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''When will your boyfriend stop glaring at me..'' Karen huffed as she noticed Daniel glaring at her in chemistry class. ''You really hurt his feelings, K.'' Alice mumbled, so the teacher wouldn't hear them. ''Yeah, well maybe I would've apologized if he didn't say those things to me.'' Karen wrote down the new notes from the whiteboard. ''What did he say exactly.''

''You're a such a stupid slut for hanging out with Matthews, no wonder your father didn't want you at first.''

''He actually said that?'' Alice eyes widened in shock. She never thought her boyfriend would say anything like that, she would have to whoop his ass for it later. ''Yes. Best friend of the year right?''

''I'm so gonna kick his ass.''

''Maybe you shou-'' Karen's sentence was cut of by Mrs. Ryan's voice. ''Karen, sweetheart, I know you have amazing grades, but you still need to be quiet in my class and not distract Miss Williams. Thank you.'' Daniel snickered which also caught Mrs Ryan's attention, ''That also goes for you, Mr Booth, if I recall correctly your grades aren't that good.''

Mrs Ryan continued her class after that and soon enough it was lunch break and Karen and Alice walked through the hallways side by side. ''You should sit with Daniel and I.'' Alice suddenly spoke. ''Alice, you know I can't do that. We both know Daniel will cause a scene.''





''I will give you 10 bux.''

''Deal.'' Alice handed Karen the money and they both sat down, Karen across from Daniel and Alice right next to him. ''Oh look who it is, the traitor.''

''Oh look, it is the Drama Queen.'' Karen retorted , causing a small smile on Alice's face. ''Well I am not the one who leaves her friends behind for manwhores.'' Karen looked down at her food suddenly not feeling so hungry. She could keep up the additude and piss Daniel of even more, but she wasn't in the mood for that. She wanted to tell her friends about what really happened, about the serial killer who is most likely after her. She wanted to tell them, all of it. But she didn't want to put them in danger.

''So, you got nothing to say anymore?'' Alice slapped Daniel's arm for that. Yes, Karen thought, I have a lot to say. Her head started to hurt and she started to become dizzy, all the stress got to much for her. She stood up and grabbed her back, ''I gotta go.'' She could hear Alice call her name as she walked away. She walked faster and faster and then she broke out in a run. She ran out of the school, heart beating fast, not caring if people looked at her like she was an idiot. The stress was to much, she wanted it to be over. Why did someone have to go after her? Why? What did she ever do wrong to the world?

She collapsed on a bench, not to far from the school. She took deep breaths, trying to calm down, but it didn't work. She felt someone sat down next to her and when she looked to the side she was shocked to see Daniel. He put a hand on her shoulder, a worried expression across his face, ''You okay, Karen?''

With that she lost it. She threw her arms around him and started to cry. ''No, no. I am not okay. I'm so sorry.'' She choked on a sob, ''I-I'm so s-sorry, Dani.'' He rubbed cirkles on her back, ''It's fine, Karebear. I'm sorry too.''

She pulled back, red face, hair a mess, marscara all over her cheeks. ''No, it's not just that. I am sorry for lying to you. I'm so sorry.'' She hugged him again not wanting to let her best friend go. ''Huh, what did you ever lie about?''

''I-I wasn't at Matthews on the anniversary of Vincent's death.'' She paused, ''I was at home in protetive custody.''

''What? Why?'' His arms thightend around her. He was worried about his best friend. Why didn't she just tell him? Why keep it a secret?

''A serial killing is killing girls that look like me.'' He pulled back, ''Killing as in, he is still out there?'' Karen nod looking down at the bench. ''Why didn't you tell me?'' Karen looked up into his brown eyes, ''I could've put you in danger.''

''I don't even give a shit about that.'' His words shocked her. ''I just want my best friend to be safe.'' He pulled her closer, not caring that the break was probably over and they were late for class. ''You know what,'' He spoke, ''Let's go to my car, to your house and skip the rest of the day.''

''Gibbs will be pissed.''

''Not if you tell him what just happened.''

''What about Alice?''

''Alice was brought by her mother.''

Karen nod, ''Okay, fine.'' They both stood up. ''So besties?'' Daniel held his arm out for her. ''Besties.'' Karen locked arms with him and they walked through the car. Not caring about missing school or that Karen's face was covered in mascara smudges or that their coats will still in their lockers.

They were best friends, their fight was over and they both knew that a friendship like theirs will last forever.

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