincent's memorial with Daniel, because you were with me." Karen nod slowly. "But you weren't. So Karen where were you really?"

Karen glanced down at her feet and Matthews immediately knew it was bad. "Karen what is going on?"

"There was this case that metro PD had. A serial killer was killing young girls with blonde hair and blue green eyes. A friend of my father, who was the detective on the case, contacted my dad when he realised all the victims looked like me. NCIS took over the case and Gibbs forced me to stay here. I had Dorney follow me around everywhere I went. When I met with Daniel it was here. Dorney was here too in the kitchen. I made up some crappy story that I was hanging out with you because I didn't want Daniel or Alice to worry."

"Oh my god." He spoke up after a minute, "D-did you catch him?"

"No, he is still out there. He hasn't killed for 3 weeks. Gibbs brings me to school every morning and Dorney always picks me up. Just to make sure I am safe."

"What happened today?"

"The stress got to much for me, so I went home, alone. I just texted Dorney that I am here so he doesn't have to worry about where I am."

"Why don't tell Daniel the truth now?"

"For his safety and Alice's."

"But you told me."

"Well that's because you are very persuasive." He grinned at the blonde and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his side, cuddling with her. "I'm glad you're okay."

The front door slammed open and Dorney walked in. "Karen! Oh god- Oh hello, uh am I, uh-"

"Hi Dorney." Matthews smirked. "Why did you go home by yourself?!" Dorney almost yelled at Karen, "It is not safe!"

"I texted you. And look, I am safe."

"Karen.." He warned her, "Gibbs will not be happy and not to mention your dad."

"They won't get angry if they don't know." She smirked at him and she did not expect for him to smirk back, but he did. He reached out his hand, "Come on." Karen rolled her eyes. "If you do it, I will also not tell your dad or Gibbs about your little cuddling session."

Karen groaned as she stood up and grabbed her wallet out of her bag. She grabbed 20 dollars and handed it to Dorney. "Thank you," He told her, "Have a nice day." He waved to Matthews and walked out of the house.

Matthews grinned as he held his arms out, making Karen grinn back as she sat back down on the couch and cuddled into his side, her head laying on his chest. She felt the butterflies in her stomach, but she decided to ignore them.

They were just friends anyways.



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