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''No, Daniel, you can't chose between those two!'' McGee raised a brow as he wondered what the two teens were talking about in Abby's lab. He just got out of the elevator and that was the first thing he heard. ''What is going on?'' He asked as he walked into the lab.

''McGee, oh god, McGee we need your help.'' Karen walked over to him and grabbed his arm. She pulled him with her until he was standing in front of Daniel. ''This idiot here says that Sherlock is better than Doctor Who, but I say that you shouldn't even try to pick one and that they are both equally awesome.'' McGee chuckled, ''Sorry, Dan, I agree with Karen on this one.''

Karen grinned and Daniel stuck his tongue out at her. McGee smiled at the pair, happy that they were friends again. He hated to see Karen so sad when they had the fight, scared to tell him the truth. But McGee had to get back to work, ''Where is Abby?''

''In the back room.'' McGee nod and walked to the back room.

As soon as he was out of sight Karen gave Daniel a headslap, something she got from Gibbs. ''See I told you.'' Daniel rubbed the back of his head with his palm, ''Ow, that hurts ya know.''

''Oh shut up you big baby.''


''Sit.'' Karen pointed at the couch. McGee was already sitting on the couch in Tony's apartment with a bowl with popcorn in his hands. ''Why? What are we going to watch? Porn?''

''Oh god, dad, just sit down.'' Tony raised a brow at his little girl and sat down on the other end of the couch, Karen plopped between them. ''You ready for greatness?'' Tony just nod, to afraid to say anything. She was a little scary sometimes, he thought she got that from her mother and that it got worse while spending time with Gibbs.

The first thing he saw on the screen was shots from war and a few moments later a man waking up in his bed. ''Hey that's the guy who plays the Hobbit.'' He was proud of himself that he recognized him and called himself a 'true movie fan' inside his head. ''Shhhh.'' Tony felt a little offended but focused his eyes on the screen anyways.


''O my god, that was awesome.'' He had just watched Sherlock and Doctor Who and felt like he was on cloud 9. ''Told you.'' McGee told him with a smirk. "I know.." Tony paused, "You were actually right, McGoo."

McGee laughed as he stood up, "It was really fun, but I am going home."

"Things going good with Delilah?" Karen asked as she walked alongside McGee to the front door. "Yeah, things are going great."

"Good, that's good." McGee smiled at the shorter girl and put on his coat. "Bye, Karen. See you tomorrow." He opened the door. "Bye Tony!" He yelled towards the man who was still sitting on the couch. He said 'bye' one last time and walked out of the door. Karen closed the door behind him and walked back towards the couch.

"So staying over again, huh?" Tony asked. "Yup, should I take the couch?" Tony smiled wrapped an arm around Karen's shoulder, "Nah, I got a question for you."

"What is it?"

"You came here about eight months ago, we had a rough start, but our bonding time is going pretty well, right?" Karen nod. "You got my last name already and now there is something else I wanna ask you."

"What?" She was getting impatient, what did the man wanna ask her?

"Will you move in with me. So we can be a real family. Father and daughter living in a house, together. Not just stupid sleepovers." Karen's mouth opened in shock. "Look it's fine if you don't want to, but you are my little girl and I want you around more often. If you want to we can start looking for a place tomorrow. A nice home, for the both of us."

She was quiet for a few seconds, making Tony think she didn't want to. But then she wrapped her arms around him, a wide grinn on her face, "Yes dad, I will move in with you."

Tears gathered in Tony's eyes. After 3 months he started to have a bond with her, at 6 months she took his last name and at 8 months they are gonna move in together.

They were a team, Anthony DiNozzo Junior and his little girl Karen DiNozzo.

He couldn't be happier.

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